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The Snowball E ff ect of Open Source Armin @mitsuhiko Ronacher Sentry

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Hi I’m Armin and I Love and Live Open Source

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 Open Source 
 est. 2004

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Flask, Werkzeug, Jinja, Twig, Pygments, Sphinx, Insta, Sentry, …

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Flask, Werkzeug, Jinja, Twig, Pygments, Sphinx, Insta, Sentry, …

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The Open Source Lifestyle

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Direct and Open Communication Outcome Based Networking Con fl ict Resolution and Diplomacy International Community Building

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How Jinja met Sentry — how I met David

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2004 The Journey Begins

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“Microsoft is bad, let's use Linux”

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hacked around on phpBB for Ubuntu, wanted to port it to Python

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Python didn't have the right tools an itch to scratch:

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Jinja was born

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2007-03-26T17:48:20 have any of you looked into jinja? 
 2007-03-26T17:51:52 zeeg: me. but i don't count ;) 
 2007-03-26T17:56:38 zeeg: if you have questions fell free to poke me :)

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Group Django Errors in a Database an itch to scratch:

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Sentry was born

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commit 3c2e87573d3bd16f61cf08fece0638cc47a4fc22 (HEAD) 
 Author: David Cramer 
 Date: Mon May 12 16:26:19 2008 +0000 
 initial working code

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independent projects, not much in common, but we kept crossing paths

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went to the same conferences

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used by the same communities

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similar licensing ideas

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endurance and perseverance

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adjusting to change

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I expected Jinja to die a long time ago

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Projects adjust to new environments

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JavaScript changed things

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Licensing Matters

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You can't force people to contribute back

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Do you want people to walk away?

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I want everybody 
 to use it

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A license is only as good as your enforcement

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Non Monetary Payo ff s

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got my fi rst job via Open Source

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I found international relationships via Open Source

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Sentry got its fi rst customers via Open Source

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Sentry bene fi ts and shares contributions to core technologies

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Money Matters

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maybe you need a business model and revenue stream

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not every Open Source project must make money, but make that call early

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services are easier to monetize, libraries need subsiziding

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consider license restrictions to stay true to your goals.

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Open Source in Companies

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some things take a lot of effort, and many folks need to do it

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There are benefits to collaboration, and very few risks to a business

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Take a bold step and Open Source internal tech and start collaborating

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