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One way to encourage the open source community RedDotRubyConf 2017 @ma2ge #rdrc2017

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Durian + !

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Who am I? me |> name # Takayuki "Taka" Matsubara |> live # Japan |> job # Software Engineer |> work_at # M3, Inc. |> like # Ruby, Elixir and OSS |> twitter # ma2ge |> github # ma2gedev |> oss # PowerAssertEx, breadcrumble, # chrono_logger, bundle-star, # faraday-encoding

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[PR] Introduce RubyKaigi 4 RubyKaigi 2017 will be held from September 18-20 in Hiroshima, Japan. 4 Please visit and come

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One way to encourage the open source community

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What is GitHub ⭐ ?

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For someone who puts a ⭐ 4 appreciation ! 4 support " 4 manage favorite projects list ⭐

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For someone who has own project 4 feel pleasant, at least for me ! 4 motivation to maintain/create projects "

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For someone who uses GitHub projects 4 gem's popularity 4 gem's reliability

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Raising the abstraction a little, the total number of GitHub Stars represents the activity of the OSS community !

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Putting a star is linked to the encouragement of the OSS community ⭐ -> "

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Have you starred your favorite projects? ⭐

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Have you starred the Rails project?

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Have you starred the mikel/mail gem that Rails depends on?

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Have you starred the mime-types/ ruby-mime-types gem that mail gem depends on?

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Usually we do not acknowledge gems, but useful gems that we use sometimes depend on other gems !

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I would like to turn the spotlight those gems, because OSS is made up of other OSS !

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Bundle-star ⭐

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What does Bundle-star do? 4 Bundle-star puts a ⭐ on GitHub projects that your project depends on when you execute the bundle- star install command.

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How to use Bundle-star ! $ gem install bundle-star $ mkdir bundlestar $ cd bundlestar $ bundle init # to create Gemfile $ echo 'gem "bundle-star"' >> Gemfile # you can change ↑ your favorite gem # Now you can do # `bundle-star install --path vendor/bundle`

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Let's run bundle-star install ! $ bundle-star install --path vendor/bundle ... # if you haven't `.netrc` file pls input the following Input GitHub ID # <- your GitHub ID Input GitHub Token # <- You can get your GitHub token from # Saved to /Users/user/.netrc

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⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐ ⭐

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Bundle-star ⭐

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Now we can encourage the OSS community with Bundle-star !

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But Bundle-star is just one way to encourage the OSS community

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! The really important point is that we notice various OSS projects and try to know more about them

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In doing so we can get new knowledge and contribute to those projects. We can encourage the OSS community more if we do those things.

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Enjoy! RedDotRubyConf 2017 @ma2ge #rdrc2017