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Kenji Abe - Android, Kotlin GDE / DeNA @STAR_ZERO What's new Android 12 Android 12 1

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Splash screens 2

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3 windowSplashScreenBackground windowSplashScreenAnimatedIcon windowSplashScreenIconBackgroundColor @color/... @drawable/... @color/...

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4 override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { // ... val content: View = findViewById( content.viewTreeObserver.addOnPreDrawListener( object : ViewTreeObserver.OnPreDrawListener { override fun onPreDraw(): Boolean { return if (viewModel.isReady) { // 準備完了 content.viewTreeObserver.removeOnPreDrawListener(this) true } else { // 準備中 false } } } ) }

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5 override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) { // ... splashScreen.setOnExitAnimationListener { splashScreenView -> val animation = ObjectAnimator.ofFloat( /* ... */) animation.duration = 200L animation.doOnEnd { splashScreenView.remove() } animation.start() } }

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RenderEffect 6

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7 imageView.setRenderEffect( RenderEffect.createBlurEffect( 20F, 20F, Shader.TileMode.MIRROR ) )

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Widgets 8

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9 ● @android:dimen/system_app_widget_background_radius ● @android:dimen/system_app_widget_inner_radius Rounded corners

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10 ● CheckBox ● Switch ● RadioButton New compound buttons

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11 // CheckBox remoteView.setCompoundButtonChecked(, true) // RadioGroup remoteView.setRadioGroupChecked(, // Checkイベント remoteView.setOnCheckedChangeResponse(, RemoteViews.RemoteResponse.fromPendingIntent(pendingIntent) )

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12 Responsive layouts

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13 val listView = RemoteViews(...) val gridView = RemoteViews(...) val viewMapping = mapOf( SizeF(150f, 110f) to listView, SizeF(250f, 110f) to gridView ) val removeViews = RemoteViews(viewMapping) appWidgetManager.updateAppWidget(appWidgetId, removeViews)

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14 Preview layout, description

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Toast 15

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Notification 16

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17 Custom notifications

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19 ● 通知から起動したService, Broadcast receiverからActivityを起動できない ● Indirect notification activity start (trampoline) from PACKAGE_NAME blocked Notification trampoline restrictions

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Background Tasks 20

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21 ● 特別なケースを除いて、バックグラウンドからForeground Serviceを実行できなくなる ○ ForegroundServiceStartNotAllowedException ● 特別なケース ○ Notification, Widgetのタップなど ○ high-priorityのFCMメッセージ ○ BOOT_COMPLETED、MY_PACKAGE_REPLACEDのブロードキャスト ○ Foreground service launch restrictions

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22 ● 数分以内に完了する短い重要なタスクをすぐに実行 ● DozeモードやBattery Saverの影響を受けにくい ● WorkManger Expedited jobs

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23 val request = OneTimeWorkRequestBuilder() .setExpedited(OutOfQuotaPolicy.RUN_AS_NON_EXPEDITED_WORK_REQUEST) .build() WorkManager.getInstance(context).enqueue(request) // Worker class SampleWork(...) : CoroutineWorker(...) { override suspend fun doWork(): Result { // ... return Result.success() } override suspend fun getForegroundInfo(): ForegroundInfo { // Android 12未満のときはForeground Service } }

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Approximate location 24

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Bluetooth permissions 26

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● getPrimaryClip でToast表示される ● getPrimaryClipDescription を使って現在のClipboardの情報を取得 Clipboard 27

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Camera, Mic 28

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● アプリの休止状態 ● ストレージの最適化とキャッシュの削除 ● バックグラウンドジョブの停止 ● FCMメッセージの受信停止 App hibernation 30

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Privacy dashboard 32

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Safer component exporting 34

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35 Manifest merger failed : android:exported needs to be explicitly specified for . Apps targeting Android 12 and higher are required to specify an explicit value for `android:exported` when the corresponding component has an intent filter defined. Build error message Lint warning When using intent filters, please specify android:exported as well

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Kenji Abe - Android, Kotlin GDE / DeNA @STAR_ZERO Thank you! rsions/12 Resources 36