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Copyright @ 2017 Aqua Security Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved. Cloud Native - security threat or opportunity? Liz Rice @lizrice | @aquasecteam

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2 @lizrice What is Cloud Native? Containers ◼ Orchestration ◼ Microservices

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3 @lizrice Orchestrated, containerized microservices Hundreds of microservices Thousands of containers Average container lifetime < 1 day

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4 @lizrice Security is a concern when deploying containers 88% agree Sonatype 2017 DevSecOps Survey

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5 @lizrice Before Cloud Native Create software Deploy Patch Provision servers

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6 @lizrice Through 2020, zero-day vulnerabilities will play a role in less than 0.1% of attacks Source: Gartner 7 Top Security Predictions for 2017

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7 @lizrice Applying patches to containers?

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8 @lizrice

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9 @lizrice Cloud native process Create software Build images Deploy

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10 @lizrice Scan for vulnerabilities Create software Build images Deploy

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11 @lizrice Image policies Create software Build images Deploy ✓ ✓

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12 @lizrice What about the hosts?

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13 @lizrice Hosts Host OS Automated testing Recycling Intrusion detection

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14 @lizrice Wait, there’s more!

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15 @lizrice Microservice network segmentation ■ Restrict communication between microservices ■ Encrypted connections

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16 @lizrice Runtime protection ■ Restrict container activity ■ Prevent anomalous / suspicious behaviour

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Shellshock demo

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18 @lizrice Cloud Native security advantages ■ Decomposition of the problem ■ Additional layers of defence ■ Continuous deployment ■ Shorter attack window ■ Community best practices

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19 @lizrice Room for improvement in container security 80% agree Aqua Security 2017 Survey

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20 @lizrice “Containers … require a more collaborative approach by security and DevOps teams.” Source: Gartner 7 Top Security Predictions for 2017

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21 @lizrice “Organizations would do well to embed security early into the process” Source: Gartner 7 Top Security Predictions for 2017

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22 @lizrice Continuous integration Continuous deployment Continuous security

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Copyright @ 2017 Aqua Security Software Ltd. All Rights Reserved. @lizrice | @aquasecteam