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An Introduction to Static Sites and AWS @rdegges

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I’m Randall Degges Developer Evangelist at Stormpath Python / Node / Go Hacker

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What’s a Static Site? Server Show me the site! Ok, here’s some HTML.

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What’s a Dynamic Site? Server Show m e the site! Ok, here’s some HTML. Node.js Hey, give me the website! Someone wants it! Ok dude! Here’s the website.

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What Should I Do?

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Server Wow this site is so fast! I’m going to tell all my friends about it.

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Server Wow. This site is slow. I hate this website. I hate all websites. I hate the internet.

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● How to host static websites on Amazon S3. ● How to make really REALLY fast websites with Amazon Cloudfront. ● How to buy and manage domain names and DNS. ● How to deploy real sites like a boss with DNS. ● Whatever else ya wanna know =)

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Let’s Build a Resume Site

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What is AWS?

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What is S3?

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SO FAST AND CHEAP *3 cents per GB

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Set it Up

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Slide 23 text OR Make your own Git repository and add some html.

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< IAM User Creation Demo >

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Setup the AWS CLI Tool $ brew install python $ sudo pip install awscli $ aws configure default region: us-east-1

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Create an S3 Bucket

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$ aws s3 mb s3:// $ aws s3 website s3:// --index-document index.html $ aws s3 sync . s3:// --exclude '.git/*' --exclude 'Makefile' --acl public-read --delete

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Cool site. Lame URL.

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Slide 33 text Make an Account

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Buy a Domain

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Setup DNS to Point to S3

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Cool site! Cool URL! Not as fast as Google tho :(

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What’s a CDN? (Website is in China)

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In Depth I’m in Los Angeles! DNS California Ireland China UK Hmm. This guy is in California. Let’s send him to the California servers!

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Introducing Cloudfront!

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California Ireland China UK etc

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< Setup Cloudfront Distribution >

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Cool site! Cool URL! So fast!

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Automating Deployments S3_BUCKET=s3:// all: aws s3 sync . $(S3_BUCKET) --exclude '.git/*' --exclude 'Makefile' --acl public-read --delete

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You’re awesome. @rdegges