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Frequently Asked Questions
Recommended Lennox Filters
Lennox suggests using filters like Healthy Climate
Carbon Clean 16, MERV 16, MERV 11, and MERV 8 for
optimal performance and air quality.
Filter Replacement Frequency
Lennox recommends changing the air filter every
3 months, or more often if using a higher MERV
filter or in homes with pets, allergies, or high dust.
Filter Lifespan
Lennox air filters typically last 3 to 6 months,
depending on factors like air quality, household
size, and the presence of pets.
Finding Filter Size
The filter size is printed on the side of the Lennox
filter and is expressed in three dimensions (length,
width, depth).
MERV Rating Considerations
HVAC technicians recommend using a filter with
a MERV rating between 8 and 13 for residential use,
ensuring a balance between filtration and airflow.
Cleaning Lennox Filters
Lennox air filters are not designed to be cleaned
and reused, and should be replaced when dirty or
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