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Organize, document and share research data and codes using Emerson Del Ponte Prof. of Plant Pathology Editor in Chief TPP Co-founder OPP Prepared for: Re:produce workshop Session 5: Open data, materials and code 11 Dec 2019

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Research cycle Idea Register (proposal) Run experiments Get data Analyze Communicate

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Research → Scientific Paper Idea Register (proposal) Run experiments Get data Analyze Communicate

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Is the extra effort worth it ? Organizing, Documenting and Sharing (Openly) Research Data and Codes

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Information Reproducible pen Research Practices Data Protocols Codes Share Why? How?

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Accessibility Efficiency Transparency Reproducibility Reusability Reliability Data Protocols Codes Organizing Documenting Sharing

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Get data General-purposes repositories Close/Open your data?

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Run experiments Close/Open your protocol?

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Analyse Research Compendium Close/open code?

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Communicate Abstract Close/open your findings? Preprint Quick Files Talk Poster OA paper Paywalled paper

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Do you WANT to change and be open? Challenging! Knowledge Technology

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Software Workflows Environments Collaborative & sharing platforms Learn: technology for productivity

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Start small… then GROW Article only Article (+ preprint) Supplemental (zip) - Protocols - Data Article + preprint Repository (citable) - Protocols - Data - Code Article + preprint Research compendium - Raw Data - Clean Data - Analysis (reproducible) eproducible research level 1 2 3 0

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Data wrangling - Excel Data visualization - Excel Data analysis - SAS, STATA Scientific plots - SigmaPlot Text editor - MSWord BIB Save money! Use R and Friends

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How to build a RC in R? Project template package Manually Semi-automated Automated Creation

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Creation of RC project templates Manually (DIY) Semi-automated Automated "The workflowr R package helps researchers organize their analyses in a way that promotes effective project management, reproducibility, collaboration, and sharing of results"

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Project templates + website

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Manually (RStudio) creating a as R package

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rrtools, an R package to create RC as package!

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rrtools, pkg to facilitate creation of RC as a pkg!

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Automating RC website creation Organized ● Provides a project template with organized subdirectories ● Mixes code and results with R Markdown Reproducible ● Displays the code version used to create each result ● Runs each analysis in an isolated R session ○ Records the session information of each analysis ○ Sets the same seed for random number generation for each analysis Shareable ○ Creates a website to present your research results ○ Documents how to host your website for free via GitHub Pages or GitLab Pages ○ Creates links to past versions of results

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Workflowr R package https:/ /

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Reproducible for future? "holepunch will read the contents of your R project on GitHub... write a Dockerfile, add a badge to your README, and build a Docker image. .. dropped into a free, live, RStudio server.."

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https:/ / Example RC template + holepunch Live examples:

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Example RC template + holepunch

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Example RC template + holepunch

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How to master to create and share RC?

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emdelponte Emerson_Del_Ponte edelponte emdelponte