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Andrea Aime GeoSolutions Styling Natural Earth with GeoServer CSS

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GeoSolutions Enterprise Support Services Deployment Subscription Professional Training Customized Solutions GeoNode • Offices in Italy & US, Global Clients/Team • 30+ collaborators, 25+ Engineers • Our products • Our Offer

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Affiliations We strongly support Open Source, it Is in our core We actively participate in OGC working groups and get funded to advance new open standards We support standards critical to GEOINT

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Intro: Natural Earth and GeoCSS

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Natural Earth • Natural Earth is a public domain map dataset • Featuring tightly integrated vector and raster data

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Natural Earth, datasets • Data available at 1:10m, 1:50m, and 1:110 million scales.

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Natural Earth, some 10m data

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GeoServer CSS (GeoCSS) • CSS inspired language for map styling • Compact, powerful, human readable, human writable * { stroke: blue; fill: #7EB5D3; label: [name]; label-anchor: 0.5 0.5; font-fill: black; font-family: "Arial"; font-size: 14; halo-radius: 2; halo-color: #7EB5D3; halo-opacity:0.8; }

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A basemap for training purposes • Wanted to have a significant, yet not too complicated, base map, in CSS, for GeoSolutions’ training package • What about osm-styles?

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osm-styles is too big • Nice, comprehensive, used in too • But way too big roads.css

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Setting up for a simpler map • Let’s do Natural Earth instead • With simple, yet interesting, styles • Inspiration: the printed maps found in atlases when I was a kid

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The political map

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Political map of the world

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Political map of the world

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Political map of the world

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Political map of the world

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The layer group

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Simple yet interesting: oceans /* @title ocean */ [@sd > 70M] { fill: lighten(lightblue, 15%), symbol('shape://slash'); :fill { size: 5; stroke: lighten(lightblue, 10%); stroke-width: 1; } }

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Using external tools: color brewer • Color countries so that no two neighbouring share the same color • MAPCOLOR7 attribute supports use case • to pick colors

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Turning brewer into CSS fill: [Recode(MAPCOLOR7, 1, '#fbb4ae', 2, lighten('#b3cde3', '5%'), 3, '#ccebc5', 4, lighten('#decbe4', '5%'), 5, '#fed9a6', 6, '#ffffcc', 7, '#e5d8bd')];

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Labelling countries label: [NAME]; label-anchor: 0.5 0.5; font-family: 'Noto Sans'; font-size: 14; font-fill: lighten(black, 20%); halo-color: white; halo-radius: 1; label-priority: [POP_EST]; label-auto-wrap: 100; label-max-displacement: 50;

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Pen up, pen down, pen up, … /* @title States */ [@sd > 20M] [@sd < 70M] { stroke: darkgray; stroke-dasharray: 4 4; stroke-width: 0.1; label: [name]; label-anchor: 0.5 0.5; font-family: 'Noto Sans'; font-size: 10; font-fill: black; halo-color: white; halo-radius: 1; halo-opacity: 50%; label-auto-wrap: 70; label-max-displacement: 50; label-fit-goodness: 0.8; label-priority: 50M; }

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Getting the right blend… /* @title Urban areas */ [@sd < 70M][@sd > 20M] { fill: lightgray; } /* @title Urban areas */ [@sd < 70M][@sd > 20M] { fill: lightgray; fill-opacity: 70%; composite: 'multiply'; }

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Continuously adapt size /* @title States and provinces */ [@sd < 20M] { stroke: darkgray; stroke-dasharray: 4 4; stroke-width: [interpolate(@sd, 2M, 2, 10M, 0.1)]; label: [name]; label-anchor: 0.5 0.5; … [scalerank <= 2] { font-size: [interpolate(@sd, 2M, 16, 20M, 10)]; label-priority: 50M; }; }

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Roads… it’s never easy /* @title Roads */ [@sd < 20M] { [featurecla = 'Ferry'] { stroke: lighten(blue, 30%); stroke-dasharray: 4 4; }; [featurecla = 'Road'] { [@sd < 10M] { stroke: desaturate(darkorange, 50%); stroke-width: 0.5; }; [@sd < 10M][type = 'Secondary Highway'] { stroke: darkorange; stroke-width: 1; }; [@sd < 20M][type = 'Major Highway'] { stroke: orange, yellow; stroke-width: 3, 1; z-index: 0, 1; label: [local]; label-anchor: 0.5 0.5; font-family: 'Noto Sans';

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Roads… it’s never easy /* @title Roads */ [@sd < 20M] { [featurecla = 'Ferry'] { stroke: lighten(blue, 30%); stroke-dasharray: 4 4; }; [featurecla = 'Road'] { [@sd < 10M] { stroke: desaturate(darkorange, 50%); stroke-width: 0.5; }; [@sd < 10M][type = 'Secondary Highway'] { stroke: darkorange; stroke-width: 1; }; [@sd < 20M][type = 'Major Highway'] { stroke: orange, yellow; stroke-width: 3, 1; z-index: 0, 1; }; }; }

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And road plates too label: [local]; label-anchor: 0.5 0.5; font-family: 'Noto Sans'; font-fill: black; label-group: true; label-repeat: 200; shield: symbol(square); shield-resize: stretch; shield-margin: 2; :shield { fill: white; stroke: orange; stroke-width: 0.2; };

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How about a physical map?

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Physical map of the world

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Physical map of the world

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Ok, how can I get it?

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But on GitHub, of course! • GeoSolution’s Natural Earth styles repository • • The physical map is in a branch right now: • /physical

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That’s all folks! Questions? [email protected] [email protected]