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JavaScript in Browser Environment Jussi Pohjolainen

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Single-page Applications (SPA) • Web app that fits on a single web page • Fluid UX, like desktop app • Examples like Gmail, Google maps • Html page contains mini-views (HTML Fragments) that can be loaded in the background • No reloading of the page, better UX • Requires handling of browser history, navigation and bookmarks

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JavaScript • SPAs are implemented using JavaScript and HTML • Usually we use some framework for this • ECMAScript is a scripting language, standardized by Ecma International • In Browsers, ECMAScript is commonly called JavaScript • JavaScript = Native (EcmaScript) + Host objects (browser)

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JavaScript • EcmaScript • String, Number, Operators, Statements, Math, Date, Array, Boolean, RegExp.. • Browser BOM • window, navigator, screen, history, location • HTML DOM • DOM document, element, attribute, events • JavaScript = EcmaScript + BOM + DOM

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Learning Path for Front-end Core EcmaScript Browser Host Objects JavaScript in Front-end HTML5 CSS Static Web-pages JavaScript Frameworks: React, AngularJS, ... Also basic understanding of HTTP and REST API...

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HTTP network protocol • HTTP is a network protocol of the Web • Hypertext Transfer Protocol • Delivers resources on the WWW • Usually delivered by TCP/IP • HTTP client sends a request to HTTP server • Default port is 80 • Resource can be a file or dynamically generated query result

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Structure of HTTP • Consists of request and response • Format • an initial line, • zero or more header lines, • a blank line, • optional message body (this is the resource) • Example Header1: value1 Header2: value2

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HTTP REQUEST: Initial Line • Initial line is different for the request than response. • Request line has three parts • method name, local path to resource, version of http • Example • GET /path/to/file/index.html HTTP/1.0 • Method name can be GET, POST, PUT, DELETE...

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HTTP RESPONSE: Initial Line • The initial response line, called the status line • Typical status lines • HTTP/1.0 200 OK • HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found • Status code (200, 404) is computer-readable, reason phrase is human-readable • Status codes • 1xx, information message • 2xx, success • 3xx, redirect • 4xx, client error • 5xx, server error • See all status codes •

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Header Lines • Header lines provide information about the request and response • Header-name: value • HTTP 1.0 provides 16 headers, HTTP 1.1 provides 46 headers • For example client should tell who is making the request • User-Agent: ... • Server should identify • Server: ...

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Message Body • Message body contains the resource • Usually the message body includes header lines • Content-type: • MIME type of the resource, for example text/html, image/gif • Content-length • bytes

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Example HTTP REQUEST and HTTP RESPONSE GET /tekstiedosto.txt HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8080 User-Agent: curl/7.49.1 Accept: text/json HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1.1 X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.1 JSP/2.3 (GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1.1 Java/Oracle Corporation/1.8) Content-Type: text/xml;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 10:27:34 GMT Content-Length: 12 Hello World

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Example HTTP REQUEST and HTTP RESPONSE POST /MunSoftaniTestaus/MunHienoServlet HTTP/1.1 Host: localhost:8080 User-Agent: curl/7.49.1 Accept: */* Content-type: text/plain Content-Length: 9 Some data HTTP/1.1 200 OK Server: GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1.1 X-Powered-By: Servlet/3.1 JSP/2.3 (GlassFish Server Open Source Edition 4.1.1 Java/Oracle Corporation/1.8) Content-Type: text/plain;charset=ISO-8859-1 Date: Tue, 10 Jan 2017 10:39:58 GMT Content-Length: 9 Some data

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HTML5 and JS

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HTML5: It's really easy! Title The content

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HTML5 vs XHTML5: MIME • HTML5 • text/html • XHTML5 • application/xhtml+xml • See: •

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Simple Embedded JS Title console.log('hello world') JS part of the Web page

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Simple External JS Title Let's fetch the JS from external file

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Browser Object Model

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Browser Object Model • Browser specific convention to all the objects exposed by web browser • There is no standard implementation and no strict definition • Browser vendors are free to implement BOM • In Browsers, you use EcmaScript + Host Objects • Host Objects are • BOM (Browser object model) • DOM (Document object model) • DOM has strict definition from W3C / WHATWG

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chrome location document history navigator applicationCache screen ... window Some BOM objects in Chrome getElementsByTagName createTextNode appendChild removeChild ...

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Handling Events

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Intro to Events • Some interaction on html – page: • Mouse click (onclick) • Web page loading (onload) • Mousing over and out (onmouseover, onmouseout) • Submitting HTML form (onsubmit) • Key handling, web page completing, user scrolling or resizing …

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Evolution of Events • DOM Level 0 (Introduced in Netscape) • Say hello • DOM Level 2 (W3C) • document.getElementById("my-link").addEventListener("click", myFunction, false); • Microsoft (IE) did not follow the W3C model until IE8. IE11 deletes its support for MS model

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Example Handler Properties • button.onfocus • button.onblur • button.ondblclick • button.onmouseover • button.onmouseout • window.onkeypress • window.onkeydown • window.onscroll

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Inline Event Handler Title function doIt() { console.log("Hello"); } Click

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Inline Event Handler • Try to avoid inline event handlers they are considered bad practice • Avoid mixing html and js! • If you have "100 buttons", the maintanence of these can be hard

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Better Way Title function clicked() { console.log("click"); } function ready() { var b = document.querySelector("#mybutton"); b.ondblclick = clicked; } window.onload = ready; Click

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Canceling Default Behaviour: return false Title function clicked(event) { console.log("click"); return false; } function ready() { var b = document.querySelector("#link"); b.onclick = clicked; } window.onload = ready; Click Won't open

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Title function count() { var height = document.forms.myform.height.value; var weight = document.forms.myform.weight.value; document.forms.myform.result.value = (weight / (height*height)); } window.onload = () => { let button = document.querySelector('#button') button.onclick = count; } Height (m):

Weight (kg):

Accessing Form by using DOM Level 0

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W3C DOM • DOM – Document Object Model – cross-platform and language- independent convention for interacting with objects in HTML and in XML. • With DOM you can manipulate html/xml document! Dynamic html! • Public interface available:

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W3C DOM Levels (Legacy) • ( DOM Level 0 and Intermediate DOM ) • Not W3C Standards, used in Netscape 2 (Level 0) and Netscape 4 (Intermediate DOM) • DOM Level 1 • 1998: Ability to change entire HTML or XML document • Core and HTML specifications • Level of support: excellent • DOM Level 2 • 2001: Introduces “getElementById” function, event model and support for XML namespaces • Core, Views, Events, Style, Traversal and Range, HTML • Level of Support: good • DOM Level 3 • 2004: XPath, focus on keyboard event handling • Core, Load, Save, Validation, Events, XPath

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WHATWG: DOM Living Standard • WHATWG DOM "standardizes" DOM • DOM LEVEL 3 core and DOM LEVEL 3 Events • Selectors API Level 2 • And others •

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DOM (Level 2) Event Handling • Methods for adding and removing events • addEventListener • removeEventListener • Multiple event handlers can be registered for the same event!

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Title window.addEventListener('load', ready); function ready() { let p = document.querySelector("#clickme"); p.addEventListener('click', doIt); } function doIt() { alert("Hello"); }


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Benefits • You can remove event listener • You can register multiple listeners

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Remove function ready() { let p = document.querySelector("#clickme"); p.addEventListener('click', doIt); } function doIt() { alert("Hello"); let p = document.querySelector("#clickme"); p.removeEventListener('click', doIt); }

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Multiple Listeners function ready() { let p = document.querySelector("#clickme"); p.addEventListener('click', () => alert("Hello")); p.addEventListener('click', () => alert("World")); }

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Event Object window.addEventListener('load', ready); function ready() { let p = document.querySelector("#clickme"); p.addEventListener('click', doIt); } function doIt(event) { alert("hello"); let p =; p.removeEventListener('click', doIt); } It's an event -object

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Event Object function ready() { let p = document.querySelector("#clickme"); p.addEventListener('click', doIt); } function doIt(event) { console.log(event.type); console.log(event.timeStamp); } See doc for all possibilities

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Event Bubbling div p If div and p both have click – event handler?

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stopPropagation: only p will trigger function ready() { let p = document.querySelector("#pClickme"); let div = document.querySelector("#divClickMe"); p.addEventListener('click', (e) => { e.stopPropagation(); alert("p");} ); div.addEventListener('click', (e) => alert("div")); }

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Pattern: Listen to children
  • Hello
  • World

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Script function ready() { let ul = document.querySelector("#list"); ul.addEventListener('click', (e) => { console.log(; //
  • Hello
  • console.log(; // LI if( == "LI") { alert(; // item-1 or item-2 } } ); }

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    Document Object Model

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    DOM • Programming Interface for HTML and XML documents • You can change dynamically the document using DOM • The document is presented in nodes • Most browsers support both • W3C DOM • WHATWG DOM • And in addition have extensions to these • DOM is not a programming language, it's an specification

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    WHATWG: DOM Living Standard • DOM For all structured Documents • WHATWG DOM "standardizes" DOM • DOM LEVEL 3 core and DOM LEVEL 3 Events • Selectors API Level 2 • And others • • For HTML also additions • • Other languages support also DOM, not just JavaScript

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    document • document object represents the web page loaded • Is the entry point into web page's content (DOM Tree) • Some methods for getting elements • getElementsById(id) • getElementsByTagName(name) • querySelector(cssselector) • The DOM tree can be traversed in a lot of different ways • DOM Tree consists of nodes. Node can be for example • element, attribute, text ...

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    Title var htmlElementNode = document.documentElement; console.log(htmlElementNode instanceof Node); // true // Element extends Node console.log(htmlElementNode instanceof Element); // true console.log(htmlElementNode.getAttribute("hello")) // world

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    Node? • Node is a base "class" for • Element, Document, Text ... • For each Node you can use • childNodes() • firstChild() • lastChild() • nextSibling() • nodeType() • nodeValue • textContent()

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    Node • In DOM, each object is Node • In this •


    • You have two nodes 1) element node p 2) text node Hello • Text node is child node of p element. P element is parent node of the text node

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    My Title var htmlElementNode = document.documentElement; var headElementNode = htmlElementNode.firstChild; var titleElementNode = headElementNode.firstChild; var titleTextNode = titleElementNode.firstChild; var titleString = titleTextNode.nodeValue; console.log(titleString);

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    My Title var htmlElementNode = document.documentElement; var helloAttributeNode = htmlElementNode.getAttributeNode("hello"); var attributeText = helloAttributeNode.nodeValue console.log(attributeText);

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    Getting Elements More Easier • Getting list of elements • document.getElementsByTagName() • Getting with id • document.getElementById() • Getting use CSS selectors • document.querySelector()

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    My Title

    Title 1

    Title 2

    var allH1Elements = document.getElementsByTagName("h1"); var firstH1 = allH1Elements[0]; firstH1.firstChild.nodeValue = "Hello!"; Getting all elements with tag H1

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    My Title

    Title 1

    Title 2

    var firstH1 = document.getElementById("mytitle"); firstH1.firstChild.nodeValue = "Hello!"; Getting H1 with the id of mytitle

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    My Title

    Title 1

    Title 2

    var firstH1 = document.querySelector("#mytitle"); firstH1.firstChild.nodeValue = "Hello!"; Using CSS Query Selector for getting the H1

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    Whitespaces.... We have a problem! My Title


    var div = document.querySelector("#myDiv"); var h1 = div.firstChild; var text = h1.firstChild; text.nodeValue = "Hello"; We are NOT getting the H1 Here!

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    Slide 67 text head child is a text node!

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    var div = document.querySelector("#myDiv"); var whiteSpace = div.firstChild; var h1 = whiteSpace.nextSibling; var text = h1.firstChild; text.nodeValue = "Hello";

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    firstChild vs firstElementChild


    var div = document.querySelector("#myDiv"); var h1 = div.firstElementChild; var text = h1.firstChild; text.nodeValue = "Hello"; Bypassing the text node..

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    var div = document.querySelector("#myDiv"); var h1 = div.firstElementChild; //var text = h1.firstChild; //text.nodeValue = "Hello"; h1.textContent = "Hello";

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    textContent vs innerHTML
    var div = document.querySelector("#myPre"); div.textContent = "<h1>Moi</h1>"; In browser we are seeing also the < and > characters

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    textContent vs innerHTML
    var div = document.querySelector("#myPre"); div.innerHTML = "<h1>Moi</h1>"; In innerHTML the


    are presented as tags..

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    Creating and appending function main(event) { let h1 = document.createElement("h1") let text = document.createTextNode("Hello World") h1.appendChild(text) document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(h1) } window.addEventListener('load', main) Creating new elements and text nodes!

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    Creating attribute function main(event) { let a = document.createElement("a") a.setAttribute("href", "") let text = document.createTextNode("tamk") a.appendChild(text) document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0].appendChild(a) } window.addEventListener('load', main)

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    insertBefore My Title function main(event) { let a = document.createElement("a") a.setAttribute("href", "") let text = document.createTextNode("tamk") a.appendChild(text) let p = document.getElementById("someid") let parent = p.parentElement parent.insertBefore(a, p) } window.addEventListener('load', main)


    Insert the link (a) before the p under body

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    removeChild My Title function main(event) { let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] let p = document.getElementById('someid') body.removeChild(p) } window.addEventListener('load', main)


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    replaceChild My Title function main(event) { let body = document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0] let p = document.getElementById('someid') let h1 = document.createElement('h1') h1.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Hello World')) body.replaceChild(h1, p) } window.addEventListener('load', main)


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    AJAX XmlHttpRequest, Promises and Fetch

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    AJAX • AJAX: Asynchronous JavaScript and XML • AJAX is about updating parts of web page without reloading the whole page • Essential part when creating Single Page Apps!

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    How AJAX works? (

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    Synchronous vs Asynchronous • Synchronous requests blocks the client (browser unresponsive) until request is done • Asynchronous requests does not block the client -> User can interact with the web page while at the same time the request is being fulfilled • Asynchronous requests usually work with callbacks or Promises • AJAX requests are asynchronous, also web workers and setTimeout

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    XMLHttpRequest • Modern browsers support built-in XMLHttpRequest object • All about sending and receiving data from server. • Instantiate in normal fashion: • var xmlobj = new XMLHttpRequest();

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    My Title function buttonClicked(event) { var xmlobj = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", // HTTP POST or GET? "./somefile.txt", // URL true); // async or not? xmlobj.send(); // Send it } window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { document.getElementById('myButton').addEventListener('click', buttonClicked) }) Fetch

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    AJAX is not supported with file://

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    To quickly create Web Server (http) • Install Node.js • Install http-server module globally: • npm install http-server –g • Then start the http-server in your project folder: • http-server • Open browser •

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    No errors when using HTTP

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    Asynchronous • When setting the async parameter to true, the server side script is run in background. • Javascript does not have to wait for the server response.. You can • Execute other scripts while waiting server response • Deal with the response when ready • Specify a function that is called when response is ready!

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    onreadystatechange function buttonClicked(event) { var xmlobj = new XMLHttpRequest(); xmlobj.onreadystatechange = function() { console.log(xmlobj.readyState) }"GET", "./somefile.txt", true); xmlobj.send(); }

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    State of the Request • 0: Not initialized • 1: open() has been called • 2: send() has been called • 3: loading • 4: request finished and response Ready

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    responseText function buttonClicked(event) { var xmlobj = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "./somefile.txt", true); xmlobj.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xmlobj.readyState == 4) { console.log(xmlobj.responseText) } } xmlobj.send(); }

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    Status of the Request • Also HTTP Status is received • 200: “Ok” • 404: “Page not found” • … • if(xmlobj.status == 200 && xmlobj.readyState == 4) { .. }

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    With status function buttonClicked(event) { var xmlobj = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "./somefile.txt", true); xmlobj.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xmlobj.readyState == 4 && xmlobj.status == 200) { console.log(xmlobj.responseText) } } xmlobj.send(); }

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    AJAX and DOM function buttonClicked(event) { var xmlobj = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "./somefile.txt", true); xmlobj.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xmlobj.readyState == 4 && xmlobj.status == 200) { document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = xmlobj.responseText } } xmlobj.send(); }

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    Server Response • XMLHttpRequest has two attributes for the response • DOMString responseText • Document responseXML

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    students.xml Tina Smith Paul Power

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    function buttonClicked(event) { var xmlobj = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "./students.xml", true); xmlobj.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xmlobj.readyState == 4 && xmlobj.status == 200) { let doc = xmlobj.responseXML let students = doc.getElementsByTagName("student") let firststudent = students[0] let firststudentname = firststudent.textContent document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = firststudentname } } xmlobj.send(); }

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    students.json [{"name": "Tina Smith"}, {"name": "Paul Power"}]

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    Parsing JSON function buttonClicked(event) { var xmlobj = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "./students.json", true); xmlobj.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xmlobj.readyState == 4 && xmlobj.status == 200) { let text = xmlobj.responseText let jsonArray = JSON.parse(text) document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = jsonArray[0].name } } xmlobj.send(); }

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    HTTP Access Control

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    function buttonClicked(event) { var xmlobj = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true); xmlobj.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xmlobj.readyState == 4 && xmlobj.status == 200) { let doc = xmlobj.responseXML let firstname = doc.getElementsByTagName("FIRSTNAME")[0].textContent document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = firstname } } xmlobj.send(); }

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    No content

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    Same-origin policy • For security reasons, by default, XMLHttpRequest following same- origin policy • Only http requests to its own domain! • So access from -> is allowed • From 127.0.01/index.html -> is NOT allowed!

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    Students.xml on

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    AJAX ->

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    CORS • Cross – Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) mechanism gives cross- domain access controls • enables secure cross-domain data transfers • Works by adding new HTTP Headers

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    There is no Access- Control-Allow-Origin! Cross-domain requests from AJAX are not allowed

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    Adding a new header: students.php Tina Smith Paul Power

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    Server allows cross origin ajax calls

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    Try it again... it should work! function buttonClicked(event) { var xmlobj = new XMLHttpRequest();"GET", "", true); xmlobj.onreadystatechange = function() { if(xmlobj.readyState == 4 && xmlobj.status == 200) { let doc = xmlobj.responseXML let firstname = doc.getElementsByTagName("student")[0].textContent document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = firstname } } xmlobj.send(); }

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    Third party API

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    Using curl

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    Using POST var xmlobj = new XMLHttpRequest();"POST", // POST or GET? "somescript.php", // URL true); // async or not? // Specify the data you want to send via POST xmlobj.setRequestHeader("Content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded"); // Send data xmlobj.send("name=Kalle");

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    About Promises • Fetch API is a new way of doing AJAX • Fetch API uses Promises • Promises an alternative to callbacks delivering result of an async computation • Promises are part of EcmaScript 2015 • Previously you could use them as additional library • 122

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    Typical async function with callback asyncFunction(arg1, arg2, result => { console.log(result); }); 123

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    Problems with callbacks • When async done, do another async method (chaining) -> using callbacks can be messy • What is async fails? If you have chained async methods and one of them fails? • It is not standard, everyone can have they own version of doing callbacks 124

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    Using Promises function promiseFunction(resolve, reject) { // time consuming async stuff if(true) { resolve("OK!"); } else { reject("Failed!"); } } function onSuccess(msg) { console.log(msg); } function onError(msg) { console.log(msg); } let promise = new Promise(promiseFunction); promise.then(onSuccess, onError); promise.then(onSuccess).catch(onError); You can do both here 125

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    Node.JS callbacks const fs = require('fs'); fs.readFile('mytest.json', function (error, text) { if (error) { console.error('Error while reading config file'); } else { try { const obj = JSON.parse(text); console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)); } catch (e) { console.error('Invalid JSON in file'); } } } ); File I/O module 126

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    Node.JS promise const util = require('util'); const fs = require('fs'); const promiseReadFile = util.promisify(fs.readFile); promiseReadFile('mytest.json') .then(function (text) { // const obj = JSON.parse(text); console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)); }) .catch(function (error) { // // File read error or JSON SyntaxError console.error('An error occurred', error); }); util.promisify is Node 8 feature 127

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    Simple Example function doSomeTimeConsumingStuff() { function asyncOperation(resolve, reject) { setTimeout(() => resolve("Done"), 1000); } return new Promise(asyncOperation); } doSomeTimeConsumingStuff().then(result => console.log('Result: ' + result)); 128

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    function promiseFunction(resolve, reject) { // time consuming async stuff if(true) { resolve(4); } else { reject("First promise failed!"); } } function onSuccess(result) { let p = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // time consuming async stuff if(true) { resolve(result + 4); } else { reject("Second promise failed"); } } ); return p; } function onError(msg) { console.log(msg); } let promise = new Promise(promiseFunction); promise.then(onSuccess).then((result) => console.log("sum = " + result)).catch(onError); Returns promise Chaining with then Can handle both errors! 129

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    Fetch API

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    Fetch API • Alternative (new) way of doing AJAX • Whatwg living standard • • Uses promises

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    function doIt(event) { function responseIsReady(response) { return response.json() } function jsonIsParsed(studentsJsonArray) { document.getElementById('content').innerHTML = studentsJsonArray[0].name } // studens.json: [{"name": "Tina Smith"}, {"name": "Paul Power"}] fetch('./students.json').then(responseIsReady).then(jsonIsParsed) } window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { document.getElementById('myButton').addEventListener('click', doIt); })

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    To Extract Body • json() • text() • blob() • formData() • ...

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    Error Handling fetch('http://..../customers').then(function(response) { var contentType = response.headers.get('content-type'); // status 200 - 299 if(!response.ok) { throw new Error('Network response was not ok!'); } if(!contentType.includes('application/json')) { throw new Error('It was not json') } return response.json(); }).then(function(jsonObject) { // do something with the jsonObject }).catch(function(error) { console.log('There has been a problem with your fetch operation: ' + error.message); });

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    POST var myHeaders = new Headers() myHeaders.append('Content-type', 'text/json') var init = { method: 'post', headers: myHeaders, body: {'name': 'jack'} } fetch('', init).then(responseIsReady).then(jsonIsParsed)

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    FormData • FormData is a easy way of creating key/value pairs from a form • When having a form in HTML page you can just create the FormData by • let formData = new FormData(someFormDomElement) • Then by using Fetch API or XmlHttpRequest, it's really easy to send user given values to backend

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    Example function doIt (event) { let formData = new FormData(document.getElementById('myForm')) var init = { method: 'post', body: formData } fetch('http://.../postdata.php', init).then(responseIsReady).then(jsonIsParsed) }

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    Webpack • Bundles several JS – files into one • Supports ES 2015 modules • Install locally • npm install --save-dev webpack

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    Title The content Webpack will generate this for us!

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    src/index.js import PlayerObject from './PlayerObject.js' var player = new PlayerObject(5, 5) window.addEventListener('load', () => { document.querySelector('body').innerHTML = `

    Player position x = ${player.x}, y = ${player.y}` }) ES2015 modules

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    src/PlayerObject.js class PlayerObject { constructor (x, y) { this.x = x this.y = y } } export default PlayerObject

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    Packaging all into one • By using one command you can package these file into one • node ./node_modules/webpack/bin/webpack.js src/index.js

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    Web Apis Canvas API, Web Workers, Web Storage, Geolocation ..

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    Canvas API • In HTML5 element can be used to draw graphics via scripting in JavaScript • Draw graphics, bitmaps, create animations... • Really easy • • And then in JS start to draw to the element

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    Example var canvas = document.getElementById('canvas'); var ctx = canvas.getContext('2d'); ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(200, 0, 0)'; ctx.fillRect(10, 10, 50, 50);

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    Implementing a Game // What keys are down let keysDown = new Set() // For drawing let ctx let canvas // Game object let x = 50 let y = 50

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    function init () { canvas = document.querySelector('canvas') ctx = canvas.getContext('2d') canvas.width = window.innerWidth canvas.height = window.innerHeight window.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => { keysDown.add(event.keyCode) }) window.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => { keysDown.clear(event.keyCode) }) window.requestAnimationFrame(gameloop); } window.addEventListener('load', (event) => { init() })

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    function gameloop() { ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(255, 255, 255, 1)' ctx.fillRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height) ctx.fillStyle = 'rgb(0,0,0)' ctx.fillRect(x, y, 50, 50) moveObjects() window.requestAnimationFrame(gameloop); }

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    function moveObjects() { const Direction = {UP: 87, DOWN: 83, LEFT: 65, RIGHT: 68} if (keysDown.has(Direction.UP)) { y-- } if (keysDown.has(Direction.DOWN)) { y++ } if (keysDown.has(Direction.LEFT)) { x-- } if (keysDown.has(Direction.RIGHT)) { x++ } }

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    Geolocation Example navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => { console.log(position.coords.latitude) console.log(position.coords.longitude) });

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    function read(e) { let text = console.log(text) } function readFile(file) { var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = read reader.readAsText(file) } function handleFileSelect(evt) { let f =[0] readFile(f) } document.getElementById('files').addEventListener('change', handleFileSelect);

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    Others • Web Workers • For threading • Web Storage • Store data inside of browser • FileReader • To read files • Drag and Drop • Dragging and dropping elements