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Generating Efficient APK by Reducing Size & Improving Performance

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Slides Slides: ● Presentation with GIFs: ● Speakerdeck:

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When we announced #DevFestAhm Source:

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When registration started Source:

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Thank You all for coming for my session Source:

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Smart Phones Ecosystem

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Limited Battery

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Limited Battery Limited Storage

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Limited Battery Limited Storage Limited RAM

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Limited Battery Limited Storage Limited RAM Limited processing power

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Limited Battery Limited Storage Limited RAM Limited processing power Limited Data/Network Connectivity

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Limited Battery Limited Storage Limited RAM Limited processing power Limited Data/Network Connectivity Billion Users

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Why Apk size is important?

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Those big and bloated apk... Source:

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And when you can’t use such big apk That moment when apk is crashing Waste of user’s time Waste of user’s data pack Source:

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Because everyone doesn’t have OnePlus Source:

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Why apk size is important? 1. Internet connectivity 2. Device specifications 3. Billion Users: To get your next billion users

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1. Internet Connectivity Limited internet connectivity (In growing countries like India) Limited data pack/plan Costly data plan (Each bytes affects user’s wallet) Large app size causes longer time to download All users don’t have good internet bandwidth/connectivity

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The Average Internet Speed In India: Steady Progress Source:

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Good news: 4G is getting rolled out in India Source:

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2. Device specifications Device specification includes: Storage , Battery, RAM, Processing Power Low/Mid range devices have 8GB/16GB storage Low/Mid range devices have 1GB/2GB RAM Lesser the storage your app uses, user can enjoy more apps and can store more pictures/videos All users don’t have higher specification devices

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Google IO 2017 - Points > 100M users came online in 2016 1B 2G devices expected in 2020 50% of India is on 2G 33% users run out of storage in India every day Data is expensive – it costs ~$2 to download a 40MB free app in India Source: Google IO 2017 &

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Apk size has an impact on How fast your app loads How much memory it uses How much power it consumes

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What goes inside apk Let’s Analyse using Apk Analyser

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Case Study Let’s take my any project P.S. It’s already partially optimised

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Assumption We all follow at least some optimisations

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Raw File size: Actual size of the apk file

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Download size: Estimated size of file for the new installations (Google play store server highly optimised file)

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res: contains all the resources files like images, menus, layouts, etc. (those resources which aren’t compiled into resources.arsc)

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assets: Contains the app's assets like fonts

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classes.dex: dex file which contains all the byte code files of your java code that will run on Dalvik/ART virtual machine

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lib: Contains the compiled code that is specific to the software layer of a processor.

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resources.arsc: Contains compiled resources. Contains the XML content from all configurations of the res/values/ folder.

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META-INF: Contains the CERT.SF and CERT.RSA signature files, as well as the MANIFEST.MF manifest file

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AndroidManifest.xml: Contains the core Android manifest file

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Files to concentrate on res + assets + classes.dex + lib + resources.arsc = 98.7%

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1. Reduce ‘res’ count & size

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Remove unused resources Analyse -> Inspect code...

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[Result] Remove unused resources `res` Reduction => 54.9% to 48.1% = Total 6.8% reduction Raw File Size => 24.1 MB to 21.9 MB = -2.2 MB Download Size => 21.8 MB to 19.7 MB = -2.1 MB

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Shrinking resources android { buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true } }

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[Result] Shrinking resources `res` Reduction => 48.1% to 46.3% = Total 1.8% reduction Raw File Size => 21.9 MB to 21.2 MB = -0.7 MB Download Size => 19.7 MB to 19 MB = -0.7 MB

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Exclude Sparse Translation android { defaultConfig { resConfigs "en", "fr" } }

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[Result] Exclude Sparse Translation Raw File Size => 21.2 MB to 20.5 MB = -0.7 MB Download Size => 19 MB to 18.9 MB = -0.1 MB

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Reusing resources Scenario: ic_arrow_collapse & ic_arrow_expand Include only one set of icons Create RotateDrawable for another

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Reusing resources - setColorFilter Include only one set of icons Apply color filter PorterDuff.Mode mMode = PorterDuff.Mode.SRC_ATOP; Drawable d = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.ic_tier_pressure_fluid); d.setColorFilter(ContextCompat.getColor(this, R.color.colorAccent),mMode);

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Shape Drawables Using XML, you can create simple set of shapes Occupies less memory than actual images

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Vector Drawables Based on Vector Graphics Scaled without loss of display quality, means same file is resized for different screen densities without loss of image quality VectorDrawable & VectorDrawableCompat AnimatedVectorDrawable & AnimatedVectorDrawableCompat

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Vector Asset Studio

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Crunch PNG files aapt tool can optimize the image resources placed in res/drawable/ with lossless compression can convert a true color PNG that does not require more than 256 colors to an 8-bit PNG with a color palette. With Android plugin for Gradle 3.0.0 , AAPT2 is now enabled by default. android { aaptOptions { cruncherEnabled true } }

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Optimise PNG images Command Utility tools PngCrush, pngquant for Lossy compression Pngquant has a GUI tool - ImageOptim for Mac

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Optimise PNG images - ImageOptim

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Optimise video files HD Quality videos are not required for mobile apps Compress it using tools available over web

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Step 1 - Result Raw File Size => 24.1 MB to 17.3 MB = -6.8 MB Download Size => 21.8 MB to 15.7 MB = -6.1 MB

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2. Reduce ‘assets’ size

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Use downloadable fonts Remove font files from ‘assets’ folder Use downloadable fonts

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How does Downloadable font works A font provider is an application that retrieves fonts and caches them locally so other apps can request and share fonts.

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Step 2 - Result Raw File Size => 17.3 MB to 14.6 MB = -2.7 MB Download Size => 15.7 MB to 13 MB = -2.7 MB

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Reduce ‘dex’ count & size

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Minifying code android { buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true } } }

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Proguard buildTypes { release { minifyEnabled true shrinkResources true proguardFiles getDefaultProguardFile('proguard-android.txt'), '' proguardFile "$project.rootDir/settings/proguard_files/" proguardFile "$project.rootDir/settings/proguard_files/" proguardFile "$project.rootDir/settings/proguard_files/" proguardFile "$project.rootDir/settings/proguard_files/" proguardFile "$project.rootDir/settings/proguard_files/" } ... ... } }

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Analyze and maintain dependencies You never know which sdk/libraries includes what dependencies ./gradlew app:dependencies

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Analyse dependencies +--- | +--- | | +--- | | | +--- | | | \--- android.arch.lifecycle:runtime:1.0.0 | | | +--- android.arch.lifecycle:common:1.0.0 | | | | \--- | | | +--- android.arch.core:common:1.0.0 | | | | \--- | | | \--- | | +--- | | | +--- | | | \--- (*) | | +--- | | | +--- | | | \--- (*) | | +--- | | | +--- | | | \--- (*) | | \--- | | +--- (*) | | +--- (*) | | \--- (*)

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Analyze and maintain dependencies Exclude repetitive dependencies Benefits: ● Can avoid version conflicts ● Can avoid multiple copy of same sdk

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Analyze and maintain dependencies dependencies { ... ... compile('') { exclude group: "" // exclude group: "" // exclude group: "com.personagraph" exclude group: "com.flurry" exclude group: "" } compile ("jp.wasabeef:recyclerview-animators:2.2.6") { exclude group: "" } }

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Google play services Include only required sub-sdks from Google play service compile '' + rootProject.ext.PLAY_SERVICE_LIB_VERSION compile '' + rootProject.ext.PLAY_SERVICE_LIB_VERSION compile '' + rootProject.ext.PLAY_SERVICE_LIB_VERSION compile '' + rootProject.ext.PLAY_SERVICE_LIB_VERSION compile '' + rootProject.ext.PLAY_SERVICE_LIB_VERSION

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Reduce native ‘libs’ code

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Remove deprecated httpclient jars Remove legacy jars ● Httpclient-4.5.2.jar ● Httpcore-4.4.4.jar useLibrary 'org.apache.http.legacy'

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[Result] Remove deprecated httpclient jars Raw File Size => 14.6 MB to 14.5 MB = -0.1 MB

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Splitting apks Configure multiple apks for different densities Configure multiple apks for different CPU architecture (ABI)

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Configure multiple apks for densities android { ... splits { // Configures multiple APKs based on screen density. density { // Configures multiple APKs based on screen density. enable true // Specifies a list of screen densities Gradle should not create multiple APKs for. exclude "ldpi", "xxhdpi", "xxxhdpi" // Specifies a list of compatible screen size settings for the manifest. compatibleScreens 'small', 'normal', 'large', 'xlarge' } } }

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Configure multiple apks for ABIs android { ... splits { // Configures multiple APKs based on ABI. abi { // Enables building multiple APKs per ABI. enable true // By default all ABIs are included, so use reset() and include to specify that we only // want APKs for x86, armeabi-v7a, and mips. // Resets the list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for to none. reset() // Specifies a list of ABIs that Gradle should create APKs for. include "x86", "armeabi-v7a", "mips" // Specifies that we do not want to also generate a universal APK that includes all ABIs. universalApk false } } }

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Total Savings ??

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Total Savings Raw File Size => 24.1 MB to 14.5 MB = -9.4 MB Download Size => 21.8 MB to 13 MB = -8.8 MB Notes: ● Splitting is not applied yet ● This was already partially optimised, as all devs used to follow at least some optimisations

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Remember Lesser is always better Less number of files = low maintenance time Less number of files = reduced apk size = faster loading time Lesser the apk size = faster the download time Less number of files = faster building time

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+PareshMayani @pareshmayani Technical Lead - Android @ Simform Manager, GDG Ahmedabad

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No Questions!!

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Thank You! Paresh Mayani @pareshmayani Slides: ● Presentation with GIFs: ● Speakerdeck: