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BayesSpace Leonardo Collado Torres 2020-10-22

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Resources ● Pre-print: v1 ○ Has 2 supplementary files ● Bioconductor package ○ ○ ○ ● Processing code:

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT 2 main features: enhanced clustering + sub-spot level analysis

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Main logical/processing steps: expression → PCs → sub-spot level modeling → high res PCs→ predicted expression

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Main parameter: number of clusters. Can be derived from the data too

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Figure 7 from our pre-print

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Remembering ARI: from our pre-print

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Figure 2: they do a better job! ^^

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Figure S1: their w i point towards outliers

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Some notes: positive and not so positive ● Bioconductor-friendly ● Will be a part of Bioconductor 3.12 ● We can **use** it ● BayesSpace (right now) is only meant for 1 image at a time ● How long does it take to run? ● Their analysis code is actually not public (or I haven’t found it) >.<

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Figure 3: can use marker genes & get some profiles at sub-spot level

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Figure 4: works for other tissue organizations too (non-laminar) & when you don’t know the number of clusters (q)

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Figure 5: sub-spot level model works with simulated data (from their own model)

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Figure S5: choosing the number of PCs is important too. Here they use PCs 1-7 for melanoma, 1-15 for DLPFC. Check outliers, think about computing time vs biology.

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT stLearn Uses deep learning on images en/latest/ ml#Human-Brain-dorsolateral- prefrontal-cortex-(DLPFC)

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LIEBER INSTITUTE for BRAIN DEVELOPMENT Some questions ● Will stLearn improve with improved images? ● How sure are we that w i captures outliers? ● How much will it be affected by artifacts? ○ Can we use it to QC spots? ○ If we drop spots, can we still run sub-spot? My guess: yes ● How would you apply it to all 12 DLPFC images?