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Entendendo alocação de memória no Go André Carvalho @andresantostc 1

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Desenvolvedor @ 2

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Por que? ● Conhecer os trade-offs ● Conhecer uma camada de abstração abaixo ● Porque não? 4

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func main() { rand.Seed(time.Now().UnixNano()) i := rand.Intn(100) fmt.Printf("%v at %p\n", i, &i) for { } } 5

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6 $ ./vmemory 53 at 0xc420016110 $ ./vmemory 68 at 0xc420016110 Rodando o programa duas vezes ao mesmo tempo... Mesmo endereço

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Memória Virtual ● Processos não leem diretamente da memória física ○ Segurança ○ Coordenação entre múltiplos processos ● Memória Virtual abstrai isso dos processos ○ Segmentation ○ Page tables 7

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Memória Virtual 8 Frame 0 Frame 1 Frame 2 Frame 3 Frame 4 Frame 5 Frame 6 Frame 7 RAM Disk Other process Page 0 Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page Process Frame Page Table 3 6

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Layout de um Processo 9 Text Data Heap BSS Stack Program Break Code Initialized static variables Uninitialized static variables Dynamic allocated variables Function stack frames

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Alocação na Stack 10 Stack Used Stack Pointer (SP) Unused Allocation SP += size; return Stack[SP-size]; Deallocation SP -= size;

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Alocação na Heap ● Objetos com tamanho conhecido apenas em tempo de execução ● C tem malloc e free ● C++ tem new e delete ● Go usa escape analysis e garbage collection 11

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Alocador Simples 12

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Alocador Simples Precisamos implementar duas funções 13 void* malloc(size_t size) void free(void *ptr)

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Alocador Simples 14 Application Allocator OS malloc mmap Alocador utiliza syscalls como mmap/munmap para falar com o OS munmap madvise free

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Alocador Simples Lista encadeada de objetos disponíveis size=n next=* Header n bytes size=m next=nil m bytes 15 Head

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Alocador Simples - Alocação malloc(10) 16 Head NULL

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Alocador Simples 17 Virtual Address Space 0x000000c000000000 mmap( 0x000000c000000000, 4096, PROT_WRITE | PROT_READ, MAP_PRIVATE | MAP_ANONYMOUS, ...) Start Address Size Permission Flags

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Alocador Simples - Alocação malloc(10) 18 4084 12 4084 4096 Head

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Alocador Simples - Alocação malloc(10) 19 4062 Head 10 22

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Alocador Simples - Alocação malloc(10) 20 4062 Head 10 P Allocator returns p, which points right after the header

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21 Alocador Simples - Desalocação 4062 Head free(p) 10

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free(p) 10 p - size(header) 22 Alocador Simples - Desalocação 4062 Head

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Alocador Simples ● Pode ser implementado em algumas centenas de LOCs ● Questões não endereçadas ○ Fragmentação ○ Devolver memória para o OS ■ Quando? ■ Como? munmap, madvise... ○ Multi-thread ○ ... 23

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Go Runtime Allocator 24 ● TCMalloc ● Invocando o Alocador ● Go’s Allocator

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Thread-Caching Malloc (TCMalloc) ● Implementado originalmente em C pelo Google ● Serve como base para o algoritmo usado pelo Go ● Diminui lock-contention em programas multi-threaded 25

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TCMalloc ● Cada thread tem um cache local ● Dois tipos de alocação ○ Small allocations (<= 32 kB) ○ Large allocations 26

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TCMalloc - Small Allocations ● Atendidas pelo cache local da thread ● Tamanho é arredondado para o de uma das classes 27 malloc(965 bytes) ⇒ malloc(1024 bytes) malloc(1023 bytes) ⇒ malloc(1024 bytes)

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TCMalloc - Small Allocations Class 0 Class 1 Class 2 ... Local Thread Cache 28

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TCMalloc - Small Allocations Class 0 Class 1 Class 2 ... Local Thread Cache 29

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TCMalloc - Small Allocations Class 0 Class 1 Class 2 ... Local Thread Cache Span Span Span ... Central Free List Class 1 30 Run of contiguous pages Span

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TCMalloc - Small Allocations Class 0 Class 1 Class 2 ... Local Thread Cache Span Span Span ... Central Free List Class 1 31

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TCMalloc - Small Allocations Span Span Span Central Free List Class X Span 1 page 2 pages ... > 255 pages Span Span Span Span Span Span Span Central Heap 32

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TCMalloc - Small Allocations Span Span Span Central Free List Class X Span 1 page 2 pages ... > 255 pages Span Span Span Span Span Span Central Heap Span ... 33 Span

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TCMalloc - Small Allocations Application Local Thread Cache Central Free List Central Heap 4 bytes N 8-byte objects X pages OS Y*X pages 34 X pages N 8-byte objects Y*X pages

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TCMalloc - Large Allocations ● Atendidas pela Heap central ● Tamanho é arredondado para numero de paginas 35 malloc(34 kB) ⇒ malloc(36 kB) ⇒ 9 pages malloc(33 kB) ⇒ malloc(36 kB) ⇒ 9 pages

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TCMalloc - Large Allocations 1 page 2 pages ... > 255 pages Span Span Span Span Span Span Central Heap Span Span 36

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TCMalloc - Deallocation Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Span A Span B Span C 37

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TCMalloc - Deallocation free( ) Page Span 38

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TCMalloc - Deallocation free( ) Page Span Class 0 Class 1 Class 2 ... Local Thread Cache Small object 39

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TCMalloc - Deallocation free( ) Page Span Large object Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Span A Span B Span C 40

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TCMalloc - Deallocation free( ) Page Span Large object Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Span A Span B 41

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TCMalloc - Deallocation free( ) Page Span Large object 1 page 2 pages ... > 255 pages Span B Central Heap 42

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TCMalloc - Deallocation free( ) Page Span Large object 1 page 2 pages ... > 255 pages Span B Central Heap 43

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Go Runtime Allocator 44 ● TCMalloc ● Invocando o Alocador ● Go’s Allocator

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package main func main() { f() } //go:noinline func f() *int { i := 10 return &i } 45

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package main func main() { f() } //go:noinline func f() *int { i := 10 return &i } 46 $ go build -gcflags "-m -m" main.go # command-line-arguments ./main.go:8:6: cannot inline f: marked go:noinline ./main.go:3:6: cannot inline main: non-leaf function ./main.go:10:9: &i escapes to heap ./main.go:10:9: from ~r0 (return) at ./main.go:10:2 ./main.go:9:2: moved to heap: i

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47 $ go tool compile -S main.go ... 0x001d 00029 (main.go:9) LEAQ, AX 0x0024 00036 (main.go:9) MOVQ AX, (SP) 0x0028 00040 (main.go:9) PCDATA $0, $0 0x0028 00040 (main.go:9) CALL runtime.newobject(SB) ...

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48 $ go tool compile -S main.go ... 0x001d 00029 (main.go:9) LEAQ, AX 0x0024 00036 (main.go:9) MOVQ AX, (SP) 0x0028 00040 (main.go:9) PCDATA $0, $0 0x0028 00040 (main.go:9) CALL runtime.newobject(SB) ... func newobject(typ *_type) unsafe.Pointer { return mallocgc(typ.size, typ, true) }

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Go Runtime Allocator 49 ● TCMalloc ● Invoking the Allocator ● Go’s Allocator

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Go’s Allocator ● Acoplado ao GC e outras partes do runtime ○ Difícil de trocar por outras implementações ● Três tipos de alocação ○ Tiny Allocations (no pointers, size < 16 bytes) ○ Small Allocations (size <= 32 kbytes) ○ Large Allocations 50

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Go’s Allocator - Large Allocations 51 1 page 2 pages ... > 255 pages Span Span Span Span Span Span mheap Busy Spans Span Span Span Antes de alocar, mheap faz o sweep do mesmo número de paginas

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Go’s Allocator - Large Allocations 52 1 page 2 pages ... > 255 pages Span Span Span Span Span Span Span Span Span Span Span mheap Free Spans

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Go’s Allocator - Large Allocations 53 1 page 2 pages ... > 255 pages Span Span Span Span Span Span mheap Free Spans Span Span Span Span Span mtreap ⇒ randomized binary tree

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Go’s Allocator - Large Allocations 54 Depois de alocar, dependendo da quantidade de memória em uso... ● A goroutine pode ter que trabalhar para o GC ● Stop the World

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Go’s Allocator - Small Allocations 55 P 1 mcache Cada processador lógico (P) tem um cache local (mcache) P 2 mcache

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Go’s Allocator - Small Allocations 56 P 1 P 2 mcache mcache Cada mcache mantem um span para cada tamanho (size class) Span Span ... class 1 class 2 Span Span ... class 1 class 2

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Go’s Allocator - Small Allocations 57 class bytes/obj bytes/span objects 1 8 8192 1024 2 16 8192 512 3 32 8192 256 4 64 8192 170 ... 65 28672 57344 2 66 32768 32768 1

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Go’s Allocator - Small Allocations 58 P 1 mcache mcache retorna o endereço de um objeto livre no span Span Span ... class 1 class 2 Span

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Go’s Allocator - Small Allocations 59 P 1 mcache mcache pede um novo span para o mcentral dessa size class Span Span ... class 1 class 2 Span

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Go’s Allocator - Small Allocations 60 P 1 mcache Cada mcentral tem duas listas, empty e nonempty spans Span Span ... ... class 1 class 2 mcentral mcentral Span Span Span Span

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Go’s Allocator - Small Allocations 61 P 1 mcache Span com objetos livres vai ser entregue ao mcache Span ... ... class 1 class 2 mcentral mcentral Span Span Span Span

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Go’s Allocator - Small Allocations 62 P 1 mcache mcentral vai tentar fazer sweep de spans vazios Span Span ... ... class 1 class 2 mcentral mcentral Span Span If there are no nonempty spans….

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Go’s Allocator - Small Allocations 63 Se nada funciona, mcentral vai pedir um novo span para a mheap class 0 mcentral Span Span mheap

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Go’s Allocator - Small Allocations 64 mcentral vai dar esse span para a mcache class 0 mcentral Span Span mheap Span

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Go’s Allocator - Tiny Allocations Alocações para objetos sem pointers menores que < 16 bytes The main targets of tiny allocator are small strings and standalone escaping variables. On a json benchmark the allocator reduces number of allocations by ~12% and reduces heap size by ~20%. 65

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66 Go’s Allocator - Tiny Allocations 64 bytes Allocated Free Allocated Free ● Cada P mantem um objeto de 64-bytes que foi alocado de um span ● Cada tiny allocation adiciona um subobjeto ao final do objeto ● O GC não sabe sobre esses subobjetos!

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67 Go’s Allocator - Tiny Allocations Allocated Free mcache P 1 ● Pega um novo bloco do mcache ≃ small allocation ● Eventualmente, o GC vai coletar o bloco antigo Free P 1 mcache

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Garbage Collector ⇒ Concurrent mark and sweep 68 Go’s Allocator - Sweeping 1. Scan all objects 2. Mark objects that are live 3. Sweep objects that are not live

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● Runtime periodicamente devolve memória ao OS ● Devolve spans que foram garbage collected a mais de 5 minutos ● No Linux, usa a syscall madvise(2) 69 Go’s Allocator - Devolvendo memória ao OS madvise(addr, size, _MADV_DONTNEED)

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Analisar alocações ● runtime.ReadMemStats ● pprof ● go tool trace 70

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71 stats := runtime.MemStats{} runtime.ReadMemStats(&stats) type MemStats struct { ... // Heap memory statistics. HeapAlloc uint64 HeapSys uint64 HeapIdle uint64 HeapInuse uint64 HeapReleased uint64 HeapObjects uint64 ... }

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Referências 1. 2. 3. 4. Lec 10 | MIT 6.172 Performance Engineering of Software Systems, Fall 2010 5. 6. 7. 8. 72

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Obrigado! @andresantostc 73