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Grokking Android Studio Tips and Tricks to Make You Look Really Cool Phil Shadlyn @physphil

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Agenda 1. Basic Navigation 2. Helpful Key Mappings and Code Completion 3. Live Templates 4. Structural Search and Replace

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Android Studio ● Announced at Google I/O 2013 ● Based off IntelliJ IDEA ● Free to download from Google

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Navigation ● Hands off your mouse! ● Most navigation can be done with key mappings

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Demo Time!

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Navigation Shortcuts double shift Search Everywhere cmd + e Recently Opened Files cmd + alt + L / R Last/Previous Cursor Location cmd + shift + delete Last Edit Location cmd + shift + [ / ] Cycle Between Tabs cmd + w Close Tab shift + escape Collapse Current Window cmd + b Go to Declaration cmd + shift + b Go to Type Declaration cmd + alt + b Go to Implementation

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Key Mappings and Code Completion ● Help with basic text editing ● IDE functionality ● When in doubt, just start typing...

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Demo Number 2...

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Key Mappings cmd + shift + a Find Any Action cmd + d Duplicate Line cmd + delete Delete Line option + up / down Expand / Shrink Selection cmd + option + l Reformat Code option + return Show Quick Fixes cmd + n Generate Code control + o Override Methods control + i Implement Methods cmd + k Commit to VCS

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Live Templates ● Quickly generate common code snippets ● List with cmd + j ● Create your own ○ Highlight code → “Save as Live Template”

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Live Templates Demo

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● “...performs search and replace in the supported languages code across the whole project, taking advantage of the IntelliJ IDEA's awareness of the syntax and code structure of the supported languages.” ● … Huh? Structural Search and Replace

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Want More Info? ● IntelliJ Reference Card ● Android Studio Tips of the Day ● No Tabs in IntelliJ IDEA ● IntelliJ IDEA Tips and Tricks ● Key Promoter Plugin ● Structural Search and Replace ● Android Studio Like A Boss

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Questions? Phil Shadlyn @physphil