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Coroutine Retrofit Android Developer Day

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Raka Adi Nugroho Software Engineer @Tokopedia Kadang nongkrong di

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Say Hello to Coroutine What is that Why Coroutine? What can Coroutine Do? Agenda Coroutine met Retrofit

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Coroutine Basic Usage Feel Code with Coroutine Goals Explore more about Coroutine

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Lagging? oh no!

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Asynchrony refers to the occurrence of events independent of the main program flow and ways to deal with such events - wikipedia

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On Android

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On Android

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Google developers highly recommend using Kotlin Coroutines for doing asynchronous work and when integrating Jetpack.

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Coroutine? A coroutine is a concurrency design pattern that you can use on Android to simplify code that executes asynchronously.

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Coroutine? The Kotlin team defines coroutines as “lightweight threads” Coroutines similar to Threads Coroutine #1 Coroutine #N Thread

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Concurrency? Parallel?

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Concurrency? Parallel? Concurrency is Structure | Parallel is execution

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Suspending Coroutine #1 Thread Backbone of Coroutine

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Job Cancellable has Lifecycle Destroy(s) when Complete Deffered Implement Job await() to get Result Coroutine Job

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launch fire forget return as Job async fire giving result return as Deffered runBlocking Blocks current Thread Coroutine Builder

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Solve 2 Primary Problem Manage long-running tasks that might otherwise block the main thread and cause your app to freeze. Providing main-safety, or safely calling network or disk operations from the main thread.

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Solve 2 Primary Problem Manage long-running tasks that might otherwise block the main thread and cause your app to freeze. Providing main-safety, or safely calling network or disk operations from the main thread.

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Http Communication

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Welcome! Retrofit 2.6.0

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Before 2.6.0

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After 2.6.0

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After 2.6.0 1 2 3

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1 2 Jetpack Suspend Search Journal Coroutine # Search Resume Search Journal

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1 2 Jetpack

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Hmmm... Suspending Function Just Return Single Result!

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Coroutines Flow

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Coroutines Flow

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Coroutines Flow 1 2 3

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Coroutines Flow

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Coroutines Flow

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How to transfer a stream of values?

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Coroutine Channel(s)

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Channels provide a way to transfer a stream of values.

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illustration - Problem

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illustrations - Solution

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Sample - 1 1 2 3

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Sample - 2 1 2

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Sample - 2 1 2

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Sample - 2 1 2

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Wrap Up > Coroutines make asynchronous easily > Support to Several Android JetPack > Kotlin! yeah > Coroutine could be Alternative Solution

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Reference Coroutine 101 - Kotlin Everywhere

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