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Style-Guide Driven UI Design with Sass Jina Bolton // Product Designer // Do CSS Dev Conf // 2012

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No content

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A fractured process makes for a fractured user experience.” ” —Nate Fortin

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Create pages

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Create pages

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Create systems

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It used to be that designers made an object and walked away. Today the emphasis must shift to designing the entire life cycle.” ” —Paul Saffo

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Writing an Interface Style Guide | A List Apart Articles

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Style Guide Elements

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Brand Guidelines Logos Tone & Voice Copywriting Standards Typography Color Palettes

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Layout Grids Spacing Image & Media Sizes

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Development Standards HTML, CSS, & JS Naming Conventions Directory Structures Validation & QA Version Control

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Design | Android Developers

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Style | Design | Android Developers

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Patterns | Design | Android Developers

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Building Blocks | Design | Android Developers

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Building Blocks | Design | Android Developers

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Do Android Design Comp Library on Project Wiki on GitHub

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Style Guide | Starbucks

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Promo Layout A | Style Guide | Starbucks

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Toggled Backgrounds | Style Guide | Starbucks

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Toggled Baseline | Style Guide | Starbucks

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Toggled Boxes | Style Guide | Starbucks

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Toggled Grid | Style Guide | Starbucks

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All of the Toggles! | Style Guide | Starbucks

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Style Tiles

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Style Tile for The Washington Examiner Site 2012 Campaign Site

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CSS Preprocessors + Style Guides = Super Rad

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Keep documentation current & useful

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Easier maintainability

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DRY Development

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Patterns & Proportions

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Sass Benefits

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ul.items a { ... } ul.items:hover { ... } .ie-6 ul.items a { ... } Output: SCSS: ul.items a { ... &:hover { ... } .ie-6 & { ... } }

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ul.items { ... } @media print { ul.items { ... } } Output: SCSS: ul.items a { ... @media print { ... } }

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.sidebar { border: 1px solid #eee; border-top-color: #fff; border-left: 0; } Output: SCSS: .sidebar { border: 1px solid #eee { top-color: #fff; left: 0; } }

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body { color: #444; } footer { background: #444; } Output: SCSS: $text: #444; $bg: $text; body { color: $text; } footer { background: $bg; }

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Mixins & Extend

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.module { padding: 1em; } .info { padding: 2em } Output: SCSS: @mixin spacing($s: 1em) { padding: $s; } .module { @include spacing; } .info { @include spacing(2em); }

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.message, .error { ... } .message.alert, .error.alert { ... } .error { ... } Output: SCSS: .message { ... &.alert { ... } } .error { ... @extend .message; }

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Placeholder Selectors

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.module, .sidebar { color: #444; } .sidebar, .main { width: 240px; } Output: SCSS: .module { color: #444; } %grid-1 { width: 240px; } .sidebar { @extend .module; @extend %grid-1; } .main { @extend %grid-1; }

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Color Functions

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$text: #444 color: lighten($text, 5%); color: darken($text, 5%); color: saturate($text, 5%); color: adjust-hue($text, 180); color: grayscale($text); color: mix($text, #fff);

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Commenting Options

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/* Multiline comment; appears in output */ Output: SCSS: /* Multiline comment; appears in output */ // Singleline comment; // Hidden from output

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body { font-size: 24px; } Output: SCSS: $size: 12px; body { font-size: $size * 2; }

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.i-red { background: url(red.png); } .i-blue { background: url(blue.png); } Output: SCSS: @each $c in red, blue { .i-#{$c} { background: url(#{$c}.png); } }

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.i-red { color: red; } .i-blue { color: blue; } Output: SCSS: @mixin i($color) { @if $color == red { color: red; } @else { color: blue; } } .i-red { @include i(red); } .i-blue { @include i; }

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Error Reporting

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First Variables. Then Mixins. Then @extend. Then more advanced stuff! Start with baby steps

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Stay organized

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Clarity is beautiful.

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Clarity > Brevity

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If you’re nesting more than 3 levels deep, you’re probably doing something wrong.

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File Organization images/ content/ layout/ javascripts/ vendor/ stylesheets/ vendor/

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Front-end Maintainability with Sass and Style Guides | Engine Yard Blog

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Engine Yard App Cloud, Early 2011

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Engine Yard App Cloud, Early 2011

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My Typical Sass Organization

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// ---------------------------------- // 01. VENDOR FRAMEWORKS @import "compass"; @import "susy";

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// ------------------------------------ // 02. RESET * { @include box-sizing(border-box); } @import "vendor/normalize";

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// --------------------------------------------------------- // 03. DEPENDENCIES // Variables/mixins/placeholders/etc // These don’t emit CSS on their own // until they are used. @import "dependencies/measurements"; @import "dependencies/typography"; @import "dependencies/color"; @import "dependencies/images"; @import "dependencies/themes";

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// --------------------------------------------------------- // 04. FOUNDATION // Plain semantic HTML // No classes/IDs are introduced yet. @import "foundation/page"; @import "foundation/links"; @import "foundation/headings"; @import "foundation/text"; @import "foundation/lists"; @import "foundation/forms";

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// ---------------------------------- // 05. COMPONENTS // Reusable modules, components, etc. @import "components/buttons"; @import "components/messaging"; @import "components/dropdowns";

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// ---------------------------------- // 06. LAYOUT @import "layout/grid"; @import "layout/banner"; @import "layout/navigation"; @import "layout/complementary"; @import "layout/contentinfo";

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// ---------------------------------- // 07. TOOLS @import "tools/helpers"; @import "tools/print";

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Caption and/or URL

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Do Style Guide

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Do Style Guide

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Do Style Guide

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What else?

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Just give it a try!

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Team Sass Design FTW!

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Sass Logo Inspiration

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No content

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No content

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Sass Brand Guidelines

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Sass Style Tile

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Current Design Progress. Stay tuned!

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Be regular and orderly in your life so that you may be violent and original in your work.” ” —Gustave Flaubert

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@jina Thank You!