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Measures and mismeasures of algorithmic fairness Manojit Nandi Senior Data Scientist, J.P Morgan Chase @mnandi92

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About Me (According to Google Cloud Vision API) ● Dancer? Aerial dancer and circus acrobat. ● Entertaining? Hopefully. ● Fun? Most of the time. ● Girl?!?

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What is Algorithmic Fairness?

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Algorithmic Fairness ● Algorithmic Fairness is a growing field of research that aims to mitigate the effects of unwarranted bias/discrimination on people in machine learning. ● Primarily focused on mathematical formalisms of fairness and developing solutions for these formalisms. ● IMPORTANT: Fairness is inherently a social and ethical concept. Source: Fairness and Abstraction in Socio-technical Systems; Selbst, boyd, Friedler, Venkatasubramanian & Vertesi (2018)

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BuT mAtH cAn’T bE rAcist!! ● No one is sincerely arguing that mathematics or computer science is inherently discriminatory. ● However, the way people apply mathematical models or algorithms to real-world problems can reinforce societal inequalities.

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Fairness, Accountability, Transparency (FAT*) ML ● Interdisciplinary research area that focuses on creating machine-learning systems that work towards goals, such as fairness and justice. ● Many open-source libraries (FairTest, thesis-ml, AI 360) developed based on this research. ● ACM FAT* 2019 Conference held in Atlanta, GA back in January. Photo credits: Moritz Hardt

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Algorithmic Fairness in Popular Media

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Legal Regulations In the United States, many industries have legal regulations to prevent disparate impact against vulnerable populations. ● Education (Education Amendments Act) ● Employment (Civil Rights Act) ● Credit (Equal Credit Opportunity Act) ● Housing (Fair Housing Act)

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Types of Algorithmic Biases Kate Crawford Hanna Wallach Solan Barocas Aaron Shapiro Microsoft Research Microsoft Research Cornell University Microsoft Research

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Bias in Allocation ● Most commonly researched family of algorithmic fairness problem (why we invented the math definitions). ● Algorithmic Idea: How do models perform in binary classification problems across different groups? ● Fundamental Idea: When allocating finite resources (credit loans, gainful employment), we often favor the privileged class over the more vulnerable. Source: Reuters News

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Bias in representation ● Focused on looking at how harmful labels/representations are propagated. ● Often related to language and computer vision problems. ● Harder to quantify error compared to bias in allocation problems.

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● Concerned with algorithms promoting harmful stereotypes and lack of recognition. SnapChat filters.

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Weaponization of Machine Learning ● As data scientist, we are often not taught to think about how models could be used inappropriately. ● With the increasing usage of AI in high-stakes situations, we must be careful not to harm vulnerable populations. Source: Why Stanford Researcher tried to Create A “Gaydar” Machine; New York Times

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Types of Fairness Measures Sam Corbett-Davies Stanford University Sharad Goel Stanford University

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“21 Definitions of Algorithmic Fairness” ● There are more than 30 different mathematical definitions of fairness in the academic literature. ● There isn’t a one, true definition of fairness. ● These definitions can be grouped together into three families: ○ Anti-Classification ○ Classification Parity ○ Calibration Pictured: Princeton CS professor, Arvind Narayanan

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Anti-Classification ● Heuristic: Algorithmic decisions “ignore” protected attributes. (Individual Fairness) ● In addition to excluding protected attributes, one must also be concerned about learning proxy features. ● Useful for defining loss function of fairness-aware models. Same Outcome “Unprotected” features

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Fairness-Aware Algorithms ● Given a set of features X, labels Y, and protected characteristics Z, we want to create a model that learns to predict the labels Y, but also doesn’t “accidentally” learn to predict the protected characteristics Z. ● Can view this constrained optimization as akin to regularization. Sometimes referred to as accuracy-fairness trade-off. Source: Towards Fairness in ML with Adversarial Networks (GoDrivenData) Is good classifier? Learning protected attributes?

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Dangers of Anti-Classification Measures ● By “removing” protected features, we ignore the underlying processes that affect different demographics. ● Fairness metrics are focused on making outcomes equal. ● DANGER! Sometimes making outcomes equal adversely impacts a vulnerable demographic. Source: Corbett-Davies, Goel (2019)

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Classification Parity ● Given some traditional classification measure (accuracy, false positive rate), is our measure equal across different protected groups. (Group Fairness) ● Most commonly used to audit algorithms from a legal perspective. Source: Gender Shades, Buolamwini & Gebru (2018)

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Demographic Parity ● Demographic Parity looks at the proportion of positive outcomes by protected attribute group. ● Demographic Parity is used to audit models for disparate impact (80% rule). ● DANGER! Satisfying immediate constraint may have potential negative long-term consequences. Source: Delayed Impact of Fair Machine Learning, Liu et. al (2018)

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Parity of False Positive Rates ● As the name suggest, this measures looks at false positive rate across different protected groups. ● Sometimes called “Equal Opportunity” ● It’s possible to have improve false positive rate by increasing number of true negatives. ● DANGER! If we don’t take into considerations societal factors, we may end up harming vulnerable populations. Ignore number of false positives, just increase this.

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Calibration ● In case of risk assessment (recidivism, child protective services), we use a scoring function s(x) to estimate the true risk to the individual. ● We define some threshold t to make a decision when s(x) > t. ● Example: Child Protective Services (CPS) assigns a risk score (1-20) to child. CPS intervenes if the perceived risk to the child is high enough.

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Statistical Calibration ● Heuristic: Two individuals with the same risk score s have the same likelihood of receiving the outcome. ● A risk score of 10 should mean the same thing for a white individual as it does for a black individual.

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Debate about Northpointe’s COMPAS ● COMPAS is used to assign a recidivism risk score to prisoners. ● ProPublica Claim: Black defendants have higher false positive rates. ● Northpointe Defense: Risk scores are well-calibrated by groups.

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Datasheets, Model Cards, and Checklists

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Datasheets for Data Sets ● Taking inspiration from safety standards in other industries, such as automobile testing and clinical drug trials, Gebru et. al (2017) propose standards for documenting datasets. ● Documentation questions include: ○ How was the data collection? What time frame? ○ Why was the dataset created? Who funded its creation? ○ Does the data contain any sensitive information? ○ How was the dataset pre-processed/cleaned? ○ If data relates to people, were they informed about the intended use of the data? ● What makes for a good dataset?

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Model Cards for Model Reporting ● Google researchers propose a standard for documenting deployed models. ● Sections include: ○ Intended Use ○ Factors (evaluation amongst demographic groups) ○ Ethical Concerns ○ Caveats and Recommendations. ● More transparent model reporting will allows users to better understand when they should (or should not) use your model. Mitchell et. al (2019)

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Deon: Ethical Checklist for Data Science ● Deon (by DrivenData) is a ethics checklist for data projects. ○ Data Collection ○ Data Storage ○ Analysis ○ Modeling ○ Deployment ● CLI tool creates Markdown file in your repo with this checklist.

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AI Now Institute ● New York University research institute that focuses on understanding the societal and cultural impact of AI and machine learning. ● Hosts an annual symposium on Ethics, Organizing, and Accountability. ● Recently produced report on diversity crisis in AI and how it affects the development of technical systems.

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Papers Referenced 1. The Measures and Mismeasures of Fairness: A Critical Review of Fair Machine Learning; 2. The Misgendering Machine: Trans/HCI Implications of Automatic Gender Recognition; 3. Delayed Impact of Fair Machine Learning; 4. Data Sheets for Datasets; 5. Model Cards for Model Reporting; 6. Gender Shades: Intersectional Accuracy Disparities in Commercial Gender Classification; 7. Fairness and Abstraction in Sociotechnical Systems; 8. Discriminating Systems: Gender Race and Power in AI;