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Essentials for Building and Leading Highly Effective Development Teams Tugberk Ugurlu @tourismgeek #DevConfPL Platinum Sponsor 26-28 September 2018, Kraków, Poland

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Cześć! I’m Tugberk ! I love creating products and making an impact on people’s lives ❤ You can !nd me at @tourismgeek # 3

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4 I work at Redgate as a Technical Lead as part of a software development team !

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287 Redgaters and counting 18 years old 202,000 customers 100,000 cups of coffee each year 91% of the Fortune 100 use our tools 4m website visits each year 1147 product releases last year 68 User Groups sponsored About Redgate

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6 The Goal of the development team?

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7 Solve the right problems for the business and users

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“ effectiveness (n) the degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result 8

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9 Effectiveness !== Efficiency

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“ efficiency (n) Act of performing or functioning in the best possible manner with the least waste of time and effort. 10

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“ TL;DR; Being effective is about doing the right things, while being efficient is about doing things right. 11

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How do we know that we are doing the right thing? For our users and business 12

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There are two aspects here

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Objective setting

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Objective setting

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TODO: Add purpose, team picture here Sense of purpose

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Where do we go from here?

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Assumption Mapping

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Assumption Mapping

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How does this have an impact on the effectiveness?

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Validation techniques 23

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Qualitative Information that can't actually be measured

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25 Talking to Users

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“ If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses. - Henry Ford (maybe?)

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The Mom Test

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JTBD (Jobs-to-Be-Done) People buy products and services to get a “job” done.

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Quantitative Information that can be measured and written down with numbers

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Hypothesis Driven Development 30

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A User Story As a student or professional, I want to search for language schools so that I can find the best school suited to my needs based on schools’ price, location and other criteria. 31

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What’s wrong here?

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33 Confident Statement!

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“ Hypothesis: A supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

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Hypothesis We believe that a language school search capability will result in users engaging with the search form to find language schools based on their criteria. We’ll know that we have succeeded when 40% of users use the search, out of at least 50 unique users. 35

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Would users engage with the search functionality on the site? 36

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54 Unique Users 2 days experiment ~5 Searches Per session 37% Searched Out of unique number of users 37

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Heatmap view of the users engaging with the site 38

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“ Would users engage with the search functionality on the site? 39

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Let the Uncertainty be Your Friend: Finding Your Path in a Wiggly Road 41

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Again: How do we know that we are doing the right thing? For our users and business 43

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You know only if you have an empowered and caring team!

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The Five Dysfunctions of a Team 45

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You as the leader ! Your impact is amplified as a leader

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Let’s do an exercise…

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The leader is an enabler!

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Your life as a software developer

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Technical leadership is so much different 50

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Shared ownership within the team

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Opinions vs. principals

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Opinions vs. principals

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How do you scale leadership? 54

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Keep Talking to your team

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Seek First to Understand, Then to be Understood

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Flexibility matters! 57

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Situational leadership (SL2) There isn’t one cookie-cutter approach to leadership

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Know the rules of the game

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Understand your domain and embrace the business as a whole

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Strive for Understanding the impact: Measure!

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Lead by example

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Balance is the key

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Again, your impact is amplified as a leader!

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THANKS! Any questions? You can reach me at: @tourismgeek [email protected] Presentation template by SlidesCarnival