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 Type Contracts Generation — Valentin Fondaratov Hiroshima, September 2017 A tale about better code analysis @valich @fondarat

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Why Types Matter An IDE Perspective

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An IDE Perspective — • Where does the method go? (aka Resolution)

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An IDE Perspective — • Where does the method go? (aka Resolution) • Bug prediction (aka NameError)

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An IDE Perspective — • Where does the method go? (aka Resolution) • Bug prediction (aka NameError) • IDE goodness (aka Speed)

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An IDE Perspective — • Where does the method go? (aka Resolution) • Bug prediction (aka NameError) • IDE goodness (aka Speed) • Rename refactoring (aka Safety),

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An IDE Perspective — • Where does the method go? (aka Resolution) • Bug prediction (aka NameError) • IDE goodness (aka Speed) • Rename refactoring (aka Safety),

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Why Types Matter A non-IDE Perspective

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 is an industry standard solution — © Inspecting 2184 files ....................................................................................................................... ..............................................................................................................W........ ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................................................................................................... ....................................W.................................................................................. ....................................................................................................................... ........................ Offenses: actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/system_test_case.rb:109:7: C: Use 2 (not 11) spaces for indentation., screen_size) ^^^^^^^^^^^ actionpack/lib/action_dispatch/system_test_case.rb:112:16: W: end at 112, 15 is not aligned with driver = if at 108, 6. end ^^^ guides/rails_guides/markdown/renderer.rb:104:18: W: end at 104, 17 is not aligned with path = case at 97, 10. end ^^^ guides/rails_guides/markdown/renderer.rb:106:1: C: Extra blank line detected. 2184 files inspected, 4 offenses detected

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Missed errors — RuboCop does its job quite well suggesting following Ruby Code Style.
 The real error on line 5 is missed, though.
 (downcase is not a method of Hash) Inspecting 1 file C Offenses: rubocop_fails.rb:1:1: C: Missing frozen string literal comment. x = "123" ^ rubocop_fails.rb:1:5: C: Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols. x = "123" ^^^^^ rubocop_fails.rb:4:5: C: Space inside { missing. x = {:a => '1', :b => '2', :c => '3'} ^ rubocop_fails.rb:4:6: C: Use the new Ruby 1.9 hash syntax. x = {:a => '1', :b => '2', :c => '3'} ^^^^^ rubocop_fails.rb:4:17: C: Use the new Ruby 1.9 hash syntax. x = {:a => '1', :b => '2', :c => '3'} ^^^^^ rubocop_fails.rb:4:28: C: Use the new Ruby 1.9 hash syntax. x = {:a => '1', :b => '2', :c => '3'} ^^^^^ rubocop_fails.rb:4:37: C: Space inside } missing. x = {:a => '1', :b => '2', :c => '3'} ^ 1 file inspected, 7 offenses detected

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Static analysis can detect more — RubyMine, for example, can detect such errors. Notice that this unresolved warning 
 is not screaming red. We’ll see why.

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Ruby DSLs
 are hard
 to analyse — Ruby core features, readability and elegance, have a price. Inability
 to properly verify the programs 
 is one of the compromises.
 What type does @photo variable have?

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“Beware of bugs in the above code;
 I have only proved it correct, not tried it” Donald E. Knuth

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“Beware of bugs in the above code;
 I have only proved it correct, not tried it” Donald E. Knuth “Program testing can be used 
 to show the presence of bugs, 
 but never to show their absence!” Edsger W. Dijkstra

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Coverage is a lie — Any composition of 2+ branching methods requires cross product of branches tests. Without static analysis and proper inspections we are limited by • Running tests (uncaught bugs we call “regressions”), • Looking through the code with debugger and verifying manually (after each change??), • Testing with users in production :)

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There is so much more
 we can have by running
 the tests Than just checking the answers

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Analysing RSpec::Matchers —

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Analysing RSpec::Matchers —

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Analysing RSpec::Matchers —

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//demo/gif —

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//demo/gif —

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How it works — The process behind the magic:

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How it works — The process behind the magic: 1. Attach to Ruby VM to collect the types for all calls,

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How it works — The process behind the magic: 1. Attach to Ruby VM to collect the types for all calls, 2. Transform raw call data into type contracts,

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How it works — The process behind the magic: 1. Attach to Ruby VM to collect the types for all calls, 2. Transform raw call data into type contracts, 3. Collect and share the data.

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How it works — The process behind the magic: 1. Attach to Ruby VM to collect the types for all calls, 2. Transform raw call data into type contracts, 3. Collect and share the data.

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Retrieving the data with TracePoint API — TracePoint is a class allowing 
 to hook several Ruby VM events
 like method calls and returns 
 and get any data through Binding

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Retrieving the data with TracePoint API — TracePoint is a class allowing 
 to hook several Ruby VM events
 like method calls and returns 
 and get any data through Binding

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Retrieving the data with TracePoint API — TracePoint is a class allowing 
 to hook several Ruby VM events
 like method calls and returns 
 and get any data through Binding

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Retrieving the data with TracePoint API — TracePoint is a class allowing 
 to hook several Ruby VM events
 like method calls and returns 
 and get any data through Binding

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Retrieving the data with TracePoint API — TracePoint is a class allowing 
 to hook several Ruby VM events
 like method calls and returns 
 and get any data through Binding

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Unspecified arguments — One can’t distinguish default parameter values from the passed ones.
 If a method is defined dynamically, there is no way to derive which types
 will be passed.
 What type does foo() return? (Int) -> Int (String) -> String foo() = ?

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Optional parameters — YARV compiles code into the bytecode. Note that instructions for filling in 
 the default values are present, 
 independent on usages. When optional parameters are passed,
 VM just skips these instructions.

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Optional parameters — YARV compiles code into the bytecode. Note that instructions for filling in 
 the default values are present, 
 independent on usages. When optional parameters are passed,
 VM just skips these instructions.

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Optional parameters — YARV compiles code into the bytecode. Note that instructions for filling in 
 the default values are present, 
 independent on usages. When optional parameters are passed,
 VM just skips these instructions.

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Optional parameters — YARV compiles code into the bytecode. Note that instructions for filling in 
 the default values are present, 
 independent on usages. When optional parameters are passed,
 VM just skips these instructions.

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Optional parameters — rb_control_frame_t const VALUE *pc; const rb_iseq_t *iseq; PC

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Optional parameters — rb_control_frame_t const VALUE *pc; const rb_iseq_t *iseq; PC

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Resources —

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How it works — The process behind the magic: 1. Attach to Ruby VM to collect the types for all calls, 2. Transform raw call data into type contracts, 3. Collect and share the data.

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Type Tuples — str.split(pattern=nil, [limit]) -> anArray

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Type Tuples — str.split(pattern=nil, [limit]) -> anArray

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Type Tuples — str.split(pattern=nil, [limit]) -> anArray Method calls Type tuples

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Too much data — str.split(pattern=nil, [limit]) -> anArray

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Too much data — str.split(pattern=nil, [limit]) -> anArray

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Too much data — str.split(pattern=nil, [limit]) -> anArray

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Too much data — str.split(pattern=nil, [limit]) -> anArray

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Too much data — str.split(pattern=nil, [limit]) -> anArray

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Too much data — str.split(pattern=nil, [limit]) -> anArray

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Too much data — str.split(pattern=nil, [limit]) -> anArray split(, nil) ? !

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Too much data — str.split(pattern=nil, [limit]) -> anArray ? ? split(, )

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Too much data —

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Too much data —

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Too much data —

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A worse example —

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Template automatons —

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Equality masks —

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Equality masks — Param0 Param1 Param2 Equals to Param0 Equals to Param1 {} {1} {11}

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Equality masks —

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Merge —

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Merge —

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Merge —

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Merge — + Merge

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Merge — + Merge Quack inference?

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//demo/ —

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//demo/ —

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How it works — The process behind the magic: 1. Attach to Ruby VM to collect the types for all calls, 2. Transform raw call data into type contracts, 3. Collect and share the data.

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Q. How do I collect the data?

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Q. How do I collect the data? A. Run tests.

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Q. How do I collect the data? A. Run tests.

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Q. How do I collect the data? A. Run tests. Q. How do I collect more data?

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Q. How do I collect the data? A. Run tests. Q. How do I collect more data? A. Run more tests.

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Q. How do I collect the data? A. Run tests. Q. How do I collect more data? A. Run more tests.

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Q. How do I collect the data? A. Run tests. Q. How do I collect more data? A. Run more tests. Q. How do I collect so much data that the type contracts obtain exhaustiveness, i.e. become true?

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Q. How do I collect the data? A. Run tests. Q. How do I collect more data? A. Run more tests. Q. How do I collect so much data that the type contracts obtain exhaustiveness, i.e. become true? A. Cooperate with others to run even MORE TESTS.

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Community effort — Project1 Project2 … ProjectN

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Community effort — Project1 Project2 … ProjectN

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Community effort — Project1 Project2 … ProjectN Contracts1 Contracts2 ContractsN Spec Spec Spec

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Community effort — Project1 Project2 … ProjectN Contracts1 Contracts2 ContractsN Spec Spec Spec “Devise Annotated”, ‘4.2’ M E R G E

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Community effort — Contract
 Diffs Rails 5 4.2 4.1 capybara
 +selenium 2.12.0 2.11.0 “Ruby weekly”.tar.gz Rubyists Cloud Storage

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Community effort — Contract
 Diffs Rails 5 4.2 4.1 capybara
 +selenium 2.12.0 2.11.0 “Ruby weekly”.tar.gz Rubyists Cloud Storage

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A single team may not have
 100% test coverage. A community is likely to have.

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Tooling —

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Tooling — • IDE goodness

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Tooling — • IDE goodness • Code verification

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Tooling — • IDE goodness • Code verification • Guided Optimization

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Contribute — This might be a viable alternative to explicit
 type annotations which is contradictory.
 We have a chance to make Ruby 
 much more “static” for analysis
 while preserving its
 power and beauty.

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