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Vero Rebagliatte

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Vero Rebagliatte @rebagliatte

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Forecast • What’s backbone.js • Why to use a library/framework • Alternatives • How to pick one (libraries vs frameworks) • Backbone classes • Backbone examples

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What’s backbone?

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It’s a javascript library

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It was created by J. Ashkenas

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It’s lightweight

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It’s free and open source

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It provides utilities via

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It was extracted from

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It’s MV*

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No content

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Why do I need a library/framework?

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Client-side rendering

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Event-driven approach

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Model mirroring

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Separation of concerns

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‘Single API - many client apps’ pattern

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Alternatives • Spine • Knockout • Angular • JavaScript MVC • Capuccino • SproutCore • Batman.js • Coherent • Ember • Ext • Meteor • Agility • Google Closure • Google Web Toolkit

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Should I pick a library or a framework?

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Library approach

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Framework approach

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A library gets called by me

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I get called by frameworks (inversion of control)

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No content

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Backbone classes

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Routers map urls to js methods

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History observes url changes and triggers callbacks

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Views own a DOM element

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Views might render DOM via the Templates

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Views might observe model events

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Views handle user input

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Views invoke model methods

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Views are pretty much like Rails Controllers

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Templates are interpolated HTML

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Models represent a single record

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Collections contain multiple models

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Collections have underscore methods available

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Models and Collections represent the data

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Building a twitter app

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window.Twitter = Models: {} Collections: {} Views: {} Routers: {} initialize: -> new Twitter.Routers.Tweets() Backbone.history.start() $(document).ready -> Twitter.initialize() Initializing the app

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class Twitter.Routers.Tweets extends Backbone.Router routes: '': 'index' 'tweets': 'index' initialize: -> @collection = new Twitter.Collections.Tweets() @collection.fetch() index: -> view = new Twitter.Views.TweetsIndex(collection: @collection) $('#container').html(view.render().el) Router

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class Twitter.Routers.Tweets extends Backbone.Router routes: '': 'index' 'tweets': 'index' initialize: -> @collection = new Twitter.Collections.Tweets() @collection.fetch() index: -> view = new Twitter.Views.TweetsIndex(collection: @collection) $('#container').html(view.render().el) Router

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class Twitter.Routers.Tweets extends Backbone.Router routes: '': 'index' 'tweets': 'index' initialize: -> @collection = new Twitter.Collections.Tweets() @collection.fetch() index: -> view = new Twitter.Views.TweetsIndex(collection: @collection) $('#container').html(view.render().el) Router

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class Twitter.Collections.Tweets extends Backbone.Collection model: Twitter.Models.Tweet url: '/tweets' Collection

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class Twitter.Models.Tweet extends Backbone.Model Model

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class Twitter.Views.TweetsIndex extends Backbone.View template: JST['tweets/index'] events: 'submit #new_tweet': 'createTweet' initialize: -> @collection.on('add', @render, this) @collection.on('reset', @render, this) render: -> $(@el).html(@template(tweets: @collection)) this createTweet: (event) -> event.preventDefault() @collection.create name: $('#new_tweet_msg').val() View

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class Twitter.Views.TweetsIndex extends Backbone.View template: JST['tweets/index'] events: 'submit #new_tweet': 'createTweet' initialize: -> @collection.on('add', @render, this) @collection.on('reset', @render, this) render: -> $(@el).html(@template(tweets: @collection)) this createTweet: (event) -> event.preventDefault() @collection.create name: $('#new_tweet_msg').val() View

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class Twitter.Views.TweetsIndex extends Backbone.View template: JST['tweets/index'] events: 'submit #new_tweet': 'createTweet' initialize: -> @collection.on('add', @render, this) @collection.on('reset', @render, this) render: -> $(@el).html(@template(tweets: @collection)) this createTweet: (event) -> event.preventDefault() @collection.create name: $('#new_tweet_msg').val() View

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class Twitter.Views.TweetsIndex extends Backbone.View template: JST['tweets/index'] events: 'submit #new_tweet': 'createTweet' initialize: -> @collection.on('add', @render, this) @collection.on('reset', @render, this) render: -> $(@el).html(@template(tweets: @collection)) this createTweet: (event) -> event.preventDefault() @collection.create name: $('#new_tweet_msg').val() View

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My Twitter App

    <% for tweet in @.tweets.models: %>
  • <%= tweet.get('content') %>
  • <% end %>

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Recap • Instantiate router • Router: Map routes with functions, load collections on them • Collection: Associate a model and a url to touch the API • Model: Add attributes logic • View: Associate a template, pass in the collection and render the result, bind events.

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Thanks! @rebagliatte