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State of the Mobile Browser

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> 1 Billion users have a modern browser.

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Every device has to have a "decent" browser.

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The browser is still the most used application.

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Rounded Corners

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Naive Look

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What is your mobile traffic?

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> 50% "We now have more users engaging with Google+ from mobile than desktop." - IO 2012

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Mobile The important bits

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Performance Where do you look?

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Developers look at the .... Network (time to glass)

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I also think UI Jank (time to frustration)

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Lumpiness = Less Engagement

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They have to hack it up like crazy Its no longer your father's HTML. ● Just a

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Where are the bottlenecks? ● Javascript? ● DOM manipulation? ● Paint?

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It's not just the JS + Re-Layouts. + Re-paints + Decode time X X

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Go home and measure [email protected]

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Wot Consistent Platform?

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100% Support Mostly boring stuff

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Media Queries 100%

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Geolocation 86%

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Offline 86%

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Native developers build online in

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Web developers build offline in

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Adding offline is a lot harder than online

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Camera Access Demo 86%

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SVG 80% It would be 100% if not for Android < 3

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Flex Box It would be 100% if not for Android < 3 80%

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WebSQL Database 86%

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IndexedDB 3% Reaching 3% of the web you might as well use any API you want....

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Thinking about storage in terms of API's is wrong

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WebSockets 86% On mobile use wss (secure sockets)

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Device Orientation 67% window.ondeviceorientation = function(event) { // process event.alpha, event.beta and event.gamma };

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FileReader 66%

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requestAnimationFrame 44%

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Web Audio 40%

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The following might look depressing

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But it's really exciting

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Shadow DOM 3%

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getUserMedia 2% navigator.getUserMedia( {audio:true, video: true}, function(stream) { videoEl.src = URL.createObjectURL(stream); });

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WebRTC 1%

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WebGL 1% Demo:

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CSS Filters 43%? img { -webkit-filter: blur(30px); }

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CSS Custom Shaders 0%

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The mobile web is a rich platform

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Go and do moar Awesome