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LINKEDIN AND GITHUB WHY ARE THEY IMPORTANT? • Recruiters will not find you on Facebook, Pinterest or Instagram • Help you stand out in a crowded job market • Get attention of people that can place your resume in the hands of hiring managers • Show you are worth hiring

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REVERSE ENGINEERING • How do recruiters use LinkedIn? • What do they have access to? • What can they search on in LinkedIn?

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USE LINKEDIN TO FILL JOBS • Seek candidates that meet the job requirements • Use LinkedIn Recruiter • Access to everyone on LinkedIn • Contact anyone directly • Advanced People Search • Talent Pipeline

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7 REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL-STAR • A profile picture • You industry and location • Up-to-date current position • Two past positions • Your education • Your skills • At least 50 connections

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2) INDUSTRY AND LOCATION • HINT use professional headline to stuff keywords • Location is a zipcode • Industry for most of us would be Information Technology and Services

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3) A CURRENT POSITION • Company Name: Seeking New Opportunity • Title: Software Engineer experienced with Angular.js | JavaScript | Node.js | Express.js • Time Period: January 2016 - Present • Description: I am currently looking for my next opportunity to work as a software engineer after graduating from Hack Reactor …

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4) TWO PAST POSITIONS • You must have two past positions • You can enter multiple positions at one company if you need to • If past positions have nothing to do with programming then write them to have qualities that employers want

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5) EDUCATION • Normally listed in reverse chronological order • If you attended college but did not graduate then be sure to include it • If you never attended college then include Hack Reactor for your education • If completed online training at CodeSchool, Codecademy, Udacity, Udemy or Lynda then include it

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6) YOUR SKILLS (MIN OF 3) • By default listed in order of endorsements • You can change the order by showing the 10 most relevant skills at the top (Top 4 are critical) • Yes - I want to be endorsed • Include me in endorsement suggestions to my connections

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7) AT LEAST 50 CONNECTIONS • You should connect with everyone in your cohort • Connect with everyone in the cohort before you and after you too! • Connect with other fellow grads • Connect with everyone in this room AND get them to endorse you

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YOU SHOULD ALSO DO THIS!!! • Summary • Use this to get noticed and state your intentions • List of your projects • Allow you to provide more keywords • Include link to your Github account • Recommendations • Order Sections in order you prefer that they be shown

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WHY GITHUB IS IMPORTANT • Shows your programming ability • Provides range of applications that you can create • Open source contributions

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• The individual controller files are good, but should be wrapped in an immediately-invoked function expression (IIFE) to preserve namespaces. • None of the controllers are using inline array annotation for dependency injection, making them unfriendly to minification. • Controllers are binding to $scope instead of using controller as syntax (not bad, just not best practice) • Http calls directly in controllers is a bad idea, they should be abstracted out into services which return the calls as promises. This allows better testabilizy and mocking. • She should consider using named inline functions whenever possible as this helps with debugging (you won’t get a huge call stack of anonymous functions) • Some of the factories use the “revealing module” pattern, which is good, but it’s not used consistently, and should also be used with controllers. • I see a few directives and no jquery mixed in the angular code, which is good. • Code organization is generally pretty good; split up by “function” instead of “form” which I agree with.

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MAKE YOUR REPOS STAND OUT • Use Edit at top of repo to include a short description and have a link to where they can view the application • Have the best README file on the planet in each and every one of your repos • If you build a killer README template then copy/ paste that to ALL of your repos • Have a working copy of your repo online for people to view - Heroku, AWS, Azure

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WHAT TO INCLUDE IN README • Overview of what the repo does • Table of Contents (working links) • How to use the application • Requirements and detailed installation steps • Technology stack • Screenshots • How to contribute | Team | Future Improvements

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