Slide 5
Slide 5 text
Some of the methods for Feature Extraction include:
- Attribute importance using Minimum Description Length
- Feature Extraction methods that use a transformation/translation/rotation of the original attribute
axis, or a decomposition of the original variables into a set of matrices, like:
- (PCA) Principal Component Analysis,
- (SVD) Singular Value Decomposition,
- (NMF) Non-Negative Matrix Factorization,
- (EM) Expectation-Maximization,
- CUR Matrix Decomposition,
- Explicit Semantic Analysis for NLP and information retrieval.
Using transformations or simply the exclusion of variables/columns with lower relationship with the
target is helpful when building predictive models with machine learning, and because good data
preparation is usually 90% of the work, Feature Extraction might be a key element to assist in a better
Feature Extraction
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