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Deploying applications to the playstore Harun Wangereka Android Developer @ Apps:Lab

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With over 1 billion monthly active users, Google Play is arguably one of the largest platforms for distributing, promoting, and selling Android apps.

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Release your app to playstore

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Wait, before release lets…..

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...prepare our app for release is a checklist

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Add analytics to your app

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Enable minification/shrink of resources

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Reduce your apk/bundle size

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Use Android App Bundles Benefits for using Android App Bundles ● Stop Managing Multiple APKs ● Benefit from a smaller app in terms of size ● Delivery features on demand, not on install ● Enable modules to run instantly, without install

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Add a crash reporting library ...we have Firebase Crashlytics to the rescue

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Turn off logging and debugging

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Make you app speak several languages

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Better error messages “Unable to parse json response” This is deprecated Ooops something went wrong!

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Test your app on different OS versions and different devices sizes

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Test your app from the security perspective

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Provide proper feedback channels

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Perform in depth performance audit “Remember a tiny leak can sink a large ship”

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Steps for publishing your application ● Create a play store developer account ● Select Create App where you add : a. App Name b. Default Language c. App or Game d. Free or Paid e. Declarations

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● Content of the App ○ App Access ○ Ads ○ Content Rating ○ Target Audience ● How App is organized and Presented ○ App category and contact Details ○ Store Listing

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● Create a release ○ Production ○ Beta ○ Alpha ○ Internal Testing ○ Internal App Sharing

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● Publish your app ○ Select country and regions ○ Create new relese/Select a release ○ Review And Rollout

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“If you follow all the steps above correctly, you’re all set to successfully publish your app. But you can’t sit back and relax just yet. Your work has only just begun.”

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my app is published….

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Do A/B Testing for your app A/B testing helps you test improvements to your app on a subset of your users so you can use data to choose the best solution for your entire user base. What can we A/B Test? 1. App Icon 2. Feature Graphic 3. Screenshots 4. Promo Video 5. Short description 6. Long Description

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Setup merchant account... Now that we have merchant account support in Kenya, take advantage of this opportunity and build apps that users have to pay.

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Developer who had thought that their app was flawless Received the dreaded 1-Star review

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Dealing with 1-star reviews

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Case Study

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..the famous works for me case Avoid this...

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Do this instead ..always thank them for their 1-star Review!

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..of apps suspensions and account banning BANNED

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Follow all Google Play Store Policies to the letter!

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Policies to watch out for ● Calls/SMS Permissions ● Content Type ● Data Related Policies (GDPR Compliance) ● Target Audience - Apps meant for families/children ● Ads ● Background Location Permission NEW

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Policies to watch out for ● Impersonation and Intellectual Properties ● Privacy, Data Security and Deception

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Other things to do ● Setup Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment(CI/CD) ● Logs and Analytics ● Make your app Accessible ● Write tests for your apps ○ UI Tests ○ Unit Testing

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Useful Links ● ● droid-bce9de4f8a74 ● 7dc9 ●

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Thank You! Harun Wangereka Android Developer @ Apps:Lab @wangerekaharun