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Building an Open-Source Campaign Platform for the President of France . SymfonyCon 2017 / Nov. 17th / Cluj / Romania Hugo Hamon

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Hugo Hamon Senior Software Developer 15 years of PHP experience 10 years of Symfony experience Conferences speaker @hhamon on social networks Books (co) author

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Titouan Galopin Enrolled in the En-Marche movement Initiated the Symfony migration Full-Stack Developer Setup the new technical stack @titouangalopin on Twitter

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Innovative e-learning solution targeting Symfony teams.

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The Context

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Why is the Presidential election such a challenging environment?

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Why building a Citizen Collaborative Platform?

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Accept donations Register adherents Facilitate communication Structure movement

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April 2016

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Summer 2016

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October 2016

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Response Web Design Full featured Admin area Users management Fined grained permissions Http caching Images lazy loading Content Management Unit & functional tests Mass emails management Maps & address geocoding Social networks integration Procurations management Media management Field actions reports Legislatives elections support Logging Search engine Etc.

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End of Year 2016

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Emmanuel Macron formalizes his candidacy for the presidential election.

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Symfony 3.2 also comes out!

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Coincidence? J

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# app/config/parameters.yml parameters: env(DATABASE_HOST): db env(DATABASE_PORT): 3306 env(DATABASE_SOCKET): null env(DATABASE_NAME): enmarche env(DATABASE_USER): root env(DATABASE_PASSWORD): root

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class AssetsController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/assets/{path}", name="asset_url") * @Cache(maxage=900, smaxage=900) */ public function assetAction(Request $request, string $path): Response { // ... $glide = $this->get('app.glide'); $glide->setResponseFactory(new SymfonyResponseFactory($request)); try { return $glide->getImageResponse($path, $request->query->all()); } catch (FileNotFoundException $e) { throw $this->createNotFoundException('', $e); } } }

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January 2017

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Week n People at En-Marche write the User Stories and introduce them at SensioLabs on Thursday. Week n+1 Poker planning session on Tuesday with the SensioLabs team. Week n+2 New coding sprint starts on Monday. Demo session is on Friday afternoon.

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trait EntityIdentityTrait { /** * @ORM\Id * @ORM\Column(type="integer") * @ORM\GeneratedValue */ private $id; /** * @ORM\Column(type="uuid") * @var \Ramsey\Uuid\UuidInterface */ private $uuid; // ... + getters } Custom UUIDs for Doctrine entities.

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class MembershipController extends Controller { // ... public function registerAction(Request $request): Response { $membership = MembershipRequest::createWithCaptcha(...); $form = $this ->createForm(MembershipRequestType::class, $membership) ->handleRequest($request); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) { $this->get('app.membership')->handle($membership); return $this->redirectToRoute('app_membership_donate'); } return $this->render('...', [ 'form' => $form->createView(), // ... ]); } } Thin & dumb controllers.

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src/Mailjet/ ├── ApiClient.php ├── ClientInterface.php ├── EmailTemplate.php ├── EmailTemplateFactory.php ├── Event/ │ ├── MailjetEvent.php │ └── MailjetEvents.php ├── EventSubscriber/ │ └── EmailPersisterEventSubscriber.php ├── Exception/ │ └── MailjetException.php ├── MailjetService.php ├── MailjetUtils.php ├── Message/ │ ├── AdherentAccountActivationMessage.php │ ├── AdherentAccountConfirmationMessage.php │ ├── ... │ └── TonMacronFriendMessage.php └── Transport/ ├── ApiTransport.php ├── RabbitMQTransport.php └── TransportInterface.php

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class MailjetService { // ... public function sendMessage(MailjetMessage $message): void { $email = $this->factory->createFromMailjetMessage($message); $event = new MailjetEvent($message, $email); try { $this->dispatch(MailjetEvents::DELIVERY_MESSAGE, $event); $this->transport->sendTemplateEmail($email); $this->dispatch(MailjetEvents::DELIVERY_SUCCESS, $event); } catch (MailjetException $e) { $this->dispatch( MailjetEvents::DELIVERY_ERROR, new MailjetEvent($message, $email, $e) ); } } }

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class MembershipRequestHandler { // ... public function handle(MembershipRequest $membershipRequest) { $adherent = $this->factory->createFromMembershipRequest($membershipRequest); $token = AdherentActivationToken::generate($adherent); $this->manager->persist($adherent); $this->manager->persist($token); $this->manager->flush(); $message = AdherentAccountActivationMessage::createFromAdherent( $adherent, $this->generateMembershipActivationUrl($adherent, $token) ); $this->mailjet->sendMessage($message); $e = new AdherentAccountWasCreatedEvent($adherent); $this->dispatch(..., $e); } }

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February 2017

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class CommitteeManagementAuthority { // ... function followCommittee(Adherent $adherent, Committee $committee): void { $this->manager->followCommittee($adherent, $committee); if (!$hosts = $this->manager->getCommitteeHosts($committee)) { return; } $this->mailjet->sendMessage(CommitteeNewFollowerMessage::create( $committee, $hosts, $adherent, $this->urlGenerator->getUrl('...', $committee) )); } } Service Layer

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Service Layer Custom voters src/Committee/Voter ├─ AbstractCommitteeVoter.php ├─ CreateCommitteeVoter.php ├─ FollowCommitteeVoter.php ├─ HostCommitteeVoter.php ├─ ShowCommitteeVoter.php └─ SuperviseCommitteeVoter.php

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class Geocoder implements GeocoderInterface { // ... public function geocode(string $address): Coordinates { try { $addresses = $this->geocoder->geocode($address); } catch (\Exception $exception) { throw GeocodingException::create($address, $exception); } if (!$geo = $addresses->first()) { throw GeocodingException::create($address); } return new Coordinates( $geo->getLatitude(), $geo->getLongitude() ); } } Geocoding addresses Based on Google Maps

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class EntityAddressGeocodingSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface { // ... public function onCommitteeCreated(CommitteeWasCreatedEvent $event) { $this->updateGeocodableEntity($event->getCommittee()); } private function updateGeocodableEntity(GeoPointInterface $geocodable) { if ($coords = $this->geocode($geocodable->getGeocodableAddress())) { $geocodable->updateCoordinates($coords); $this->manager->flush(); } } } Doctrine listener to update coordinates of any Geocodable entity when it’s saved to the database.

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trait NearbyTrait { public function getNearbyExpression(): string { return '(6371 * acos(cos(radians(:latitude)) * cos(radians(n.postAddress.latitude)) * cos(radians(n.postAddress.longitude) - radians(:longitude)) + sin(radians(:latitude)) * sin(radians(n.postAddress.latitude))))'; } }

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trait NearbyTrait { function createNearbyQueryBuilder(Coordinates $coordinates, bool $hidden): { $hidden = $hidden ? 'hidden' : ''; return $this ->createQueryBuilder('n') ->addSelect($this->getNearbyExpression().' as '.$hidden.' dst_between') ->setParameter('latitude', $coordinates->getLatitude()) ->setParameter('longitude', $coordinates->getLongitude()) ->where('n.postAddress.latitude IS NOT NULL') ->andWhere('n.postAddress.longitude IS NOT NULL') ->orderBy('dst_between', 'asc') ; } }

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/** * @group functional */ class CommitteeControllerTest extends MysqlWebTestCase { // ... function testAnonymousUserIsNotAllowedToFollowCommittee() { $crawler = $this->client->request('GET', ...); $this->assertResponseStatusCode(200, ...); $this->assertFalse($this->seeFollowLink($crawler)); $this->assertFalse($this->seeUnfollowLink($crawler)); $this->assertTrue($this->seeRegisterLink($crawler)); } } Functional Testing PHPUnit

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Continuous Integration Pull-Requests SensioLabsInsight Style CI Circle CI

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March 2017

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Program announced! +6,000 users live +300,000 daily

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{ "@context": "", "@type": "WebSite", "url": "", "name": "En Marche !", "image": "", "description": "Pour ceux qui ... l'Europe.", "funder": { "@type": "Person", "givenName": "Emmanuel", "familyName": "Macron", "jobTitle": "President of France" } } JSON LD Metadata in HTML code

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Optimizing natural indexing in search engines.

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# app/config/parameters.yml parameters: # Staging configuration env(ENABLE_CANARY): 1 # Production configuration env(ENABLE_CANARY): 0 Feature Flags Env vars

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class PageController extends Controller { // ... public function ellesMarchentAction() { if (!$this->getParameter('enable_canary'))) { throw $this->createNotFoundException(); } return $this->render('... '); } } Feature Flags

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Procuration System

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Asynchronous Tasks use AppBundle\Mailer\EmailTemplate; use OldSound\RabbitMqBundle\RabbitMq\Producer; class MailerProducer extends Producer implements MailerProducerInterface { public function scheduleEmail(EmailTemplate $email): void { $this->publish(json_encode([ 'uuid' => (string) $email->getUuid(), ])); } }

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// ... abstract class AbstractMailerConsumer extends AbstractConsumer { // ... protected function doExecute(array $data): int { try { if (!$message = $this->repository->findOneByUuid($data['uuid'])) { $this->logger->error('Email not found', $data); return self::MSG_ACK; } if ($delivered = $this->sendEmail($message->getRequestPayloadJson())) { $this->getEmailRepository()->setDelivered($message, $delivered); } return $delivered ? self::MSG_ACK : self::MSG_REJECT_REQUEUE; } catch (...) { ... } } }

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April 2017

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Official regulations require candidates to stop proactive propaganda 24h before each ballot.

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Notifications Committees & events Make the website read-only! Contents publication Emails

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Who’s trully concerned?

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UTC -3 Guyana Saint Pierre and Miquelon UTC -4 St. Martin St. Barthelemy Guadeloupe Martinique UTC -8 Clipperton UTC -9 / UTC -9,5 / UTC -10 French Polynesia

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UTC +3 Mayotte Europa Island UTC +4 Crozet Islands Reunion Glorious Islands Tromelin Island Juan de Nova UTC +5 St. Paul and Amsterdam Kerguelen Islands UTC +10 Adelie Land UTC +10 New Caledonia UTC +12 Wallis and Futuna

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How to make the platform fullfil the official regulations?

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{% if not app.request.attributes.get('_campaign_expired') and not user_is_adherent %} Connexion Inscription {% endif %} Disabling links in Twig

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class ArticleController extends Controller { /** * @Route( * "/articles/{category}/{page}", * requirements={"category"="\w+", "page"="\d+"}, * defaults={ "_enable_campaign_silence": true } * ) */ public function actualitesAction(...): Response { ... } } Marking a mutable action

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class CampaignSilenceSubscriber implements EventSubscriberInterface { // ... public function onKernelController(FilterControllerEvent $event) { // ... $expired = $this->processor->isCampaignExpired($request); $request->attributes->set('_campaign_expired', $expired); if (!$expired || $request->attributes->get('_enable_campaign_silence', false)) { return; } $event->setController(function () { return new Response($this->twig->render('campaign_silent.html.twig')); }); } }

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# app/config/config_prod.yml services: app.mailjet.transport.transactional: class: AppBundle\Mailjet\Transport\MailjetNullTransport arguments: ['@?logger'] public: false app.mailjet.transport.campaign: class: AppBundle\Mailjet\Transport\MailjetNullTransport arguments: ['@?logger'] public: false

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April 23rd 1st Ballot

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~500,000 connections to the website.

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May 2017

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# ... http { # ... server { # ... # Block WP Pingback DDoS attacks if ($http_user_agent ~* "WordPress") { return 403; } # ... } } WordPress pingback DDoS attacks

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class AssetsController extends Controller { /** * @Route("/assets/{path}") * @Method("GET") * @Cache(maxage=900, smaxage=900) */ public function assetAction(string $path, ...) { // ... } } Http caching for static assets

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May 7th 2nd Ballot

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~650,000 connections to the website.

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Wrap Up

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Thank you! @titouangalopin @hhamon @sensiolabs