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Patents that Support Yahoo! JAPAN Shopping’s Ranking Ayane Konno / Yahoo! JAPAN Ryu Inagaki / Yahoo! JAPAN

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Agenda - Introduction - Background - Patents - Results

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Agenda - Introduction - Background - Patents - Results

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- Online shopping service - Wide variety of stores & items - “PayPay” can be used What is Yahoo! Shopping?

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- Ranking is determined based on order, review, and stuff like that. - Provide information to aid the user's buying experience What is “Ranking”?

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Number of patents applications in the commerce field by Z Holdings Source:

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Agenda - Introduction - Background - Patents - Results

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- Anyway, only the lowest priced ones come out on top. Problem that the ranking faced - Whenever I look at them, I always see the same products. Not a ranking I'd want to see over and over again!

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Changed the feature used for ranking Logic Coefficient Feature Approaches to Problem Solving Change the logic used to generate rankings Tuning coefficients Perfect Ranking

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The result was a failure vs Likes good deal items & Follows trends Likes high quality and long-selling items User A User B

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There is no such what the perfect ranking.

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Change of Policy

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Policy Conversion-rate supremacy Change the decision making process to look at multiple indicators. before after Creating the "Perfect Ranking Logic" Search for "Optimal UI/UX with Ranking"

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Policy Conversion-rate supremacy Change the decision making process to look at multiple indicators. Creating the "Perfect Ranking Logic" Search for "Optimal UI/UX with Ranking" before after

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Policy Conversion-rate supremacy Change the decision making process to look at multiple indicators. Creating the "Perfect Ranking Logic" Search for "Optimal UI/UX with Ranking" before after

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Ranking has undergone a transformation.

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Agenda - Introduction - Background - Patents - Results

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We will now present 6 patents. Boost Section Proactive Aggregation Format Fusion

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『 Fusion 』 〜 How to send customers to the ranking ? 〜

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検索クエリに対応する検索結果を配置した第1タブと、前記検索クエリに対応する取引対象のランキングを配置し た第2タブとを含むコンテンツを提供する提供部を備えることを特徴とする情報処理装置。 Main Claim

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1. When you perform a search on an e-commerce site or auction site The patent essentials 2. Provide search results and rankings with tab

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The ranking were once isolated Search Item Cart Ranking Main Purchasing Site Flow Category Ranking Brand Ranking Top Ranking Yahoo! Shopping TOP Page Other Flow

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Sample Image

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A new search experience with the ranking

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『 Section 』 〜 How to organize the information 〜

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取引対象に対応する複数の切り口のうち、検索クエリとの関連が所定の条件を満たす切り口である関連切り 口を決定する決定部と、前記決定部により決定された前記関連切り口と前記検索クエリとに基づく前記取引 対象のランキングを示すコンテンツを提供する提供部と、を備えることを特徴とする情報処理装置。 Main Claim

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1. Read the intent of the search terms retrieved by the user The patent essentials 3. Provide a flexible combination of constructed section 2. Construct various section depending on the intent

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Some users are not clear about what they want Gift for my friend Washing machine

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Organize so that you have a clear idea of what you want Ambiguous categories Ranking classified by category Ranking classified by price range Ranking classified by brand Ambiguous brands Ambiguous price range

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When searching for “ふるさと納税” * Category Section (e.g. Steak, Meats, Sweets, Fruits …) Price range Section * hometown tax payment (e.g. ~10000yen, 10001~15000yen … )

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When searching for “Lenovo pc” Top Ranking of Category × Brand

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Spec Section (e.g. OS Type, CPU Type … )

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“Want it!" can be found

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『 Format 』 〜 The best way to show it〜

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検索クエリを受け付ける受付部と、前記受付部によって受け付けられた前記検索クエリの意図を推定する推 定部と、前記推定部によって推定された前記検索クエリの意図に基づいて、ランキング情報の表示形式を決 定する決定部と、前記決定部によって決定された表示形式のランキング情報を提供する提供部と、を備える ことを特徴とする情報処理装置。 Main Claim

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1. Intent is inferred according to the search query The patent essentials 3. The details of the "format" are free 2. Display a different form of ranking depending on the judged intent

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What information will help you decide what to buy?

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Item Name Image Price Point Review Spec Store Name Review Excellent Store Badge Gift wrap option Delivery Postage Delivery date Shipment date Arrange a scheduled Wide variety of information What Konno focus on What Inagaki focus on

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Search Keyword that cannot imagine specific items

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Display format branching by search keyword Search keyword or Interpret the intent of search keyword Ranking System List Grid

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- Pros. Show diverse information - Cons. Not good at showing a large amount of items at the same time LIST Format

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- Pros. Display at the same time that a large number of items - Cons. Not good at showing diverse information GRID Format

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Get just the information you need

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『 Aggregation 』 〜 Aiming for Variety of Ranking 〜

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検索クエリに対応する複数の取引対象のうち、同一の製品とする取引対象群を決定する決定部と、 前記決定部により決定された前記取引対象群を一の製品としたランキングを生成する生成部と、前 記生成部により生成された前記ランキングを配置したタブを含む複数のタブを含むコンテンツを提 供する提供部と、を備えることを特徴とする情報処理装置。 Main Claim

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1. When generating rankings The patent essentials 3. Ranking those two indistinguishably. 2. Mixing "products" that are grouped together and "products" that are not grouped together of the same commodity

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We provide mall-type e-commerce Store A Store B Store C Yahoo! Shopping MJTUTIPQ MJTUTIPQ MJTUTIPQ

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No content

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This is not a useful ranking for users who know the item or already have it. Ranking Issue © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon / Creatures Inc./ GAME FREAK inc. Source:

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This is not a useful ranking for users who know it or already have it. Ranking Issue © Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc. / Pokémon / Creatures Inc./ GAME FREAK inc. Source:

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Solution - The approach of aggregating the same products - Scoring as a single "product", taking into account the ranking of products, etc. © Microsoft / Mojang / Nintendo / HAL Laboratory, Inc. / ARMOR PROJECT / BIRD STUDIO/ SQUARE ENIX / Pokémon / Creatures Inc./ GAME FREAK inc. / BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment Inc. Source:

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Toward Harmony of Two Rankings

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『 Proactive 』 〜To increase the number of ranking fans〜

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検索クエリを入力した利用者の利用者情報に基づいて、前記検索クエリに対応する取引対象から、ランキン グとして表示する取引対象である対象取引対象を決定する決定部と、前記決定部により決定された前記対象 取引対象の前記ランキングを示すコンテンツを提供する提供部と、を備え、前記提供部は、前記利用者の属 性に類似する類似利用者に提供した他のランキングに対応する前記ランキングを示す前記コンテンツを提供 することを特徴とする情報処理装置。 Main Claim

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1. When a user executes a search process based on a query The patent essentials 3. Generate and provide rankings appropriate to user information 2. Based on user information and query information entered by the user

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Ranking × Personalize User Info Search Query × Optimal ranking for users × Ranking

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Get ahead of the ranking you want #1 Provide a ranking of the best deodorizers for cars deodorant They likes driving ×

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Get ahead of the ranking you want #2 Provide a ranking of "foods that go well with balsamic vinegar" ふるさと納税 They bought balsamic vinegar × * hometown tax payment

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Always want to see it again and again

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『 Boost 』 〜Toward a "FUTURE" ranking〜

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取引対象のうち、ランキングにおけるブーストを行うブースト処理の対象とする取引対象であるブースト対 象を決定する決定部と、前記決定部により決定された前記ブースト対象について前記ブースト処理が行われ た結果を反映した前記ランキングを生成する生成部と、を備え、前記決定部は、前記取引対象に関する取引 対象情報に基づいて、前記ブースト処理のタイミングを決定することを特徴とする情報処理装置。 Main Claim

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For Ranking based on some trigger determine when to boost rankings. The patent essentials

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Dynamically change the scoring depending on the trigger. Number of sales and sales history Transition in number of products sold PV numbers and review information SNS BUZZ Indicators 1 2 3 4 And more... Trigger Example

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What happens when boosting is applied to ranking Reliability Renewability Reproducibility UP DOWN DOWN

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What happens when boosting is applied to ranking Reliability Renewability Reproducibility UP DOWN DOWN

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Use of boosted rankings "Things that will sell in the future" "SNS Buzz" "What's hot right now" Ranking of... e.g. Super Realtime Ranking And more...

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Toward "Future Ranking"

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Agenda - Introduction - Background - Patents - Results

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'21/10 '21/11 '21/12 '22/01 '22/02 '22/03 '22/04 '22/05 '22/06 '22/07 '22/08 '22/09 New Ranking Conventional Ranking Conventional Ranking vs New Ranking (CVR)

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'22/04 '22/04 '22/05 '22/05 '22/06 '22/06 '22/07 '22/07 '22/08 '22/08 '22/08 '22/09 '22/09 '22/10 SP PC Trends in external inflows

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Boost Section Proactive Aggregation Format Fusion and more...

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