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Hacking Your Emotional Firewall v1.0 8/1/2024

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Slide 2 text John Sawers Associate Director of Product Engineering at Privia Health he/his/him

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Slide 3 text What’s Coming •Station Wagons •Descartes •Firewalls •TCP Handshakes •This One Weird Trick for Successful Therapy •Algorithms For Emotional Connection

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“I feel like my body is a station wagon in which I drive my brain around, like a suburban mother taking the kids to hockey practice.”[1] — Douglas Coupland, Microserfs

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Slide 5 text A Firewall •Let’s imagine there is a fi rewall between our minds and our bodies •Mind on the inside, body on the outside •The cause of the disconnect

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Slide 6 text Illustration

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Slide 7 text How A Firewall Works

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Slide 8 text How A Firewall Works DENY DENY DENY DENY

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Slide 9 text Taught To Ignore Our Bodies The signals are blocked

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Slide 10 text How It Gets Built

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Slide 11 text How It Gets Built •Cleaning Your Plate

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Slide 12 text How It Gets Built •Cleaning Your Plate •Going To The Bathroom

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Slide 13 text How It Gets Built •Cleaning Your Plate •Going To The Bathroom •Hugging a Relative

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Slide 14 text •Cleaning Your Plate •Going To The Bathroom •Hugging a Relative •Emotions We Don’t Understand or Can’t Process How It Gets Built

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Slide 15 text How It Applies To Adults •Overwork •Exploitative Work •Abusive Relationships

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Slide 16 text The Solution Is Connection “You will be able to have increased willpower, stronger rationale, and the ability to respond to the present-day situation with behaviors that are most reasonable.”[2] — Dr. Douglas Tataryn

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Slide 17 text A Detour Into TCP

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Slide 18 text Transmission Control Protocol “TCP is connection-oriented, meaning that sender and receiver fi rstly needs to establish a connection based on agreed parameters; they do this through three-way handshake procedure. The server must be listening (passive open) for connection requests from clients before a connection is established.”[3]

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Slide 19 text TCP Handshake SYN SYN-ACK ACK

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Slide 20 text Your Body “Emotional Response s are activated in the body, in response the the world around you.”[4] — Dr. Douglas Tataryn

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Slide 21 text Body and Society We didn’t start the fi rewall

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Slide 22 text Descartes No, that’s not him

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Slide 23 text “This is Descartes' error: …the separation of the most re fi ned operations of mind from the structure and operation of a biological organism.”[5] —Antonio Damasio

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Slide 24 text Serotonin The gut provides approximately 95% of total body serotonin[6]

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Slide 25 text Gut-Brain Axis The gut-brain axis is a bidirectional communication network that links the enteric and central nervous systems. The … nerves within the gastrointestinal tract, all link the gut and the brain, allowing the brain to in fl uence intestinal activities, including activity of functional immune effector cells; and the gut to in fl uence mood, cognition, and mental health.[6]

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Slide 26 text HOWTO Connect To Our Bodies How do we overcome this conditioning that tells us our bodies are separate? How do we overcome the alienation of these parts of ourselves? How do we receive the valuable messages from disconnected parts?

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Slide 27 text Peeking Around The Firewall

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Slide 28 text I found a good algorithm Two, actually.

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Slide 29 text NEDERA The Nedera Process is resonance-based emotional processing. Emotional responses are activated in the body, in response to the world around you. You then interpret those emotions through your unique, personal lens of interpretation, and create a story about what it means and how you should react to it.[7] — Dr. Douglas Tataryn

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Slide 30 text Focusing Created by Dr. Eugene Gendlin, Focusing is a process that integrates feeling and thinking, body and mind.

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Slide 31 text The Felt Sense •The determining factor in therapeutic success •Body Based •Compassionate •A Learnable Skill

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Slide 32 text My TODO List

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Slide 33 text Focusing 1. Clear a space 1. Space cleared

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1. Clear a space 2. Felt sense SYN Focusing

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1. Clear a space 2. Felt sense SYN Focusing 1. Space cleared 2. Felt Sense appears

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1. Clear a space 2. Felt sense 3. Finding a handle SYN Focusing

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Slide 37 text 1. Space cleared 2. Felt Sense appears 3. Handle: Spikey Iron Ball 4. Worthless, then a shift 1. Clear a space 2. Felt sense 3. Finding a handle 4. Resonating 5. Asking 6. Receiving SYN-ACK SYN ACK Focusing

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Slide 38 text SYN-ACK SYN 1. Space cleared 2. Felt Sense appears 3. Handle: Spikey Iron Ball 4. Worthless, then a shift 5. Powerless, then a shift 1. Clear a space 2. Felt sense 3. Finding a handle 4. Resonating 5. Asking 6. Receiving ACK Focusing

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1. Clear a space 2. Felt sense 3. Finding a handle 4. Resonating 5. Asking 6. Receiving SYN-ACK SYN ACK 1. Space cleared 2. Felt Sense appears 3. Handle: Spikey Iron Ball 4. Worthless, then a shift 5. Powerless, then a shift 6. Hopeless, then a shift Focusing

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1. Clear a space 2. Felt sense 3. Finding a handle 4. Resonating 5. Asking 6. Receiving SYN-ACK SYN ACK 1. Space cleared 2. Felt Sense appears 3. Handle: Spikey Iron Ball 4. Worthless, then a shift 5. Powerless, then a shift 6. Hopeless, then a shift 7.“I can never succeed”, then a shift Focusing

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Slide 41 text ACK

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Slide 42 text SYN City

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Slide 43 text What’s Next There are great things ahead for you when you do this work. Purpose, wholeness, con fi dence The Bodymind, this treatment of the body as an essential part of the self is a part of many different therapeutic approaches, because it works.

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Slide 44 text Paths Forward: Focusing Focusing is an experiential, embodied and evidence-based practice of self-re fl ection.[8]

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Slide 45 text Paths Forward: Bio-Emotive The Bio-Emotive Framework advocates for the healthy acknowledgement, understanding, and expression of emotions, for all people.[9]

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Slide 46 text Paths Forward: Polyvagal Polyvagal Theory emphasizes the role the autonomic nervous system plays in regulating our health and behavior.[10]

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Slide 47 text Paths Forward: Somatics Somatic Therapy holds that the body is a largely untapped resource for psychotherapy[11]

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Slide 48 text Internal Family Systems: combines systems thinking with the view that the mind is made up of relatively discrete subpersonalities, each with its own unique viewpoint and qualities.[12] Paths Forward: IFS

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Slide 49 text TCP is connection-oriented

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Be Like TCP Be Connection-Oriented

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Hacking Your Emotional Firewall Thank You So Much! fi rewall-talk/ •References •Slides •Videos, including “Hacking Your Emotional API” •Links •Workshops Visit this link for: