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Val Head • UX Y’All 2022 A new look at UX animation

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Val Head • UX Y’All 2022 A new look at UX animation

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Animation & UX

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UX animation • Visual continuity • Reduce cognitive load • Connect contexts • Direct attention • Branding, voice and tone

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User Preferences

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“The prefers-reduced-motion media feature is 
 used to detect if the user has requested the 
 system minimize the amount of animation 
 or motion it uses.” prefers-reduced-motion

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What type of motion to reduce? “…any motion that creates the illusion of movement…” - WCAG

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Multi-speed or multi-directional movement Commonly triggering motion effects: Spinning effects Constant motion near text When you use any of these in your work, be sure to provide a reduced option.

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Not on that list: Animated colour changes, opacity fades, 
 non-motion effects

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How to respect reduced motion requests?

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1. Identify potentially triggering 
 motion effects 2. Choose a reduced effect 
 based on context Respecting reduced motion requests:

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CSS @media (prefers-reduced-motion: reduce) { /* reduced behaviour */ }

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JS let motionQuery = matchMedia('(prefers-reduced-motion)'); const handleReduceMotionChanged = () => { if (motionQuery.matches) //reduced behaviour; } motionQuery.addListener(handleReduceMotionChanged); handleReduceMotionChanged();

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Container Queries

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Container Queries in short: • Assign a container • Query details about that container • De fi ne styles of other element(s) based on the results of that query

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div { container:my-container / inline-size; } CSS

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@container my-container (max-width:50em) { .thing {
 animation-duration: 250ms; } } CSS

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@container street (max-width:500px) {
 .cloud1 {animation-duration: 20s;} .cloud2 {animation-duration: 26s;} .skyshapes {display: none;}
 } CSS

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CSS @keyframes fl oating { 0% {translate: calc(0cqi - var(--cloud-width));} 100% {translate: calc(100cqi + var(--cloud-width));} }

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Why adjust animation based on container size?

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Focus or simplify animation for 
 smaller contexts Emphasize with strong motion for 
 larger contexts Change playback sequence 
 when layout changes Why adjust animations based on container size?

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Container queries are for design too!

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Thank you!