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Concourse CI
Stuff you’ll like
Concourse is a response to
the complexity introduced
by other systems. It is built
on the idea that the best
tools can be learned in one
Concourse is optimized for
quickly navigating to the
pages you most care about.
A single click takes you from
a pipeline view to the log of
a job's latest failing build.
Isolated Builds
Build pollution is a constant
threat, and the workers have
to constantly be tweaked to
make sure they're providing
the right things for every
Scalable, reproducible
No Concourse deployment is
a snowflake. There are no
boxes to check; no config
happens at runtime.
Performance & Cost
Easily horizontally scalable
using BOSH to add worker
nodes; Nodes can be
destroyed out of hours
Local iteration
No more: push, build fails.
Fix config, push, build fails...
20 commits later, a green
dot and a messy repo