Slide 43
Slide 43 text
…employment regulations must not be contrary to laws and regulations and collective
agreements applicable to the workplace. The director of the labor standards office concerned
may order changes to employment regulations that are in violation of laws, regulations, or
collective agreements (Article 92 of the Labor Standards Law). \nThe Labor Standards Law
applies to all workplaces employing at least one worker. However, in workplaces employing
at least 10 workers on a regular basis, the preparation or amendment of employment
regulations must be reported to the director of the labor standards office concerned (Article
89 of the Labor Standards Law). (Article 89 of the Labor Standards Law). In addition,
employment regulations must be prepared and submitted at the workplace level, not at the
company level. For example, if a company has two or more sales offices, stores, etc., the
number of workers is not totaled for the entire company, but each sales office, store, etc. is
considered as one workplace, and the company is obliged to prepare work rules for
workplaces with 10 or more workers employed on a regular basis. For companies with
multiple sales offices, stores, etc., it is possible to submit a collective notification via the…
① 1000⽂字を抽出する。
② ①で取得した1000⽂字の末尾から1⽂字ずつ進み、⼀定の範囲内の⽂字を調査して、以下の⽂字がないかを調べる。
• 単語の区切り⽂字(スペース、セミコロン(;)、改⾏など)
• ⽂の終わりを表す⽂字(ピリオド(.)、ハテナ(?)、ビックリマーク(!))
③ ①で取得した1000⽂字のはじめから1⽂字ずつ戻り、⼀定の範囲内の⽂字を調査して、以下の⽂字がないかを調べる。
• 単語の区切り⽂字(スペース、セミコロン(;)、改⾏など)
• ⽂の終わりを表す⽂字(ピリオド(.)、ハテナ(?)、ビックリマーク(!))