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Azure Durable Functions Daron Yöndem @daronyondem

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Durable! • Stateful functions • Managed state, checkpoints, and restarts when needed. • Define stateful workflows in orchestrator functions. .

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Workflows you said? • Define workflows in code. No JSON schemas or designers are needed. • They can call other functions synchronously and asynchronously. Output from called functions can be saved to local variables. • They automatically checkpoint their progress whenever the function awaits. Local state is never lost if the process recycles.

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Problem 1 : Function Chaining • No visualization to show relationship between functions and queues. • Middle queues are an implementation detail – conceptual overhead. • Error handling adds a lot more complexity.

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Function chaining DEMO

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Problem 2 : Fan-out/Fan-in • Fanning-out is easy, but fanning-in is more complicated. • Functions offers no help with this scenario today • All the same problems of the previous pattern

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Fan-Out DEMO

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Problem 3 : Eternal Processes • Long running processes • Built-in state management • orchestrationClient or built-in webhooks can be used.

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Problem 4 : Stateful Singletons • Actor like scenarios. • Long-running (possibly endless), stateful, reliable, single- threaded, location-transparent, and globally addressable.

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Stateful Singletons DEMO

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Problem 5 : Human Interaction • Durable timers to wait for external events. • orchestrationClient binding can be used to use built-in bindings.

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Durable Timers DEMO

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Links worth sharing Durable Task Framework • Durable Functions Nuget Package •

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Thanks | @daronyondem Download slides here;