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Jakub Kozłowski | Scalar Conf | 22.03.2024 Foraging into embedded lands (The path to) writing Playdate games with Scala

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Who am I? • Technical team lead @ • OSS contributor, smithy4s maintainer • Working on Scala/Smithy tooling on a daily basis • Spending most of my free time dealing with this demon This was in June, she's so much bigger now 😭

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... • I'm also working on a game about my pup's eating habits • ...but it's in C so I won't talk about that today 💀

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Part I: Prelude

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What is the Playdate?

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The Playdate • Small, handheld game console • 16MB RAM! • 168MHz 32-bit ARM CPU! • 400x240 1-bit screen! • No backlight! • O ff icial SDK!

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Making games for the Playdate • O ff icially: C or Lua API • Uno ff icially: Rust, Swift, C++, Fortran, Nim, Typescript, D...

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Mixing Scala and the Playdate (Why this talk exists)

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Why use Scala? • Typed functional programming • ADTs, pattern matching, lambdas, collections • GC • Because I like a challenge! (For game development)

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Now it's time to analyze our options, right? • Consider GraalVM Native Image, or other Embedded Java implementations? • Nah, I just want an excuse to use Scala Native.

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Build target choice Can be executed directly Needs to be loaded at runtime Baked into another library / application at linking (build) time

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Which one shouuld we use? • PD games are built as dynamic libraries • Dependencies on other dylibs not allowed • To call Scala, you need to call ScalaNativeInit() f irst • Thus, we'll need a statically linked SN library

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Part II: The actual devil

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The plan 1. Generate API/SDK bindings 2. Run a Scala game in the simulator 3. Run a Scala game on the device, no GC 4. Add GC 5. Move on to the fun part

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Step 1: bindings • Using sn-bindgen • 🙂 Mostly a breeze • 😐 A couple unnamed structs/unions, simple f ind/ replace to resolve that • 😕 no continuous updates because of the manual step

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Step 2: run in simulator • Pladate SDK includes a simulator (not an emulator) • Runs natively on your platform • On Mac, this is built purely with Clang! • Device builds use arm- speci f ic GCC • Built and ran Scala in one day

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Step 3: run on the device for 32-bit support

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Step 3: run on the device

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Step 3.1: Understanding what's wrong Build steps of a Scala Native program (vastly simpli f ied)

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Step 3.1: Understanding what's wrong • Main sources of errors • Atomics • Delimited continuations support • Stack traces • POSIX APIs • Networking • cwd/pwd/uid • threads • C++ std APIs • GC

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Step 3.2: f ixing the errors

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Step 3.2: f ixing the errors • Atomics • single-threaded environment, shouldn't be necessary (replace with normal swaps and assume it's successful f irst time)

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Atomics - ✅

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Step 3.2: f ixing the errors • Delimited continuations • Just commented out

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Step 3.2: f ixing the errors • Stack traces • I decided to ignore them for my own sanity • Stub out • As a result, any stack traces I see will be useless!

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Step 3.2: f ixing the errors • POSIX APIs • Networking: not used, remove/stub out x20

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Step 3.2: f ixing the errors • POSIX APIs • Cwd/pwd/uid: used when System is initialized. Hardcoded arbitrary values

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Step 3.2: f ixing the errors • POSIX APIs: threads! • Technically, we're single threaded so shouldn't need it... • But MainThread needs to be initialized on startup, e.g. for ThreadLocals which are used even by decoding bytes to String

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Step 3.2: f ixing the errors • POSIX APIs: threads! • MainThread: hardcode identi f ier (it's not gonna be used anyway) • Platform-speci f ic Thread implementation (WindowsThread/ PosixThread), methods can be stubbed as we're not using them

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Step 3.2: f ixing the errors • C++ APIs • SN uses some C++ types (exceptions) • PD SDK doesn't support C++ by default (unde f ined symbols) • For speed, started from playdate- cpp and backtracked to "pure" C with stubs for C++ symbols courtesy of the project • It worked pretty well!

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Step 3.2: f ixing the errors

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Step 3.2: f ixing the errors

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Step 4: GC (long story short) • GC was being a problem • Wojciech Mazur agreed to pair on this, he quickly found the culprit(s) in my changes. • Problem: I had replaced the missing mmap with malloc, meaning the GC couldn't assume allocated memory was contiguous. Solution: allocate all memory in one go. • He also made f ixes to 32-bit GC in the upstream! That f ixed pretty much everything. • Massive thanks, Wojtek!

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Part III: Finale

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Scala gamedev on the Playdate

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Demo time! I hope you've seen Michał's talk...

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I also live in Wrocław And trams are only one of our problems

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Scala dev on PD: basic idea • build a datatype that describes the screen state / events in "game code" • Interpret to side e ff ects in "library code"

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Scala dev on PD: implementation • Split out state updates from rendering • Heavily inspired by Indigo / Tyrian / the elm architecture • No abstraction on top, to allow quick experimentation

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Scala dev on PD: implementation • All functions receive an immutable game context

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Scala dev on PD: init • Init returns a Resource, similar to Cats E ff ect but synchronous • Composes monadically,gets allocated once at startup and cleaned up at shutdown • Haven't needed dynamic resource allocation yet, but I'm looking forward to exploring that space functionally! • Assets are stored in game state, as pointers. Could easily be hidden behind opaque types

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Scala dev on PD: update • Update receives the previous state and the game context • State directly stores events, so update has to clear them by itself • Events are added as part of the update sub-steps

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Scala dev on PD: render • Render receives the state and returns a Render • Just a data structure • (for the most part) • Events such as playing sounds have to be turned into a Render explicitly by render code

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Roadmap • Upstreaming patches to Scala Native • One day, hoping to run without a fork • Cleaning up the build process to remove playdate-cpp • Packaging everything in a library and optional sbt plugin • Expanding and publishing the game

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I was (still am) very new to this • I only had surface-level experience with Scala Native before • Had to learn a lot of new tools and their f lags (clang, ld, objdump, readelf) • Wouldn't have made it if not for the help of many amazing people (SN and Panic side)

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My takeaways • Sometimes there's only one way to f ind out if you can: try • Don't be afraid to ask for help • You don't have to be an expert in XYZ to make use of XYZ in a unique and novel way

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Links • Slides/contact/YouTube: • Playdate: • Scala + PD: https:// native-on-the-playdate/15814