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Spectacular Angular feature tests Angular Tiny Conf 2022

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Angular’s testing capabilities

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Karma Angular is developed with testability in mind Dependency injection Angular TestBed CDK Component Harnesses

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Angular’s built-in testing providers Router TestingModule provideHttpClient Testing() MatIcon TestingModule

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Angular’s RouterTestingModule Routed components Routing components Route guards

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Clear box testing and mystery box testing

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Clear box testing • Intricate awareness of implementation details • Drives code design • Documents and exercises low-level behavior • Often used for isolated unit tests Illustration by macrovector

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Mystery box testing • Unaware of individual system parts • Verifies system behavior • Exercises implementation with little to no test doubles • Often used for end-to-end tests Illustration by macrovector

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Angular component tests are slow

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Angular component tests are slow

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Angular component tests are fast 🌿

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Angular component tests are fast 🌿 but focus on implementation details

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Implementation details in component tests New up component or use Angular testbed? Replace dependencies with test doubles Trigger change detection

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Implementation details in component tests Control time Refactor without breaking tests Configure the Angular testing module

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Angular component tests are fast 🌿

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Angular component tests are fast 🌿 but complicated to write

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Complicated techniques in component tests Shallow or integrated test? Link up declarable dependencies Trigger DOM and component events

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Trigger event or call component method? Complicated techniques in component tests Query the component tree DebugElements or native elements?

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Create test host component Complicated techniques in component tests Route setup Navigate across routes and components

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End-to-end tests are hard to write

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End-to-end tests are hard to write

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End-to-end tests are easy to write

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End-to-end tests Ease of use Interact and observe as a user Reuse test setup Little to no use for test doubles

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End-to-end tests are easy to write

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End-to-end tests are easy to write but the feedback loop is less than ideal

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End-to-end tests Feedback loop End-to-end tests are SLOW End-to-end tests are flaky

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End-to-end tests are powerful

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End-to-end tests are powerful Exercise complete userflows Refactor without breaking tests

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End-to-end tests are powerful

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End-to-end tests are powerful but rigid

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End-to-end tests Rigidness Might not be able to replace native APIs Might not support all native browser features Might not support existing testing toolchains

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End-to-end tests Rigidness Cannot replace application parts with test doubles

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Goldilocks as our test coach Getting the best of both worlds

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Goldilocks’ choice Repeatable tests Simple and reusable setup Pretty fast tests

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Goldilocks’ choice Mystery box feature testing Interact and observe as a user Exercise complete userflows

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Say hello

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Say hello to Spectacular

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Say hello to Spectacular … and Angular Testing Library

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Say hello to Spectacular … and Angular Testing Library … and Cypress

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Spectacular @ngworker/spectacular An Angular integration testing library with 3 APIs: • Application testing API • Feature testing API • Pipe testing API

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Spectacular Feature testing API Test routed Angular features Provide feature- aware navigation services Reusable test root component

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Angular Testing Library integration CDK Component Harnesses integration Spectacular Feature testing API Cypress component test runner integration

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Angular feature tests

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Angular feature tests • Test a routed Angular feature as a mystery box • Interact and verify as a user • Exercise complete userflows across routes and components Diagram inspired by Martin Fowler

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Angular feature tests • Test a routed Angular feature as a mystery box • Interact and verify as a user • Exercise complete userflows across routes and components

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Angular feature tests • Test a routed Angular feature as a mystery box • Interact and verify as a user • Exercise complete userflows across routes and components

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Angular feature tests are fast and independent No need for a host application Replace dependencies if needed Orders of magnitude faster than E2E tests

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Angular feature tests Using Spectacular and Angular Testing Library

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it('Edit crisis name from crisis detail', async () => { // Arrange 1st route const { location, router, user } = await setup(); const crisisId = 2; await router.navigate(['~', crisisId]); // Act on 1st route await user.clear(await findNameControl()); await user.type(await findNameControl(), 'The global temperature is rising'); await findSaveButton()); // Assert on 2nd route expect(await findSelectedCrisis(/the global temperature is rising/i)) .toBeInTheDocument(); expect(location.path()).toBe(`~/;id=${crisisId};foo=foo`); }); Edit crisis from detail page feature test using SIFERS

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it('Edit crisis name from crisis center home', async () => { // Arrange 1st route const { router, user } = await setup(); await router.navigateByUrl('~/’); // Act on 1st route await findCrisisLink(/procrastinators meeting delayed again/i)); // Act on 2nd route await user.clear(await findNameControl()); await user.type(await findNameControl(), 'Coral reefs are dying'); await findSaveButton()); // Assert on 3rd route expect(await findCrisisCenterHomeGreeting()).toBeInTheDocument(); expect( await findSelectedCrisis(/coral reefs are dying/i) ).toBeInTheDocument(); }); Edit crisis from home page feature test using SIFERS

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import { screen } from '@testing-library/angular'; import { Matcher } from '@testing-library/dom'; const findCrisisCenterGreeting = () => screen.findByText(/welcome to the crisis center/i); const findCrisisLink = (name: Exclude) => screen.findByRole('link', { name, }); const findNameControl = () => screen.findByPlaceholderText(/name/i); const findSaveButton = () => screen.findByRole('button', { name: /save/i }); const findSelectedCrisis = (name: Matcher) => screen.findByText(name, { selector: '.selected a', }); Named queries for Edit crisis feature tests

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import { provideSpectacularFeatureTest, SpectacularAppComponent, SpectacularFeatureLocation, SpectacularFeatureRouter, } from '@ngworker/spectacular'; import { render } from '@testing-library/angular'; import userEvent from '@testing-library/user-event'; import { crisisCenterPath, crisisCenterRoutes } from '@tour-of-heroes/crisis-center'; const setup = async () => { const user = userEvent.setup(); const { fixture: { debugElement: { injector } } } = await render( SpectacularAppComponent, { providers: [ provideSpectacularFeatureTest ({ featurePath: crisisCenterPath, }), ], routes: crisisCenterRoutes, }); return { location: injector.get(SpectacularFeatureLocation), router: injector.get(SpectacularFeatureRouter), user, }; }; SIFERS for Edit crisis feature tests

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Angular feature tests Using Spectacular and the Cypress component test runner

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it('Edit crisis name from crisis detail', () => { setup().then(async ({ location, ngZone, router }) => { // Arrange 1st route const crisisId = 2; await => router.navigate([crisisCenterPath, crisisId])); // Act on 1st route findNameControl() .clear({ force: true }) .type('The global temperature is rising'); findSaveButton().click(); // Assert on 2nd route findSelectedCrisis(/the global temperature is rising/i) .should('be.visible') .then(() => { expect(location.path()).to.deep.equal( `/${crisisCenterPath};id=${crisisId};foo=foo` ); }); }); }); Edit crisis from detail page feature test using SIFERS

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it('Edit crisis name from crisis center home', () => { setup().then(() => { // Act on 1st route findCrisisLink(/procrastinators meeting delayed again/i).click(); // Act on 2nd route findNameControl().clear({ force: true }).type('Coral reefs are dying'); findSaveButton().click(); // Assert on 3rd route findCrisisCenterHomeGreeting().should('be.visible'); findSelectedCrisis(/coral reefs are dying/i).should('be.visible'); }); }); Edit crisis from home page feature test using SIFERS

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const findCrisisCenterHomeGreeting = () => cy.contains(/welcome to the crisis center/i); const findCrisisLink = (name: string | RegExp) => cy.get('a').contains(name); const findNameControl = () => cy.get('[placeholder="name"]'); const findSaveButton = () => cy.get('button').contains(/save/i); const findSelectedCrisis = (name: string | RegExp) => cy.get('.selected a').contains(name); Named queries for Edit crisis feature tests

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import { provideSpectacularFeatureTest, SpectacularAppComponent, } from '@ngworker/spectacular’; import { crisisCenterPath, crisisCenterRoutes } from '@tour-of-heroes/crisis-center'; const setup = () => cy.mount(SpectacularAppComponent, { imports: [RouterTestingModule.withRoutes([crisisCenterRoute])], providers: [ provideSpectacularFeatureTest({ featurePath: crisisCenterPath }), ], }).then(async({ fixture: { debugElement: { injector } } }) => { const location = injector.get(Location); const ngZone = injector.get(NgZone); const router = injector.get(Router); await => router.navigate([crisisCenterPath])); return { location, ngZone, router, }; } ); SIFERS for Edit crisis feature tests

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Angular testing strategy • Feature tests can replace most end-to-end tests but should not replace all of them • Feature tests should complement unit tests and component tests, not replace all of them • Feature tests do not aid in system design or documentation but support refactoring without breaking tests Illustration from Kent C. Dodds’ ”Testing JavaScript” course

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Angular feature tests are Goldilocks’ choice Resilient to refactoring Adequately granular Orders of magnitude faster than E2E tests

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Angular feature tests are Goldilocks’ choice High confidence in desired behavior Sufficiently isolated Interact and verify as a user

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Angular feature tests are Goldilocks’ choice Shared simple test setup Unaware of implementation details Flexible when needed

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Write feature tests. Because testing a single component is boring. —Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen “

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Thank you for attending Lars Gyrup Brink Nielsen @ngworker/spectacular Some icons courtesy of Flaticon