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Realm meetup Kansai [email protected]

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#realm_jp [email protected]

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Makoto Yamazaki Realm Inc. / uPhyca Inc. [email protected]

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Live coding Realm java with Kotlin project [email protected]

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௕ᖒ ଠ࿠(@ngsw_taro)ஶ 356ϖʔδ 3,780ԁ [email protected]

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[email protected] ΞϓϦ঺հ(Qiita Client)

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[email protected] • ड৴ͨ͠σʔλΛRealmʹอଘ • ParcelableΛ࢖͏୅ΘΓʹIDͰड͚౉͠ • IDΛड͚औͬͨΒRealm͔ΒಡΈࠐΉ मਖ਼ํ਑

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[email protected] • Realmͷಋೖ • Ϟσϧఆٛͷมߋ • DaggerͰRealmΠϯελϯεΛఏڙ • Activityʹ RealmΠϯελϯεΛinject • ड৴ͨ͠σʔλΛRealmʹอଘ • MainActivity͔ΒArticleΛ౉͢෦෼ͷมߋ • ड͚औΔ෦෼ͷमਖ਼ • ͪΐͬͱͨ͠վળ ࡞ۀεςοϓ

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Slide 10 text realmfieldnameshelper [email protected] public class Foo extends RealmObject {
 public int age;
 public String name;
 } public final class FooFields {
 public static final String AGE = "age";
 public static final String NAME = "name";
 } Javaͷਓ޲͚৘ใ

Slide 11

Slide 11 text realmfieldnameshelper [email protected] Javaͷਓ޲͚৘ใ realm.where(Foo.class).equalTo(FooFields.AGE, 20); realm.where(Foo.class).equalTo("age", 20)

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Techbooster ੢a-05ab [email protected] [email protected] The Web Explorer 2 Android Next! ΞϯυϩΠυΞΧσϛΞ Revised TypeScript in Definitelyland ௨ൢ΋͋ΔΑʂ