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ERB, ancient and future Beyond Journey's End

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About me Masatoshi Seki Ruby Core Committer (dRuby, Rinda, ERB) toRuby / Tochigi Ruby Meetup Pokémon TCG, WCS 2010 Tochigi Pref. winner 2

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About me Masatoshi Seki Ruby Core Committer (dRuby, Rinda, ERB) toRuby / Tochigi Ruby Meetup Pokémon TCG, WCS 2010 Tochigi Pref. winner 40年くらいプログラマだよ 3

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About me Masatoshi Seki Ruby Core Committer (dRuby, Rinda, ERB) toRuby / Tochigi Ruby Meetup Pokémon TCG, WCS 2010 Tochigi Pref. winner Complex embedded systems with concurrency and GUI 4 Gallstones

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About me Masatoshi Seki Ruby Core Committer (dRuby, Rinda, ERB) toRuby / Tochigi Ruby Meetup Pokémon TCG, WCS 2010 Tochigi Pref. winner I wrote them in 1999-2000 5

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About me Masatoshi Seki Ruby Core Committer (dRuby, Rinda, ERB) toRuby / Tochigi Ruby Meetup Pokémon TCG, WCS 2010 Tochigi Pref. winner I wrote them in 1999-2000 6

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About me Masatoshi Seki Ruby Core Committer (dRuby, Rinda, ERB) toRuby / Tochigi Ruby Meetup Pokémon TCG, WCS 2010 Tochigi Pref. winner 7 Makoto Inoue Web Developer @ New Bamboo (UK) Translator of “The dRuby Book” Rails is A Follower what we can learn from dRuby’s metaprogramming magic Masatoshi SEKI Makoto Inoue

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About me Masatoshi Seki Ruby Core Committer (dRuby, Rinda, ERB) toRuby / Tochigi Ruby Meetup Pokémon TCG, WCS 2010 Tochigi Pref. winner 8 Big Bird. (scaling twitter) Rinda • Shared Queue (TupleSpace) • Built with DRb • RingyDingy makes it stupid easy • See Eric Hodel’s documentation • O(N) for take(). Sigh.

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About me Masatoshi Seki Ruby Core Committer (dRuby, Rinda, ERB) toRuby / Tochigi Ruby Meetup Pokémon TCG, WCS 2010 Tochigi Pref. winner 9

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About me Masatoshi Seki Ruby Core Committer (dRuby, Rinda, ERB) toRuby / Tochigi Ruby Meetup Pokémon TCG, WCS 2010 Tochigi Pref. winner 第205回toRubyは2024-06-05 10 情報デザインのロゴ

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About me Masatoshi Seki Ruby Core Committer (dRuby, Rinda, ERB) toRuby / Tochigi Ruby Meetup Pokémon TCG, WCS 2010 Tochigi Pref. winner RubyKaigi 2022, 2023 11

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Agenda ERB conjecture Rails-compatible ERB 14

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Ancient ERB conjecture ERB予想 15 1999

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Before ERB When I posted a template engine that replaces &entity;, Shugo told me about his plans for eRuby. ruby-dev:5286 (1999-02-19) Re: htmlelem.rb (Re: HTML generator) 16 1999

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eRuby specs ePerlの影響を強くうけているみたいだぞ 17 print ≒ <%= .. %> !? I'm not the one implementing it (Tsundere) ePerl! ? Shugo CEO was a part-time worker at the time. 1999

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ePerl !? e is for embedded. 文書にPerlが埋め込まれてる感じみたい 18 ... !> !? mod_perl !!! 1999

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I'll write it embedding control structures 😊 CGI-oriented 😭 CGIに寄せすぎでは? 19 1999

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Hello, World. 20 Hello, World. print "Hello, World.\n"

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Hello, World. 21

<% print "Hello, World!" %> <%= "Hello, World! %>

print "

\n" print "Hello, World!" print "Hello, World!" print "


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control structure 22
    <% ENV.each do |row| %>
  • <%= row[0] %>
  • <% end %>
print "
    \n" ENV.each do |row| print "
  • "; print row[0]; print "
  • \n" end print "

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Remember CGI? $stdout → HTTP response CGI・おぼえていますか 23 puts %Q{Content-Type: text/html} puts puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{
    } ENV.each do |row| puts %Q!
  • #{row[0]}
  • ! end puts %Q{
} puts %Q{} puts %Q{} Content-Type: text/html
  • ...

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Remember CGI? $stdout → HTTP response CGI・おぼえていますか 24 puts %Q{Content-Type: text/html} puts puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{
    } ENV.each do |row| puts %Q!
  • #{row[0]}
  • ! end puts %Q{
} puts %Q{} puts %Q{} Content-Type: text/html
  • ...
puts puts puts

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Rewrite puts to eRuby Stringの式展開では制御構造が書きにくい(書ける?)のだがeRubyならかんたん 25 puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{} puts %Q{
    } ENV.each do |row| puts %Q!
  • #{row[0]}
  • ! end puts %Q{
} puts %Q{} puts %Q{}
    <% ENV.each do |row| %>
  • <%= row[0] %>
  • <% end %>

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This specification is not good CGI programming style will change in the near future Page generation becomes more complex Will change to something more server-like 26 1999

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becomes more complex Part of the page will be generated by a method Helper? 27

report hoge

    <% result.each do |row| %>
  • <%= format_date( %>
  • <% end %>
def format_date(date) date.strftime("%Y-%m-%d") end ERB conjecture 1999

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becomes more complex nest common header, navigation, footer and content 標準出力に出すよりも連結した方がよいのでは? 28 ERB conjecture <%= header %> <%= navi %> <%= content %> <%= footer %> 1999

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CGI programming model will change A long-lived server is required due to preprocessing costs and information exchange between requests. e.g. dRuby + ERB Concurrency and $stdout will conflict 29 ERB conjecture 1999

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ERb and ERbLight ERb - eRuby's spec, like a command ERbLight - eRuby w/o $stdout, String concatenation a library, build the page using String instead of puts() Support writing Ruby applications using eRuby notation 30 1999

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Ruby x 256 book Legendary hacker explains the power of this specification 2001, ASCII たださんとartonさんがeRuby/dRubyを絶賛するすごい本 31 2001

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renamed ERbLight to ERB And ERB was included in Ruby's standard library. ERb is obsolete ERb is obsolete 32 2003

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25 years have passed almost correct ! ERB-inspired libraries make me happy Merb, Rails... 自分用のライブラリは自分で書いてるけど、そういうものがあるのはうれしい 33 2024 ERB conjecture

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Usage, ERB#result 34 >>'Hello World').result => "Hello World" >>'1 + 1 = <%= 1 + 1 %>').result => "1 + 1 = 2"

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ERB#src Translate eRuby to Ruby _erboutという変数に結果を連結する 35
    <% list.each do |row| %>
  • <%= row %>
  • <% end %>
>> puts erb.src #coding:UTF-8 _erbout = +''; _erbout.<< "
    \n".freeze ; list.each do |row| ; _erbout.<< "\n
  • ".freeze ; _erbout.<<(( row ).to_s); _erbout.<< "
  • \n".freeze ; end ; _erbout.<< "\n
\n".freeze ; _erbout

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ERB#result with binding binding 36
    <% list.each do |row| %>
  • <%= row %>
  • <% end %>
>> erb = >> list = [1, 'two', 3.0] >> erb.result(binding) => "
  • 1 li>\n\n
  • two
  • \n\n
  • 3.0 li>\n\n

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ERB#def_method def_method(mod, methodname, fname='(ERB)') 37 class Foo def initialize(arg) @list = arg end< <% @list.each do |row| %>
  • <%= row %>
  • <% end %> EOS end Foo#bar instance var unpopular features

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    ERB#def_method Avoid parsing the source multiple times Compose with small template objects Used only in Ikezawa's products 38 unpopular features

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    Proc in template Case study: Create a survey page with similar questions repeatedly Each question has a large table with an answer column Element IDs and form names must be unique Write in one template ↑矢板市北部で一番Herokuを使ってる「情報デザイン」のロゴ 39 Q A Q A Q A Q A Q A

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    Actual survey page

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    Each question has an answer sheet... !?

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    Each cell has detailed answer tables 10MB HTML

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    Proc in template 43 <% t = do |arg| %>

    Answer column for <%= arg %>

    ... <% end %>

    Question 1

    this is the first question <%"q1") %>

    Question 2

    That's the second question <%"q2") %>

    Question 1

    this is the first question

    Answer column for q1


    Question 2

    That's the second question

    Answer column for q2

    ... call

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    Proc in template いやなことを思い出した 44 <% t = do |arg| %>

    Answer column for <%= arg %>

    ... <% end %>

    Question 1

    this is the first question <%"q1") %>

    Question 2

    That's the second question <%"q2") %>

    Question 1

    this is the first question

    Answer column for q1


    Question 2

    That's the second question

    Answer column for q2

    ... call

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    Future Rails-compatible ERB 45

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    RubyConf 2014 46 2014

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    I tried やりましょう 47 I noticed this 2 years ago, ! And asked Seki-san if we could extend ERB to be "Rails compatible" before Ruby 2.0 release 2012

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    and gave up できませんでした 48 But gave up. ! Because he didn't like this part in ActionView + Erubis ! BLOCK_EXPR = /\s+(do|\{)(\s*\|[^|]*\|)?\s*\Z/ ! This code scans the template with the Regexp and detects the Ruby block, but this kind of code could be imperfect ! So this is not acceptable as an ERB spec, said Seki- san.

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    Railsに正規表現でブロックの開始を検知して処理を切り替えるコードがあった 49 That is why this syntax is not acceptable in ERB <%= form_for @article do |f| %> ... <% end %>

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    Maybe it's solved I noticed this while writing the slides for RWC2023. 50 2023

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    <%= ... %> to_s 51 <%= 1i ** 0.5 %> #coding:UTF-8 _erbout = +''; _erbout.<<(( 1i ** 0.5 ).to_s); _erbout.<< "\n".freeze ; _erbout

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    <%= ... %> with block ブロック付きメソッドを <%= ... %>に置くのが難しい 52 <%= form_with do %> ... <% end %>

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    <%= ... %> with block こうなっちゃう 53 <%= form_with do %> ... <% end %> #coding:UTF-8 _erbout = +''; _erbout.<<(( form_with do ).to_s); _erbout.<< "\n ... \n".freeze ; end ; _erbout.<< "\n".freeze ; _erbout

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    (( ... ).to_s) ((...).to_s)の括弧がじゃまなのでバッファクラスへ移動すればよい? 54 <%= form_with do %> ... <% end %> #coding:UTF-8 _erbout = +''; _erbout.<<(( form_with do ).to_s); _erbout.<< "\n ... \n".freeze ; end ; _erbout.<< "\n".freeze ; _erbout

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    Customizable Rubyへの変換方法はカスタマイズできる 55 <%= form_with do %> ... <% end %> #coding:UTF-8 _erbout = +''; _erbout.<<(( form_with do ).to_s); _erbout.<< "\n ... \n".freeze ; end ; _erbout.<< "\n".freeze ; _erbout

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    Ruby is difficult Rubyむずかしい 56 _erbout << h("str") # OK _erbout << h "str" # SyntaxError <<と括弧なし のメソッド呼び 出し

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    Ruby is difficult Rubyむずかしい 57 _erbout << h("str") # OK _erbout << h "str" # SyntaxError _erbout.concat h "str" # OK but .... _erbout.concat form_with "arg" do |arg| # NG ... # end # concatʹϒϩοΫ͕౉Δ <<と括弧なし のメソッド呼び 出し <<でなくふつうのメソッド呼び出しにしても このブロックはconcatのブロック引数になる

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    Ruby is difficult Rubyむずかしい 58 _erbout << h("str") # OK _erbout << h "str" # SyntaxError _erbout = h "str" # _erbout = form_with "arg" do |arg| # ... end _erbout.concat h "str" # OK but .... _erbout.concat form_with "arg" do |arg| # NG ... # end # concatʹϒϩοΫ͕౉Δ 代入なら大丈夫なのに... <<と括弧なし のメソッド呼び 出し <<でなくふつうのメソッド呼び出しにしても このブロックはconcatのブロック引数になる

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    Addition Asignment += works fine 代入しながらメソッド呼べばよい? 59 _erbout += h "str" # OK _erbout += form_with "arg" do |arg| # OK ... end

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    ERBOut result buffer 60 class ERBOut Buffer = String # SafeBuffer if rails def initialize(s='') @str = end def to_s @str end def <<(other) @str << other end def +(other) @str << other.to_s self end def capture(*arg, &block) save = @str @str = yield(*arg) return @str ensure @str = save end end

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    ERBOut result buffer 61 class ERBOut Buffer = String # SafeBuffer if rails def initialize(s='') @str = end def to_s @str end def <<(other) @str << other end def +(other) @str << other.to_s self end def capture(*arg, &block) save = @str @str = yield(*arg) return @str ensure @str = save end end

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    ERBOut result buffer many tricks + 62 class ERBOut Buffer = String # SafeBuffer if rails def initialize(s='') @str = end def to_s @str end def <<(other) @str << other end def +(other) @str << other.to_s self end def capture(*arg, &block) save = @str @str = yield(*arg) return @str ensure @str = save end end normalize and concatenate return itself

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    ERBOut result buffer many tricks + capture 63 class ERBOut Buffer = String # SafeBuffer if rails def initialize(s='') @str = end def to_s @str end def <<(other) @str << other end def +(other) @str << other.to_s self end def capture(*arg, &block) save = @str @str = yield(*arg) return @str ensure @str = save end end save restore call block and capture

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    なんかできちゃった 64 <%= form_with do %> ... <% end %> #coding:UTF-8 _erbout =; _erbout += form_with do ; _erbout << "\n ...\n".freeze ; end ; _erbout << "\n".freeze ; _erbout.to_s result buffer addition assignment

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    capture ブロックのローカル変数をさわってcaptureのしかけを呼び出す 65 def capture(*arg, &block) block.binding.local_variable_get(:_erbout).capture(*arg, &block) end <% it = capture do %> ... <% end %> このブロックのbinding local var :_erbout of block

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    I want someone to make it work in a Rails environment. I made no progress since last year 進捗ダメです 66

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    Agenda ERB conjecture Rails-compatible ERB 67

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    One more thing ... 68

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    One more thing ... 69