Slide 5
Slide 5 text
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The Vision
- 155 Mbps to each desktop, n*155 Mbps to sewers,
point-to-point wiring only
- CPU motherboard connection @ < $100'parts cost,
wiring closet switch/concentrator @ $1000/port
- Short run from desktop to wiring closet - use
unshielded twisted pair wiring for low cost
- ATM LAN deployment creates demand for B-ISDN
ATM LANs and B-ISDN 2nd B-ISDN Wmkshcp
Usage Assumptions
Traffic will be predominantly existing LAN protocols,
e.g., TCP/IP
- ATM is just one of many data link level networks, so
both end systems and routers must work well
- Apps and protocols will evolve to request QOS - pure
datagram service no longer sufficient
- All true for B-ISDN as well as ATM LANs
ATM LAN: lidB-BDN nd B-ISDN Wtrkxqa