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Mobile Scale Web Applications using Amazon Web Services! Ben Whaley @iAmTheWhaley!

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Mobile scale! 3.5-4 billion mobile phones! vs ~1.8 billion PCs!

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Mobile scale! Weeks of product development, not months or years!

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Mobile scale! ~1.2 million apps each in the Apple App Store and Google Play!

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Mobile scale! 1-5 trillion photos taken in 2014 ! vs  ~80  billion  in  1999  

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Mobile scale! Impact of Internet of Things still TBD!

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“Smartphones liberate the internet from the browser in the same way that the browser liberated it from the command line”! ! !! ! !!- Benedict Evans!

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Mature mobile platforms! •  Use the cloud to enable rich native apps! •  Blur the line between apps and the web! •  Hyperlocal via iBeacons & NFC! •  “Mobile” is no longer “smartphone”! – Car tech! – Watches! – TV! – Google glass!

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Mobile is powered by APIs
 (APIs live in the cloud)!

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Key Business Drivers! •  API-driven interfaces! •  Data pipelines for business analytics! •  Improved availability! •  Elasticity for ! – Cost savings! – Capacity on demand! •  Focus on core competencies!

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Designing for Mobile Scale, in Four Parts!

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Part I: Network!

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The Foundation! •  The first ubiquitous SDN! •  Create and configure via! –  Console! –  API! –  CloudFormation! •  Key features include:! –  Custom route tables! –  Public and private subnets! –  Security groups! –  Network ACLs! –  Native support for many AWS services! –  VPN Gateways! –  Intra-region peering! !

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Infrastructure VPC Subnet Design Public web Private Services Persistence Availability Zone A Availability Zone B Availability Zone C us-east-1 Infrastructure VPC Subnet Design Public web Private Services Persistence Availability Zone A Availability Zone B Availability Zone C us-east-1

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us-east-1 Application A us-east-1 Application B Micronets!

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us-east-1 Development us-east-1 Test us-east-1 Staging us-east-1 Production Environment Separation!

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us-east-1 Application A eu-west-1 Application A us-west-2 Application A ap-southeast-1 Application A Cross-region VPCs! VPN Gateway! or! Direct Connect!

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•  Principle of Least Privilege realized! •  Use a private subnets when inbound connections are not required! •  Reduces overall Internet-facing footprint! •  Per application security groups! •  Allow access by group, not CIDR! •  Separate cross-subnet access using ACLs! VPC Security Benefits!

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•  Intra-zone: < 1ms! •  Intra-region: < 5ms! •  Between VPCs: < 5ms, with SSL +20-40ms! •  us-west-2 – us-east-1: ~100ms! •  us-east-1 – eu-west-1: ~100ms! •  us-east-1 – ap-southeast-1: ~250ms! Latency Considerations!

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Part II: Systems!

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“Construct a highly agile and highly available service from ephemeral and often broken components”! ! ! !! !- Adrian Cockcroft! ! ! “The simpler, the better. Complications lead to multiplicative chains of unanticipated effects.”! ! - Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Antifragile!

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AWS System Design! •  n+2 redundancy! n n+1 n+2

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AWS System Design! •  n+2 redundancy! •  Compute resources are ephemeral! n n+1 n+2 n+3 n+4 n+5

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AWS System Design! •  n+2 redundancy! •  Compute resources are ephemeral! •  Infrastructure captured as code! "Resources" : {! "Ec2Instance" : {! "Type" : "AWS::EC2::Instance", ! "Properties" : {! "ImageId" : { "Fn::FindInMap" : [ "AWSRegionArch2AMI", { "Ref" : "AWS::Region" }, "PV64" ]},! "KeyName" : { "Ref" : "KeyName" },! "InstanceType" : "m1.small",! "SecurityGroups" : [{ "Ref" : "Ec2SecurityGroup" }],! "BlockDeviceMappings" : [! {! "DeviceName" : "/dev/sdc",! "VirtualName" : "ephemeral0"! }! ]! }! },!

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AWS System Design! •  n+2 redundancy! •  Compute resources are ephemeral! •  Infrastructure captured as code! •  Minimalist operating system!

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AWS System Design! •  n+2 redundancy! •  Compute resources are ephemeral! •  Infrastructure captured as code! •  Minimalist operating system! •  Databases are multi-AZ w/ provisioned IOPS! •  Use read replicas when possible!

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AWS System Design! •  n+2 redundancy! •  Compute resources are ephemeral! •  Infrastructure captured as code! •  Minimalist operating system! •  Databases are multi-AZ w/ provisioned IOPS! •  Use read replicas when possible! •  Who needs internal DNS?!

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AWS System Design! •  n+2 redundancy! •  Compute resources are ephemeral! •  Infrastructure captured as code! •  Minimalist operating system! •  Databases are multi-AZ w/ provisioned IOPS! •  Use read replicas when possible! •  Who needs internal DNS?! •  Tag all the things!

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How baked should you be?! Config  managed  instances   Fully  baked  AMI   Most  users  needs  

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•  Reserved instances! •  Choosing correct instance types:! •  Default to T2 for development, small web services! •  General purpose M3! •  C3 for heavy compute needs! •  R3 for memory intensive apps! •  Use autoscale groups with appropriate triggers and minimums! Cost Optimizations!

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Part III: Applications!

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•  Stateless processes! Cloud Native Application Design! Database App  Server   App  Server  

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•  Stateless processes! •  Loose coupling among services! Cloud Native Application Design! Service  1   Service  2   Service  3   Queue   Queue  

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•  Stateless processes! •  Loose coupling among services! •  Deep instrumentation! Cloud Native Application Design!

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•  Stateless processes! •  Loose coupling among services! •  Deep instrumentation! •  Keep configuration in the environment! Cloud Native Application Design!

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•  Implementation is not complete until there are unit tests! Cloud Native Application Design!

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•  Stateless processes! •  Loose coupling among services! •  Deep instrumentation! •  Keep configuration in the environment! •  Implementation is not complete until there are unit tests! •  Open source by default! Cloud Native Application Design!

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Embracing AWS Services! •  SQS vs AMQP! •  RDS vs on-instance Postgres or MySQL! •  Redshift vs custom data warehouse! •  Elasticache vs on-instance Redis or memcached! •  EMR vs custom Hadoop! •  DynamoDB vs on-instance NoSQL!

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Part IV: Delivery!

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Commit! Build! Test! Deploy!

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Simplified Git Flow! Master   Develop   Feature  1   Feature  2  

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•  Automatically run feature branches in the cloud! Personal Builds! Build server Commit to remote-run branch

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•  On-demand integration environment using Docker containers! Integration Testing! Build server 1. Get  dependencies   2. Run  unit  tests   3. Build     4. Start  containers   5. Run  integraKon  tests  using   containers  as    resources  

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Build Artifact!

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Deployment Approaches!

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Live! Live! Live! New! New! New!! Hybrid!

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Part I: Network
 Part II: Systems
 Part II: Applications
 Part IV: Delivery!

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“And that’s all I have to say about that.”! - Forrest Gump!

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Ben Whaley! !! @iAmTheWhaley!