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Brian Hough Co-Creator of ✨polished - and - Sr. Director of Engineering at New Relic

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Get That CSS Out Of Your JS! A Journey Through CSS-In-JS

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A Friendly Disclaimer

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Never Meet Your Heroes Initial Reactions Were…Mixed

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Fake News There Are A Lot Of Myths Out There

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“These developers must really suck at CSS…” - @armchairdev

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“Just learn CSS” - @captainobvious

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“1999 called, they want their inline styles back.” - @10XEngineer

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-don’t know CSS -hate or don’t want to learn CSS -same thing as inline styles -do not care about separation of concerns -just want to write everything in JavaScript Common Myths About CSS-In-JS

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MythBusters Well Actually…Is CSS-splaining A Thing?

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You have to know CSS pretty damn well to build a CSS-In-JS Library. Myth 1: We don’t know CSS

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Quite to the contrary, our work in CSS-In-JS is to hopefully move the entire CSS platform forward. Myth 2: We Hate CSS

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This one's on us. It was a poor first attempt. The person responsible has been sacked. Myth 3: It’s just inline styles

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We do very much! It is all in how you look at it… Myth 4: We don’t care about separation of concerns

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OK…This one may be true. Myth 5: We want to write everything in JavaScript

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-Portability of components -Portability of styles -Better Handling Critical CSS -Platform-agnostic styling What We Set Out To Accomplish

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Portability of Components Pour One Out For Scoped Styles

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Portability Of Components const Button = () => ( Submit );

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Portability Of Components .my_button { background: purple; color: white; } .my_button:active { background: violet; color: white; }

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-Manually cut and paste the styles -Manually share and import a file -Require users to have a specific build -Create a CSS Framework How Do We Share This Complete Component?

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Portability Of Components const Button = styled.button` background: purple; color: white; &:active { background: violet; color: white; } ` const MyButton = () => ( Submit );

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Portability Of Components const SubmitButton = styled.button` background: green; color: white; &:active { background: darkgreen; color: white; } ` const MySubmitButton = () => ( Submit ); const CancelButton = styled.button` background: red; color: white; &:active { background: maroon; color: white; } ` const MyCancelButton = () => ( Submit );

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-Third-Party Libraries -Internal Component Libraries -Shared Styles/Style Guides Use Cases

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This is a lot of unrelated CSS, how does this not get bloated and redundant over time?

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OOCSS - Nicole Sullivan SMACSS - Jonathan Snook BEM - Yandex We Drew Inspiration from CSS

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BEM Is Built-In .my_button--submit__active {} Block Element Modifier

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Our Original Example const BaseButton = styled.button` color: white; &:active { color: white; } ` const SubmitButton = BaseButton.extend` background: green; &:active { background: darkGreen; } ` const CancelButton = BaseButton.extend` background: red; &:active { background: maroon; } `

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The Resulting Code Submit Cancel .inZBzG { color:white; background:green; } .inZBzG:active { color:white; } .inZBzG:active { background:darkGreen; } .fKdCie { color:white; background:red; } .fKdCie:active { color:white; } .fKdCie:active { background:maroon; }

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Portability Of Styles You see mixins, We see functions

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‘Portability of styles’ sounds a lot like ‘portability of components’. What’s the difference?

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Like SASS Mixins @mixin css-lock($min-size: 1, $max-size: 1.4, $min- width: 20, $max-width: 100, $property: font-size, $unit: rem) { #{$property}: calc(#{$min-size}#{$unit} + (#{$max- size} - #{$min-size}) * ((100vw - #{$min-width} #{$unit}) / (#{$max-width} - #{$min-width}))); @media (max-width: #{$min-width}#{$unit}) { #{$property}: #{$min-size}#{$unit}; } @media (min-width: #{$max-width}#{$unit}) { #{$property}: #{$max-size}#{$unit}; } }

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It’s Really Just A Function function cssLock(minSize = 1, maxSize = 1.4, minWidth = 20, maxWidth = 100, property: = 'font-size', unit = 'rem') { return { [property]: `calc(${minSize}${unit} + (${maxSize} - $ {minSize}) * ((100vw - ${minWidth}${unit}) / (${maxWidth} - $ {$minWidth})))`, `@media (max-width: ${minWidth}${unit})`: { [property]: `${minSize}${unit}`, } `@media (min-width: ${maxWidth}${unit})`: { [property]: `${maxSize}${unit}`, } } }

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Now It’s As Easy As… npm install csslock --save import cssLock from 'css-lock'; const FluidContainer = styled.div` ...${cssLock()} `

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Inlining Of Critical CSS All Hail Our PageSpeed Overlords

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critical CSS - the CSS required to do a first render of a page. It is suggested you inline this CSS in order to improve initial page load times.

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-Fairly manual process - Requires build tools to automate -Perceived effort outweighs work Why Is This So Hard Right Now?

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What If It Were As Easy As… import { renderToString } from 'react-dom/server' import { ServerStyleSheet } from 'styled-components' const sheet = new ServerStyleSheet() const html = renderToString(sheet.collectStyles()) const styleTags = sheet.getStyleTags()

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All components needed to render the initial page on the server are automatically inlined when server rendering.

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Styles For Every Platform The Holy Grail…Did they ever find that thing?

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React Primitives import React from 'react'; import { View, Text, Image} from 'react-primitives'; class Foo extends React.Component { render() { return ( {this.props.children} ); } }

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Styling Primitives import styled from 'styled-components/native'; const StyledView = styled.View` background-color: papayawhip; `; const StyledText = styled.Text` color: palevioletred; `; class MyReactNativeComponent extends React.Component { render() { return ( Hello World! ) } }

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Styling Primitives const RotatedBox = styled.View` transform: rotate(90deg); text-shadow-offset: 10px 5px; font-variant: small-caps; margin: 5px 7px 2px; `;

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Delivering on the promise of the same code everywhere, now including styles!

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Write Once, Render Anywhere Peggy Rayzis @14:40 More On This Later…

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What’s The Catch? It’s too good to be true

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-CSS-Like API vs. Smaller Library -No Config Build vs. Better Performance Form vs. Function

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Form vs. Function emotion by Kye Hohenberger may be the closest, providing a CSS-Like API, tiny library size, and fast performance with minimal build configuration.

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Security Who knew taking un-sanitized user input and executing it in JavaScript was a bad idea.

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Security Using CSS-In-JS Securely by James K Nelson CSS Escape Polyfill by Mathias

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I’m Sold! Where Do Start? Awesome CSS in JS by Valerii Sorokobatko Unified Styling Language by Mark Dalgleish

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-CSS Modules -Polymer/Web Components -Webpack CSS Loader -CSS Variables Gross! What are my other options?

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Thank You! Twitter: @b_hough Github: Polished: