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Why Mobile Web Still Sucks? Ilya Pukhalski May MMXIV

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@pukhalski ! Solution Architect, EPAM Systems Lecturer, British Higher School of Art & Design

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% of time spent 2013 2014 14 20 86 80 Apps Mobile Web

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Why apps? • Easy to control over stores • Rich-get-richer dynamics • Easier to retain users

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HTML5 vs Native on mobile Web

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Watch your language • HTML5 is a marketing buzzword • Responsive Web Design doesn’t exist Good design is responsive by default.

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What is web?

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– Wiki “Web is a system of interlinked “hypertext documents that run “on and are accessed “via the Internet.”

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Custom URL schemas • fb://profile/(fbid) • tel:+180022933 • twitter://username • …

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Native is a part of Web ecosystem

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What is native?

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“Native — software or data “formats supported by a certain “system with minimal overhead “and additional components” – Wiki

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Web technologies are native for browsers

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Browsers are responsible for standards support

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Apps boom Do you remember dot-com boom?

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Why do we love apps? • Push Notifications • Offline Mode • Performance ! ! • Look & Feel • Distribution • Background Sync

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Look & Feel

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Touch Events, Pointer Events, Mouse Events

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~300ms delay

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document .getElementById('any-element') .addEventListener('tap', function (e) { // All the magic happens here }); $('#any-element').on('tap', function (e) { // All the magic happens here });

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Heavy DOM

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Facebook React.js Model DOM Virtual DOM Redraw on requestAnimationFrame Changes Changes Changes

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element.animate([ {cssProperty: value0}, {cssProperty: value1}, {cssProperty: value2}, //... ], { duration: timeInMs, iterations: iterationCount, delay: delayValue });

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Offline Mode

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Cache Manifest

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A declarative way CACHE MANIFEST # 2012-02-21 v1.0.0 /theme.css /logo.png /main.js ! NETWORK: login.asp ! FALLBACK: /html/ /offline.html

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A mess CACHE MANIFEST # v1 index.html js/lib/mapbox.js js/lib/iscroll.min.js js/lib/jquery/dist/jquery.min.js js/lib/backbone/backbone.min.js js/lib/underscore/underscore.min.js js/xf.min.js js/app.js styles/xf.min.css styles/app.css styles/mapbox.css js/components/PointsList.js tmpl/desktop/PointsList.tmpl tmpl/mobile/PointsList.tmpl js/components/PointsMap.js NETWORK:

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Debugging hell 1. Change the code 2. Change manifest 3. Clean cache 4. Debug 5. GOTO 1

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Meet Service Worker

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Event-driven scripts that run independently of web pages

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• Handling resource requests • Foundation for other standards

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navigator.serviceWorker.register('/worker.js') .then(function(serviceWorker) { // To use the serviceWorker immediately, // you might call window.location.reload() });

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var base = ""; var inventory = new URL("/inventory.json", base) + ""; ! ! this.addEventListener("fetch", function(e) { var url = e.request.url; if (url == inventory) { e.respondWith(new Response({ statusCode: 200, body: JSON.stringify({ videos: { /* ... */ } }) })); } });

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var base = ""; ! this.addEventListener("install", function(e) { ! var cachedResources = new Cache( base + "/base.css", base + "/app.js", base + "/logo.png" ); ! ! e.waitUntil(cachedResources.ready()); ! ! caches.set("videos-cache", cachedResources); });

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this.addEventListener("fetch", function(e) { ! e.respondWith( caches.match(e.request, “videos-cache") ); });

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var base = ""; var inventory = new URL("/inventory.json", base)+""; ! this.addEventListener("fetch", function(e) { var url = e.request.url; if (url == inventory) { e.respondWith( fetch(url).then( null, function() { return caches.match(inventory); } ) ); } });

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Stores • App Store • Google Play • BlackBerry AppWorld • Amazon Appstore • EPAM Mobile Appstore

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Stores • App Store • Google Play • BlackBerry AppWorld • Amazon Appstore • EPAM Mobile Appstore

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Will you install an app to buy a car?

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Install this app

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navigator .mozApps .install("path/to/manifest");

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Web Notifications

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var Notification = window.Notification || window.mozNotification || window.webkitNotification; ! Notification.requestPermission( function (permission) { // console.log(permission); } );

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! var notification = new Notification( "SEC Spring 2014", { body: "I hope you enjoy the conference" } ); ! notification.onclick = function () { // Something to do };

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• Opened website • Client-side only

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Safari Remote Notifications

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The Flow • Request permissions • Register the device • Send notifications

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{! ! "aps": {! ! "alert": {! ! "title": "Flight A998 Now Boarding",! ! "body": "Boarding has begun for Flight A998.",! ! "action": "View"! ! },! ! "url-args": ["boarding", "A998"]! ! }! ! }!

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• Server-side • Offline

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Service Worker Push Notifications

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The Flow • Register locally • Register on the server side • Send notifications

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navigator.serviceWorker.register("/sw.js"); ! navigator.serviceWorker.whenReady().then(function(sw) { ! navigator.push.has("regId").catch(function() { navigator.push.register({ sender: { // sender data... } }); }).then(function (registration) { asyncXHR( "" + toQueryString(registration); ); }); });

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this.onpush = function(e) { console.log(; // Cache the data // ... }

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Background Sync

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Service Worker? Yes!

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navigator.serviceWorker.register("/sw.js"); ! ! navigator.serviceWorker.whenReady() .then(function(sw) { ! navigator.registerSync( "id", { interval: 'daily', data: '', description: '', lang: '', dir: '' } ); });

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this.onsync = function(event) { var data = JSON.parse(; ! if ( === "id") { // make something with data } };

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How to make mobile web suck less?

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Blame the implementation, not technique

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Thanks @pukhalski