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Surrogate modeling for stochastic simulators an overview and recent developments Xujia Zhu Mar. 8, 2024

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Risk, Safety & Uncertainty Quantification Prof. Dr. Bruno Sudret Prof. Dr. Marco Broccardo Dr. Nora Lüthen Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 1/28

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Outline 1. Stochastic simulators 2. Review of stochastic emulators 3. Generalized lambda model 4. Stochastic polynomial chaos expansions 5. Conclusion & outlook Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 2/28

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Computational model Physical laws Conservation of mass Conservation of momentum Conservation of energy Quan�ta�ve modeling Geometry Material properties Boundary&initial conditions Analy�cal/numerical solver Discretization Numerical algorithms Implementation Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 3/28

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Deterministic vs. stochastic simulators Deterministic simulators ▶ A given set of input parameters has a unique corresponding output value Md : DX ⊂ RM → R Stochastic simulators ▶ A given set of input parameters can lead to different values of the output ▶ Yx = Ms (x) is a random variable ▶ Source of randomness: Yx = Md (x, Ξ) Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 4/28

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Deterministic vs. stochastic simulators Deterministic simulators ▶ Each set of input variables has a unique corresponding output Md : DX ⊂ RM → R Stochastic simulators ▶ A given set of input parameters can lead to different values of the output ▶ Yx = Ms (x) is a random variable ▶ Source of randomness: Yx = Md (x, Ξ) Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 5/28

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Why stochastic simulators? Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 6/28

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Why stochastic simulators? ▶ The relevant variables are extremely high-dimensional Simulation-based seismic fragility analysis Ground motion parameters Effective duration Arias intensity Main frequency ... Stochastic ground motion Structural dynamics Fragility analysis Rezaeian & Der Kiureghian (2010). Simulation of synthetic ground motions for specified earthquake and site characteristics. Earthquake Engng Struct. Dyn. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 7/28

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Why stochastic simulators? ▶ The relevant variables are extremely high-dimensional ▶ Some variables do not have significant physical meaning or interest Agent-based model ▶ Input variables: initial configurations, population characteristics, intervention, etc. ▶ Latent variables: detailed interactions between individuals, microscopic events, etc. Cuevas (2020). An agent-based model to evaluate the COVID-19 transmission risks in facilities. Comput. Biol. Med. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 8/28

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Why stochastic simulators? ▶ The relevant variables are extremely high-dimensional ▶ Some variables do not have significant physical meaning or interest ▶ Some uncertain sources cannot be accessed or even controlled Hybrid simulation K 3 M 3 F (t) θ(t) C 3 E, I, A, L, ρ, α , K 2 J 2 , K 1 J 1 , K 2 J 2 u 2 u 3 u 3 u 2 u 1 u 1 E, I, A, L, ρ, α NS NS PS + + K 3 M 3 C 3 , K 1 J 1 Tsokanas et al. (2021). A global sensitivity analysis framework for hybrid simulation with stochastic substructures. Front. Built Environ. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 9/28

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Computational costs induced by stochastic simulators ▶ Replications are needed to estimate the probability distribution of Yx (i.e., Y | X = x) ▶ Various values of X should be investigated for optimization, uncertainty quantification, etc. ▶ Realistic simulators (e.g., for wind turbine design) are costly Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 10/28

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Stochastic surrogate models Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 11/28

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Outline 1. Stochastic simulators 2. Review of stochastic emulators Random field representation Replication-based approach Statistical models 3. Generalized lambda model 4. Stochastic polynomial chaos expansions 5. Conclusion & outlook Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 11/28

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Random field representation Main idea ▶ Consider the stochastic simulator as a random field indexed by the input variables: Yx (ω) = Md (x, Ξ(ω)) ▶ Fixing the internal stochasticity, i.e., ξ(1) = Ξ ω(1) , gives access to trajectories x → Md x, ξ(1) Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 12/28

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Random field representation Main idea ▶ Consider the stochastic simulator as a random field indexed by the input variables: Yx (ω) = Md (x, Ξ(ω)) ▶ Fixing the internal stochasticity, i.e., ξ(1) = Ξ ω(1) , gives access to trajectories x → Md x, ξ(1) Literature ▶ Trajectory emulation with PCE: Azzi et al. (2019). Surrogate modeling of stochastic functions-application to computational electromagnetic dosimetry. Int. J. Uncertainty Quantification. ▶ Trajectory emulation with Kriging: Pearce et al. (2022). Bayesian optimization allowing for common random numbers. Oper. Res. ▶ Full random field construction: Lüthen et al. (2023). A spectral surrogate model for stochastic simulators computed from trajectory samples. Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Eng. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 12/28

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Replication-based approach Main idea ▶ Estimate distributions/QoIs based on replications ▶ Apply standard regression techniques to the estimated quantities Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 13/28

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Replication-based approach Main idea ▶ Estimate distributions/QoIs based on replications ▶ Apply standard regression techniques to the estimated quantities Literature ▶ Stochastic Kriging: Ankenman et al. (2006). Stochastic Kriging for simulation metamodeling. Oper. Res. ▶ PCE-based mean-variance estimation: Murcia et al. (2018). Uncertainty propagation through an aeroelastic wind turbine model using polynomial, Renew. Energy. ▶ Quantile Kriging: Plumlee & Tuo (2014). Building accurate emulators for stochastic simulations via quantile Kriging. Technometrics. ▶ Kernel density estimation: Moutoussamy et al. (2015). Emulators for stochastic simulation codes, ESAIM: Math. Model. Num. Anal. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 13/28

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Statistical models Statistical assumptions ▶ Data generation process, e.g., linear models Y = a X + b + ϵ Estimation method ▶ A framework to infer the model ▶ Regression method: loss function, e.g., mean-squared error, check function loss Distribution estimation ▶ Parametric family: normal distribution, exponential family ▶ Non-parametric models: kernel estimation, logistic Gaussian process ▶ Latent variable models: variational auto-encoder, GAN, normalizing flow, diffusion model Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 14/28

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Assuming normality Main idea ▶ Response distributions are normal ▶ Mean function µ(x) and log-variance function log(V (x)) are modeled by Gaussian processes Literature ▶ Full Bayesian setup: Goldberg et al. (1997). Regression with input-dependent noise: a Gaussian process treatment. NIPS10. ▶ Variational Bayes: Lazaro-Gredilla & Titsias (2011).Variational heteroscedastic Gaussian process regression. ICML. ▶ MAP leveraging replications: Binois et al. (2018). Practical heteroscedastic Gaussian process modeling for large simulation experiments. J. Comput. Graph. Stat. ▶ Iterative fitting: Marrel et al. (2012). Global sensitivity analysis of stochastic computer models with joint metamodels, Stat. Comput. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 15/28

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Kernel estimation Main idea ▶ Estimate the joint distribution of (X, Y ) by kernel smoothing, then compute the conditional PDF by: ˆ f(y | x) = ˆ f(x, y) ˆ f(x) Literature ▶ Density estimation: Hall et al. (2004). Cross-validation and the estimation of conditional probability densities, J. Amer. Stat. Assoc. ▶ CDF and quantile estimations: Li et al. (2013). Optimal bandwidth selection for nonparametric conditional distribution and quantile functions, J. Bus. Econ. Stat. ▶ Local regression: Fan et al. (1996). Estimation of conditional densities and sensitivity measures in nonlinear dynamical systems. Biometrika. ▶ Dimension reduction: Hall & Yao (2005). Conditional distribution function approximation, and prediction, using dimension reduction. Ann. Stats. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 16/28

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Latent variable models Main idea ▶ Introduce explicit latent variables Z into a deterministic model to emulate the random nature of stochastic simulators Yx d ≈ ˜ Mθ (x, Z) Literature ▶ Conditional VAE: Sohn et al. (2015). Learning structured output representation using deep conditional generative models. NIPS 2015. ▶ Diffusion model: Rombach et al. (2022) High-resolution image synthesis with latent diffusion models. CVPR. ▶ Conditional GAN: Yan & Perdikaris (2019). Conditional deep surrogate models for stochastic, high-dimensional, and multi-fidelity systems. Comput. Mech. ▶ Kernel embedding: Thakur & Chakraborty (2022). A deep learning based surrogate model for stochastic simulators. Probabilistic Eng. Mech. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 17/28

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Recap of different approaches Random field representation ▶ Produces the entire random field ▶ Requires seed control Replication-based approach ▶ Allows reusing existing deterministic surrogates ▶ Necessitates replications ▶ Demands a trade-off between exploration and replication Statistical models ▶ Run the simulator as it is ▶ Encompass a wide array of methods ▶ Require a balance between model flexibility and sample size Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 18/28

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Outline 1. Stochastic simulators 2. Review of stochastic emulators 3. Generalized lambda model Generalized lambda distribution Generalized lambda model 4. Stochastic polynomial chaos expansions 5. Conclusion & outlook Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 18/28

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Generalized lambda distribution The response probability distribution of Yx can be approximated by the generalized lambda distribution (GLD) -5 0 5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 Standard normal Analytical GLD -5 0 5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 Student's t (5) Analytical GLD 0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 Exponential (1) Analytical GLD 0 1 2 3 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 Weibull (1,2) Analytical GLD Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 19/28

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Generalized lambda distribution The response probability distribution of Yx can be approximated by the generalized lambda distribution (GLD) ▶ It can approximate many common parametric distributions ▶ The quantile function reads Q(u) def = F−1(u) = λ1 + 1 λ2 uλ3 − 1 λ3 − (1 − u)λ4 − 1 λ4 ▶ The probability density function (PDF) is implicitly given by fY (y) = λ2 uλ3−1 + (1 − u)λ4−1 1 [0,1] (u), where y = Q(u) Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 19/28

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Properties of GLD Moments of order k do not exist Moments of order k do not exist ▶ λ3 and λ4 control the shape and boundedness Bl (λ) = −∞, λ3 ≤ 0 λ1 − 1 λ2λ3 , λ3 > 0 Bu (λ) = +∞, λ4 ≤ 0 λ1 + 1 λ2λ4 , λ4 > 0 ▶ Rich tail behaviors ▶ Moments, quantiles, and superquantiles can be computed analytically Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 20/28

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Generalized lambda model General setting Yx ∼ GLD (λ1 (x) , λ2 (x) , λ3 (x) , λ4 (x)) Polynomial chaos expansions λk (x) ≈ λPCE k (x; c) = α∈Ak ck,α ψα (x) k = 1, 3, 4 λ2 (x) ≈ λPCE 2 (x; c) = exp α∈A2 c2,α ψα (x) Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 21/28

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Model construction Data generation ▶ Experimental design (ED) of size N in the X-space: X = x(1), x(2), . . . , x(N) ▶ The model is evaluated only once, i.e. no replication, for each ED point y(i) def = Md (x(i), ξ(i)) Selection of PCE bases ▶ Modified feasible generalized least-squares for λPCE 1 and λPCE 2 ▶ Low-degree polynomials for λPCE 3 and λPCE 4 Maximum likelihood estimation ˆ c = arg max c 1 N N i=1 log fGLD Y |X y(i); λPCE(x(i); c) Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 22/28

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Examples ▶ Comparison with one of the state-of-the-art kernel estimators (KCDE)1 2-d geometric Brownian motion 2-d stochastic SIR model 1 Hayfield & Racine (2008) Nonparametric Econometrics: The np Package, J. Stat. Softw. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 23/28

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Examples ▶ Comparison with one of the state-of-the-art kernel estimators (KCDE)1 ▶ Normalized Wasserstein distance as a performance indicator ε def = EX d2 WS YX , ˜ YX Var [YX ] , where dWS is the Wasserstein distance of order 2 d2 WS (Y, ˜ Y ) def = ∥QY − Q˜ Y ∥2 L2 = 1 0 (QY (u) − Q˜ Y (u))2 du 1 Hayfield & Racine (2008) Nonparametric Econometrics: The np Package, J. Stat. Softw. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 23/28

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Examples ▶ Comparison with one of the state-of-the-art kernel estimators (KCDE)1 ▶ Normalized Wasserstein distance as a performance indicator 2-d geometric Brownian motion 2-d stochastic SIR model 1 Hayfield & Racine (2008) Nonparametric Econometrics: The np Package, J. Stat. Softw. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 23/28

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Outline 1. Stochastic simulators 2. Review of stochastic emulators 3. Generalized lambda model 4. Stochastic polynomial chaos expansions 5. Conclusion & outlook Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 23/28

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Stochastic PCE Yx d ≈ ˜ Yx def = α∈A cα ψα (x, Z) + ϵ ▶ Z is an artificial latent variable, and ϵ ∼ N(0, σ2 ϵ ) is a noise variable ▶ Z and ϵ are used to mimic the intrinsic stochasticity of the stochastic simulator Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 24/28

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Stochastic PCE Yx d ≈ ˜ Yx def = α∈A cα ψα (x, Z) + ϵ ▶ Z is an artificial latent variable, and ϵ ∼ N(0, σ2 ϵ ) is a noise variable ▶ Z and ϵ are used to mimic the intrinsic stochasticity of the stochastic simulator ▶ The response distribution is given by f˜ Y |X (y | x) = DZ 1 √ 2πσϵ exp − y − α∈A cα ψα (x, z) 2 2σ2 ϵ fZ (z)dz ▶ Some important properties can be computed analytically by simple post-processing Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 24/28

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Estimation without replication Maximum likelihood estimation ▶ The conditional likelihood for a data point (x, y) is l(c, σϵ ; x, y) = DZ 1 √ 2πσϵ exp − y − α∈A cα ψα (x, z) 2 2σ2 ϵ fZ (z)dz ▶ Numerical integration by 1d quadrature l(c, σϵ ; x, y) ≈ ˜ l(c, σϵ ; x, y) ▶ Maximum likelihood to estimate the coefficients ˆ c = arg max c N i=1 log ˜ l c, σϵ ; x(i), y(i) Cross-validation ▶ The likelihood is unbounded for σϵ = 0: σϵ is a hyperparameter that can be selected by cross-validation ▶ The cross-validation score is also used to find a suitable distribution for Z and a truncation scheme Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 25/28

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Examples ▶ Comparison with GLaM and KCDE 4-d stochastic SIR model 1-d bimodal example Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 26/28

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Examples ▶ Comparison with GLaM and KCDE ▶ Normalized Wasserstein distance as the performance indicator 4-d stochastic SIR model 1-d bimodal example Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 26/28

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Applications Seismic fragility analysis Wind turbine simulations Mean speed yaw control Turbulence pitch control Drag Lift Wave Sensitivity analysis ▶ Study of Sobol’ indices: three potential extensions. ▶ Estimation of the indices related to the statistical dependence between the input and output. Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 27/28

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Conclusion & outlook Conclusion ▶ Surrogate modeling for stochastic simulators is an active multidisciplinary research field ▶ Two stochastic emulators have been developed, without the need for replications ▶ The consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator for both models has been investigated Outlook ▶ Theoretical development – Asymptotic properties and bootstrap consistency of the maximum likelihood estimation – Error bound under model misspecification ▶ Methodological development – Sparse models for high-dimensional problems ˆ c = arg min c L(c) + penθ (c) – Other loss functions, e.g., f-divergence, Wasserstein distance – Sequential design of experiments – Multiple outputs – ... Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 28/28

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Thank you very much for your attention! Gif-sur-Yvette, 08.03.24 28/28