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Fallible Humans Dealing With Failure In The Absence Of Scapegoats Ian Malpass, Etsy @indec

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"Jerusalem Ugglan 1". Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons -

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By Rodhullandemu (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 ( or GFDL (], via Wikimedia Commons GET IN THE CAR GET IN THE CAR NO TIME TO EXPLAIN NO TIME TO EXPLAIN

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“Fire of Troy" by Kerstiaen de Keuninck (Coninck) - Licensed under Public domain via Wikimedia Commons

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It’s not me, it’s you

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Dev Ops Legal Marketing Support Finance Security

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Dev Ops Legal Marketing Support Finance Security

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With the unknown, one is confronted with danger, discomfort, and care; the first instinct is to abolish these painful states. First principle: any explanation is better than none. ! Friedrich Nietzsche, The Twilight Of The Idols

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A person who has been punished is not thereby simply less inclined to behave in a given way; at best, he learns how to avoid punishment. ! B. F. Skinner, Beyond Freedom and Dignity

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Failure is an emergent property of a complex system

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Chalk Farm Banksy by grahamc99

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We should learn from our mistakes

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You don’t come to work to do a bad job

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Get the feature out on time Don’t have any bugs Don’t use too many resources

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Monitor everything Alert appropriately Avoid alert fatigue

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Efficiency ! ! ! Thoroughness

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If I'd observed all the rules, I'd never have got anywhere. ! Marilyn Monroe

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Every day I’m ETTOing

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Trust and understanding

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Don’t blame yourself

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Blamelessness is more fun with friends

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Practice makes perfect as close to perfect as we can hope for in a complex system based on reasonable expectations

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Looking back, we should have eliminated hindsight

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Could have, would have, should have

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There is no root cause

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Seek good remediation items

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Process is an embedded reaction to prior stupidity ! Clay Shirky, Wikis, Grafitti, and Process

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Communicate and advocate

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Good luck