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Ben Whaley | @iAmTheWhaley … And You Thought You Knew EC2

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Instance Types Family Intended use C5 Compute-optimized with Intel Skylake* R4 Memory-optimized, up to 488GiB** I3 High I/O - Watch for sharp corners F1 FPGA P2 GPU - 2x perf of G2 at 1.5x the cost D2 Dense Storage, up to 48TiB HDD & 10GiB network * Coming soon? ** Only 244GiB currently

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4 EBS Volume Types Type Description I/O Throughput Cost io1 Provisioned IOPS SSD Highest High Highest gp2 General purpose SSD High Low(ish) Medium st1 Throughput-optimized HDD Low Highest Low sc1 Non-optimized HDD Low Medium Lowest

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Miscellaneous improvements & features • IPv6! • VPC endpoints for DynamoDB, S3 • Lightsail - EC2 quick start • Elastic GPUs • New regions • 2016 - Ohio, Canada, London, Mumbia, Seoul • Ningxia, Paris, Stockholm

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EC2 Systems Manager Superpowers for EC2 instances and on-premises systems. • Remote command execution with Run Commands • Controlled secrets and configuration data with the Parameter Store • Periodic tasks with the State Manager and Maintenance Windows • Stepwise Automation workflows for initializing nodes • Collect and query Inventory and Patch status

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Systems Manager Essentials • The SSM agent • Open source (Golang) executable for Linux and Windows • Available for cloud and on-premises systems • Assign IAM role with permissions to interface with SSM API • Install at boot or on existing systems • Polls for commands to execute • All actions recorded in CloudTrail (e.g. immutable audit trail) • Trigger SNS, Lambda from Systems Manager events • Store command history and output to S3 • Fine-grained access control to Run Commands • Integration with Config to track changes over time

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Systems Manager Documents JSON Schema describing actions for the systems manager { "schemaVersion":"2.0", "description":"Run a script", "parameters":{ "commands":{ "type":"String", “description”:"Commands to run" } }, "mainSteps":[ { "action":"aws:runShellScript", "name":"runShellScript", "inputs":{ "runCommand":"{{ commands }}" } } ] }

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Quick & dirty SSM demo: 1. Scale up ASG of managed instances 2. Run a command on remote agents 3. Store and retrieve a parameter Virtual Private Cloud Private subnet EC2 Instances Systems Manager ssm-agent Workstations

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Five Ways to Provision Instances Userdata 1

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Five Ways to Provision Instances Bake an AMI 2 (Alternative: half-baked)

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Five Ways to Provision Instances Configuration management runs at boot, registers with server, converges a configuration 3

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Five Ways to Provision Instances Autoscaling lifecycle hook —> CloudWatch event —> Run Command —> execute provisioning documents 4 (Alternative: CloudWatch event —> Lambda)

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Five Ways to Provision Instances AWS::CloudFormation::Init 5

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Application Load Balancer • Almost as good as HAProxy or NGINX. Almost. • Host- and path-based routing • Additional metrics (# active connections, total traffic) • Improved health checks • Websockets • HTTP/2 • Integration with X-Ray (adds X-Amzn-Trace-Id header) • Integration with ECS • Integration with WAF

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One solution: route53 health checks with autoscaling lifecycle events Problems: Rotating IP addresses Traffic surges ELBs

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ELB IP 1 ELB IP 2 Clients Clients Clients Clients Moar clients? Feeling… weak… must… scale up. ELB IP 1 ELB IP 2 Clients Clients Couple of clients? Come at me, bro.

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ELB IP 3 ELB IP 4 Clients Clients I sense a disturbance in the force… as if hundreds of clients suddenly cried out in pain Clients Clients ELB IP 1 ELB IP 2 Bueller? Bueller? … moments later

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Clients Lookup A record for Route53 IP 1 IP 2 Clients Client Connect to IP 1 Node with IP 1 Client Connect to IP 2 Node with IP 2 health checks ASG

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Clients Connect to IP 1 Clients Connect to IP 2 ASG Node with IP 1 Node with IP 2 Clients Clients Clients Clients Clients Clients 1. Autoscale via custom CloudWatch metric 2. New node boots with IP 3 3. Autoscaling lifecycle hook adds IP 3 to A record Moar clients!

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Clients Connect to IP 1 Clients Connect to IP 2 ASG Node with IP 1 Node with IP 2 Clients Clients Clients Clients Clients Clients Clients Connect to IP 3 Node with IP 3 Clients Clients Clients

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Pros: Solves problems Cons: Causes problems

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EC2 Container Service Updates • ECR - best registry to use for AWS container workloads • Support for volumes • CloudWatch metrics for CPU and memory utilization across the cluster (set alarms for autoscaling) • IAM roles for ECS tasks • Blox allows custom schedulers ( • 3rd party tooling (Convox, Empire) • Integration with ALB • Run tasks on a schedule • Execute tasks in response to CloudWatch events

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Curated Pro Tips

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Autoscaling groups of size one for self-healing and resilience.

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Many EC2 IAM actions do not support resource-level permissions. Exercise caution.

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Use the BurstBalance CloudWatch metric to monitor I/O credit balance for gp2, st1, sc1 EBS volumes.

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Network throughput increases substantially with instance type. (Don't forget to enable enhanced networking)

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Explicitly request SSD ephemeral disks when desired. Otherwise you may not get them.

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Require MFA for SSH access.

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Improve your SSH experience with ControlPersist.

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Use ssh -D and the SwitchyOmega Chrome extension for convenient access to services in a private network.

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Running multiple apps per instance? Use AssumeRole to assign granular permissions to each app.

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Protect the EC2 metadata and userdata.

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Enable Fail2ban to block IPs with failed login attempts.

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Use Linux >= 4.4 for best results.

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Capture userdata output to a file. #!/bin/bash -x exec > /var/log/userdata.log 2>&1

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Coming this August!

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Thanks! Ben Whaley @iAmTheWhaley