Farewell and Welcome Home
Python in Two Genders
Naomi Ceder
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The opinions and life described are my own.
I make no other warranties, either expressed or implied
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It is revolutionary for any trans person
to choose to be seen and visible
in a world that tells us we should not exist.
~Laverne Cox
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When I was born in a small town in Nebraska
the doctor declared, “it’s a boy!”
He was wrong.
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I was transgender
sometime before I was born
my brain chemistry/structure had been set to female
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I didn't really understand at first,
but eventually I learned about
I decided that I could not let this be me...
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(we will never, ever speak of this image again)
I struggled to fit in as boy, so I was a geeky kid
I made telescopes
that was very odd…
but acceptable
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Many years passed...
I discovered
Open Source Software
I started a LUG
I learned Python
(we will never speak of this image
again, either)
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I became involved in the Python community
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Life was good...
But I was still transgender
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It was with me every hour of every day.
I came to think that death was my only way out...
but I wasn’t dying fast enough.
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The only other option…
was to embrace my truth
and transition
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But transition meant giving up
the community, the talks, PyCon, and the rest
that made me sad
but I had to move forward
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Then I started to think...
how could I stay in the community?
what if I transitioned openly?
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There were codes of conduct
people seemed supportive
I decided to take the chance
to transition as openly as possible
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I spoke, I taught, I went to PyCon…
and it was all good
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the summit went well
people were supportive
the more open I was, the easier it was
(for others as well as myself)
The community’s commitment to diversity is real
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So everything’s rainbows and unicorns, right?
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I don’t think we get a cookie...
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I am (almost always) the only (openly)
trans person in the room
I am not “real”
I have become a thing, a curiosity
People are sometimes embarrassed to be seen with me
I have lost friends, family, a career
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My life, my experiences, my emotions
are often the punchline of a joke
Most states won’t protect my right to work,
enter a store, go to the bathroom, or get medical care
I’m much more likely to
be beaten up… or worse
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This is the price I pay to be who I am.
I wouldn’t change if I could.
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I have seen things others haven’t
as both male and female,
as both privileged and marginalized.
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I’ve come to know other women in tech
scary smart women
women who aren't always recognized
women who don't always feel welcome
women who don't always feel safe
I was a newcomer in a world I thought I knew
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I am now often the only woman in the room
I am now “invisible”
I am now ALWAYS judged by my appearance
I can no longer assume personal security
Double standards are now the norm:
as a woman I’m simultaneously “too nice” and
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I’ve learned what it means
to be marginalized.
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If you're marginalized...
Accommodations for you are “special” and “extra”
You're never quite sure you’re welcome
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If you object to (or even just report) something, you are:
“angry” and hurting “your own cause”
“bullying” or starting a “witch hunt”
“asking for it”
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In the business world
there is a “business case” for diversity:
diverse groups solve problems better
skilled team members are precious
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In the open source (and Python) community
shouldn’t the same business case hold?
Doesn’t “Open” imply inclusion and diversity?
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So what do “we” want/need?
Understand that everyone’s different
Codes of Conduct matter
Outreach matters
Allies matter
Safe spaces matter
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“Open”, “Fair”, and “Inclusive”
should be true for
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Thank you
[email protected]
(and please buy my book - http://manning.com/ceder)