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Reproducible Phylogenetics Dave Lunt, Amir Szitenberg, Max John, Mark Blaxter slides available: software:

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How can I do this? Reproducible Phylogenetics talk outline in questions Whats wrong with phylogenetics now? What are advantages of reproducibility to me?

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Genomics is going to break it Whats wrong with phylogenetics now? Lack of reproducibility is a problem We don’t take advantage of computing environment advances my view is I’ll explain……

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Phylogenetics is everywhere

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Phylogenetics is everywhere Pubmed has ~100,000 articles with phylog* in title / abstract in >700 different journals

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Phylogenetics is everywhere We are in the new age of phylogenomics a scale of data we are badly prepared to analyse

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We are in the new age of phylogenomics a scale of data we are badly prepared to analyse Algorithm bottlenecks Human bottlenecks

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What is reproducible phylogenetics and why is it important?

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Can you get their data?

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Can you get their data? Alignments as well as raw data?

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Can you get their data? Trees? ((raccoon:19.19959,bear:6.80041):0.84600,((sea_lion:11.99700, seal: 12.00300):7.52973,((monkey:100.85930,cat:47.14069):20.59201, weasel: 18.87953):2.09460):3.87382,dog:25.46154);

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Can you get their data? Do alignments & trees share taxon names with figures?

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Can you get their software?

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Can you get their software? Do you know which version they used?

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Can you get their software? Do you know the parameters they ran?

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Can you exactly reproduce the figures from their paper? or are figures just pictures of results rather than results

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If you can’t reproduce the work is it science? Science is iterative, building on previous work

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“If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants” Isaac Newton

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Reproducibility is a very hot topic in bioinformatics but has had little influence on phylogenetics

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It is likely to be compulsory in the future Reproducibility is the right thing to do

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What are the advantages of reproducibility to me?

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Reproducibility will make your life much easier The rest of the talk looks at advantages to you

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Reproducibility will make your life much easier Who will replicate your analysis?

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Reproducibility will make your life much easier Who will replicate your analysis? Future you!

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Reproducibility will make your life much easier Hinders reproducibility Does not scale manual data processing is ‘old phylogenetics’ widespread programmatic approaches are required

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Reproducibility will make your life much easier Current phylogenetics is not experimental How often have you tested the effect of Clustal parameter choices?

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Reproducible scripted ‘pipelines’ are inherently experimental experimental phylogenetics

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Reproducibility leads to experimental phylogenetics support gap trimming ‘relaxedness’ a synthetic example: tree replicates built from alignments constructed with 10 different alignment parameters

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What is minimally required for reproducibility?

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What is minimally required for reproducibility? Should we really be aiming for minimal? archive it all

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Computational pipelines make complete reproducibility as easy as minimal reproducibility Only human users are concerned with minimal reproducibility

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Computational pipelines make this trivial All these things are done automatically “Frictionless” reproducibility How do I do this? Reproducible phylogenetics All these challenges are solved-problems for computer scientists

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ReproPhylo reproducible phylogenetics environment v1.0

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• Open phylogenetics environment • Uses standards • Frictionless reproducibility • Platform independent • Fast ReproPhylo Software: v1.0 Users welcome! Manual:

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ReproPhylo is an environment and approach not phylogenetic tree building software GenBank sequences and metadata Your sequences, alignments, trees Your metadata

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Automatic archiving of ALL Text report of all actions, analyses and results trees, alignments, sequences, metadata, provenance, methods & journal friendly zip files html electronic lab notebook automatically written, ease to browse Copy and paste Methods section for journals ReproPhylo is an environment and approach not phylogenetic tree building software

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ReproPhylo runs in user- friendly IPython notebook Analysis pipelines provided Edit to specify your data, and modify any parameters you wish, then run, inspect, repeat

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ReproPhylo runs in user- friendly IPython notebook Mixture of user manual & analysis framework change a parameter and hit Run

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code output Exploratory Data Analysis example

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Exploratory Data Analysis check this? real data Dunn et al 2008 doi:10.1038/nature06614

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Exploratory Data Analysis Dunn et al 2008 doi:10.1038/nature06614 real data

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Meta data is retained tree can be labelled, or stat test done, with any data that can be harvested from original genbank file (or any other associated data file) sponge tree with morphological annotations at tips

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Electronic lab book Pipeline writes a human-readable text/html file documenting the experiment and outcomes including Methods section Data provenance and version control included Easy archiving for journal submission

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ReproPhylo writes very extensive Results automatically alignment statistics

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Allows experimental hypothesis- testing phylogenomics ReproPhylo opens new doors ReproPhylo ReproPhylo is environment & approach not tree building algorithm more than reproducibility

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ReproPhylo and molecular evolution Similar approach gives reproducible, comparative evolutionary genomics Amir Szitenberg Comparative genomics of transposon evolution Friday 11.20

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Reproducible Phylogenetics Dave Lunt, Amir Szitenberg, Max John, Mark Blaxter ReproPhylo slides available: software: