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Javascript in the real world

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Andrew Nesbitt @teabass

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Bertie @BertramRabbit Mr April 2014

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Any application that can be written in JavaScript, will eventually be written in JavaScript

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Buildcat Alex Potsides

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Hardware hacking with Javascript

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Why JAvascript?

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Higher Level

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Lower Barriers

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Javascript is popular 871,108 JS repos on github

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Internet of things

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var five = require("johnny-five"); var board = new five.Board(); board.on("ready", function() { led = new five.Led({ pin: 9 }); board.repl.inject({ led: led }); led.pulse(500); this.wait( 10000, function() { led.stop().off(); }); });

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Kinect Controlled Arm

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Biped Nodebot

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Cat Laser Toy

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Rabbit Laser Toy

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var five = require("johnny-five"), board = new five.Board(); function randomFromInterval(from,to){ return Math.floor(Math.random()*(to-from+1)+from); } board.on("ready", function() { var servoX = new five.Servo(10); var servoY = new five.Servo(9); var laser = new five.Led(8); laser.on() setInterval(function(){ x = randomFromInterval(80, 120) y = randomFromInterval(95, 145) servoX.move(x) servoY.move(y) }, 400) })

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Sparkfun Inventors Kit

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var Ev3 = require ("ev3-nodejs-bt"); var Ev3_base = Ev3.base; var XboxController = require('xbox-controller'); var xbox = new XboxController; var robot = new Ev3_base("/dev/tty.EV3-SerialPort"); var maxAngle = 32768; var maxSpeed = 100; var speeds = { a: 0, b: 0, c: 0, d: 0 };

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robot.connect(function(){ robot.start_program(function(ev3){ var setSpeed = function(){ var output = ev3.getOutputSequence(speeds.a,speeds.b,speeds.c,speeds.d); ev3.sp.write(output); } setInterval(setSpeed, 100) xbox.on('left:move', function(position){ var x = -(position.x / maxAngle)*-maxSpeed var y = (position.y / maxAngle)*-maxSpeed var left = y-x var right = y+x speeds.b = left speeds.a = right }) xbox.on('a:press', function(){ speeds.d = 100 }) xbox.on('a:release', function(){ speeds.d = 0 }) }); });

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Linux running on lego

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Programmatic Flying Robots

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HD Camera Downfacing camera Gyroscope Wifi 1GHz CPU Linux Accelerometer Magnetometer Ultrasound

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var arDrone = require('ar-drone'); var client = arDrone.createClient(); client.takeoff(); client .after(5000, function() { this.clockwise(0.5); }) .after(3000, function() { this.animate('flipLeft', 15); }) .after(1000, function() { this.stop();; });

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QR CodeR

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Dance Dance Drone

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Quadcopters as a Service

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robot laser pong

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JavaSCript Microcontrollers

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Arduino Yun

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£70 £21 £30 £55 Lua based Tiny-js Node.js or browser Node.js plug and play Hacker friendly Tiny computer Arduino++

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JavaSCript Hardware in the browser

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In Development Vibration api Ambient light sensor Proximity sensor TCP Socket API

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Future? UDP Datagram Socket API WebNFC WebUSB WebBluetooth

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Go forth and make robots

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No animals were harmed in the making of this presentation Thanks!

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Bonus Content

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Kinect Drone

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Makey Makey

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Rabbit Photo Booth

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var video = document.getElementById("v"), canvas = document.getElementById("c"), div = document.getElementById('images'); navigator.mozGetUserMedia({video: true}, function(stream) { video.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(stream); }); takePhoto = function(){ canvas.getContext("2d").drawImage(video, 0, 0, 300, 300); var img = canvas.toDataURL("image/png"); var image = new Image(); image.width = 320 image.height = 240 div.appendChild(image); image.src = img; } window.onkeypress = function(k){ if(k.charCode === 103){ takePhoto() } }

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