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  AUTOMATIC DOORS  Photo: @BennoLoewenberg

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@BennoLoewenberg   AUTOMATIC DOORS  Video: @BennoLoewenberg

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@BennoLoewenberg Video: @BennoLoewenberg

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@BennoLoewenberg Video: @BennoLoewenberg

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@BennoLoewenberg Video: @BennoLoewenberg

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@BennoLoewenberg Video: @BennoLoewenberg

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@BennoLoewenberg Video: @BennoLoewenberg

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@BennoLoewenberg Video: @BennoLoewenberg

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 PRODUCT  Graphic: @BennoLoewenberg 1 3 4 2 LAUNCH IDEATE BUILD LEARN Here it costs a lot of time & money

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  WHAT ?  Structured process to develop and test ideas within a short amount of time. @BennoLoewenberg

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 DESIGN  Graphic: @BennoLoewenberg 1 3 4 2 LAUNCH IDEATE BUILD LEARN

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  WHAT FOR ?  When innovations for products and services are needed When big challenges are to be solved In case of a lot of stakeholders or complicated processes I case of a high investment risk @BennoLoewenberg

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  WHY ?  Validated concepts for solutions to develop or improve products and services „maximizing customer value“ @BennoLoewenberg

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HILLS ≈ MVP Graphic: @BennoLoewenberg (aft. IBM)  COMBINATION 

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Graphic: @BennoLoewenberg (aft. IBM)   DESIGN SPRINT 

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Photo: @BennoLoewenberg  TIMEFRAME 

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 STRUCTURE  Graphic: DesignSprintKit

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 RESULTS  Photo: @BennoLoewenberg

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Graphic: @jakek T h e e x e r c i s e w o r k s b e s t w h e n y o u s k e t c h s e v e r a l v a r i a t i o n s o f t h e s a me i d e a . T a k e a f a v o r i t e p i e c e f r o m y o u r i d e a s s h e e t a n d a s k y o u r s e l f , “ Wh a t w o u l d b e a n o t h e r g o o d w a y t o d o t h i s ? ” K e e p g o i n g u n t i l y o u c a n ’ t t h i n k o f a n y mo r e v a r i a t i o n s , t h e n l o o k b a c k a t y o u r i d e a s s h e e t , c h o o s e a n e w i d e a , a n d s t a r t r i f f n g o n i t i n s t e a d .  TOOLS 

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 TEAM   & SPACE  Photo: @BennoLoewenberg (in “The Garage” at Google)

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  WHY REMOTE ?  Remote became a necessity and the current reality of work. Remote Design Sprints help to maintain the ability to work (creatively). @BennoLoewenberg

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  PHYSICAL ≠ DIGITAL  Trying to conduct remote workshops exactly like in-person workshops … fails. @BennoLoewenberg

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  PHYSICAL ≠ DIGITAL  Big meeting rooms, Creative spaces Where At home, Quiet room (mostly), Variable time zones Full-day workshops, Several days all together When A few flexible sessions (1,5 – 2 hrs. each), Offline homework Facilitator + Interdisciplinary team (1 + 6–8 people) Who Facilitator + Co-Facilitator + Interdisciplinary team (2 + 6–8 people) Sticky-Notes, Timer, Flipcharts, Whiteboards, Tabletennis/Kickertable How Video conferencing, Digital whiteboard, Online timer, Homeoffice streching @BennoLoewenberg aft. Hildebranding

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  REMOTE AGENDA  Not one consecutive workshop, but a sequence of short sessions. @BennoLoewenberg

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  SCHEDULE – PHYSICAL “1.0”  1 2 3 4 5 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Expert interviews, Challenge statement Lightning talks, Sketch Decide, Combine, Storyboard Prototype, Test guideline, Recruiting User tests, Evaluation @BennoLoewenberg aft. Hildebranding

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  SCHEDULE – PHYSICAL “2.0”/“3.0”  1 2 3 4 Mon Tue Wed Thu Expert interviews, Challenge statement Lightning talks, Sketch Decide, Combine, Storyboard Prototype, Test guideline, Recruiting User tests, Evaluation @BennoLoewenberg aft. Hildebranding

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  SCHEDULE – DIGITAL (CORE)  1 2 3 Mon Tue Wed Understand the landscape; 1,5 h Ideate and envision the future; 2 h Understand the users and their journey; 1,5 h Discuss actions and plan; 1,5 h @BennoLoewenberg aft. Google

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  SCHEDULE – DIGITAL (COMPLETE)  @BennoLoewenberg aft. Semih Aridogan 1 2 3 4 Preparation Warm-Up Des. Sprint Next Steps Problem framing, Team composition, Schedule & invitations; 2 weeks Tools introduction, Getting to know the participants; 1 h Completely online; Asynchronous & synchronous exercises; 5 days Results presentation, Recommen- dations; 1 h

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  SCHEDULE – DIGITAL (EXT.)  @BennoLoewenberg aft. Beschnitt & Bretschneider Week 1 1 2 3 4 5 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Preparation and pre- screening of participants Individual participant interviews; 6–60 min Internal kickoff and research Customer journey mapping Alignment workshop Stakeholder Interviews Workshop preparation

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  SCHEDULE – DIGITAL (EXT.)  @BennoLoewenberg aft. Beschnitt & Bretschneider Week 2 6 7 8 9 10 Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Solution workshop Decision workshop Prototyping User testing User testing (fallback) Preparation & wrap-up Preparation & wrap-up Wrap up workshop

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 PLANNING  Generously timed agenda items Many breaks @BennoLoewenberg

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 TIMES  Source: Knapp, Zeratzky, Colburn

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  RHYTHM & CADENCE  “Together Alone”: Sessions, warm ups, check ins, discussions all togehter Excercises in groups “Home work” individually @BennoLoewenberg

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  PREPARATION – IN-PERSON  Graphic: @BennoLoewenberg (aft. @mpowel85) PREPARATION EFFORT TIME AFT. SPRINT

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  PREPARATION – REMOTE  Graphic: @BennoLoewenberg (aft. @mpowel85) PREPARATION EFFORT ZEIT AFT. SPRINT

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  PREPARATION – ORGANISATION  Co-facilitator focussed on technical handling @BennoLoewenberg

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  PREPARATION – CONTENTS  Altering the plan during a running session (e. g. switching to an alternative exercise) can only be successful, when those backups have been prepared beforehand. @BennoLoewenberg

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  VIRTUAL TOOLS  Screenshot: Mural

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Screenshot: Miro   VIRTUAL TOOLS 

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  TECH SETUP  Photo: @BennoLoewenberg a good microphone a chat day ight or good lighting two screens (1 video & 1 whiteboard) a timer

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  TECH SETUP  Video conferencing tool with breakout functionality Stable and fast web connection ! @BennoLoewenberg

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  PHYSICAL ONBOARDING  Photo: @BennoLoewenberg „care“ package with tools & fuels for workshops

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  DIGITAL ONBOARDING  Pre-session for newbies Small aids and helpful infos “in situ” Warmups, that familiarize with the tool/functions @BennoLoewenberg

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  EMBEDDING DIGITALLY  Rules (video, audio, chat, tabs, breaks) Assinging roles (note taking, sorting stickies) 1-screen mode (video as audio) @BennoLoewenberg

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  PHYSICAL TOOLS  Photo: @BennoLoewenberg use what people have at home

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Photo: @BennoLoewenberg   PHYSICAL TOOLS 

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@BennoLoewenberg  ENGAGEMENT  @BennoLoewenberg

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Source: Sarah McIlwain “ Ideas are ephemeral when you’re in-person, but there’re automatically recorded when you work online”

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 CHALLENGES  Distractions Engagement Communication Tech (esp. in DE: Internet) Preparation @BennoLoewenberg

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 ADVANTAGES  Ideal for distributed or international teams No need for a particular workshop room Only little (physical) material needed Saves costs Different possibilities (e. g. Undo, Copy-Paste) New way of working (for shy persons too) @BennoLoewenberg

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  TOOLS & TIPS DESIGN SPRINT  @BennoLoewenberg

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Photo: @BennoLoewenberg   NO GUESSWORK … 

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Photo: @BennoLoewenberg (prototyping an elevator cabin)   … BUT THINKING & TESTING 

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Photo: @BennoLoewenberg   NO ROCKET SCIENCE … 

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Photo: @BennoLoewenberg   … BUT A PRACTICAL SHORTCUT 

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