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Let's create stateful systems, by Elixir

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. 。oO( さっちゃんですよヾ( 〃l _ l) ノ゙☆)

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I'll show you a number.

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2 is a number of collison & collaboration.

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I & you hot & ice stand up & lie down inside & outside

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stateless & stateful

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Function is stateless. f : x -> y e.g. Web server

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Dialogue is stateful. Alice : X. Bob : Y. Alice : X. Bob : Z. Most of the system is stateful.

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Elixir is a functional programming language. Functional programming is stateless. All data of Elixir is immutable. [x, 3, x] =[1,2,1], &(&1 + 1)) assert 2 == x // Many lines that don't reassign to `x`. assert 2 == x

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Elixir has processes. 29 = Task.async(fn -> 29 end) |> Task.await

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Process has state. agent = Agent.start_link(fn -> 29 end) 29 = Agent.get(agent, &(&1)) Agent.update(agent, &(&1 + 13)) 42 = Agent.get(agent, &(&1))

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State should be updated in a transaction. State shold interact & isolate each other. Accessing to state should be scaled in-out. Server with state should be updated gracefully. Elixir has all of these!

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State should be updated in a transaction. (No shared state) State shold interact & isolate each other. (Application, Supervisor) Accessing to state should be scaled in-out. (GenStage, Task, Register, Erlang cluster) Server with state should be updated gracefully. (Hot code swap)

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We can create stateful system easy, by constructing stateless parts.

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How we can start Elixir? Let's create some applications. * Web application with Phoenix. * Slack bot.

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Phoenix is a Web application framework that familiar with WebSocket.

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React is available (✿ >ヮ ╹ )-♡ Let's create a realtime interaction ∩ (> ◡ <*)∩ ♡

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Create a Slack bot. (Easy, so no topic.)

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Installing Elixir. asdf asdf plugin-add erlang asdf install erlang 22.0.7 asdf plugin-add elixir asdf install elixir 1.9.1

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Text editor? VSCode with mjmcloug.vscode-elixir works.

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Format & lint. InnerCotton is a set of standard development tools. mix cotton.init mix cotton.lint --fix

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Docker image (You need Docker :-) Fix major ver.s both Erlang & Elixir. docker run -it --rm nesachirou/elixir:1.9_erl22

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Textbook & document. Official guide : Official document : Online textbook : Textbook :

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Advanced resources

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Erlang in Anger You want to read this… before production.

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