Articles Community
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Phila PM
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One face of project management
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Another face of project management
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few years ago flat
about 27.1 miles from here
A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away...
A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away...
A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away...
A long time ago in a galaxy far,
far away...
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A few years ago in a flat about
27.1 miles from here...
Review the scenario
and plan it!
You have 10 minutes.
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You have 5 minutes
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Break into groups
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Discuss your plans
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Create one master plan
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You have 10 minutes
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Who wants to share?
Take a photo of your plan
& Tweet it using #LondonDPM
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(it's really for Sam)
Let's take a break
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Tools, process and expectations.
PM Discussion
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PM Tools
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● Basecamp for project communications
● Harvest for budget & time tracking
● OmniPlan for project planning
● Google Docs for estimating, resourcing &
forecasting projects (and now presentations!)
● Sifter for issue/bug tracking
● Evernote for note taking
● Gather Content for content strategy management
Brett's PM Toolkit
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This is what I use innit.
Sam's PM Toolkit
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● Tracks GTD-based personal to do list
● Digital recorder Recording detailed meetings
● Simplenote with nvALT Personal and meeting notes
● Google Docs All documentation
● Google Spreadsheet Team allocation, project timelines and analysis
● Tickspot Project budget, time tracking and reporting
● Campfire Project and team communication
● Kanban Tool like Trello Task allocation and progress visibility
● Lighthouse Issue and request tracking outside of projects
● TestRail QA test case management
● Yammer Company-wide internal communication
Sam's PM Toolkit
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What's your toolkit?
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This is how we do it.
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Agile Waterfall
LEAN Prince2
Critical Chain
Event Chain
Extreme (!!!)
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● Team/Skill set
● Project Budget
● Project Timeline/Deadline
● Client Process
● Client Review/Approval Structure
Deciding on process
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What's your process?
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Managing expectations
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You should never see this face
if you've managed expectations.
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Not just for clients
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One simple Jedi technique
Are you ready for this...
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However, be warned...
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"Sam, you have about as much tact
as being hit in the face with a brick"
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Weekly reports from day one
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What was done this week
What will be done next week
Revised project timeline
Revised project budget
● Stopwatch from The Noun Project
● Meeting designed by Sergi Delgado from The Noun Project
● Group designed by Alexandra Coscovelnita from The Noun Project
● Brainstorm designed by Joe Sparano from The Noun Project
● Question designed by Anas Ramadan from The Noun Project
● First Aid designed by Anton Khristolubov from The Noun Project
● Fire designed by Arjun Adamson from The Noun Project
● Bomb from The Noun Project
● Talking designed by Juan Pablo Bravo from The Noun Project
● Question designed by Martin Delin from The Noun Project
● Gantt Chart designed by Jeremy Boatman from The Noun Project
● Notebook designed by Scott Lewis from The Noun Project
● Stormtrooper designed by Simon Child from The Noun Project
● Death Star designed by Andrew Forrester from The Noun Project