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PROSPER OTEMUYIWA | @unicodeveloper | ZEIT DAY SF 2018 Authentication & Authorization in Next.js

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I OPEN SOURCE @unicodeveloper

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forLoop Africa Angular Nigeria Laravel Nigeria DEVELOPER ADVOCATE

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Let’s take a trip down memory lane ...well, not really. Might as well be current

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TRADITIONAL AUTHENTICATION - INVALID CREDENTIALS ◍ A user submits some credentials ◍ The credentials are checked against a database. ◍ If the credentials are invalid, an error message is thrown back to the user

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TRADITIONAL AUTHENTICATION - VALID CREDENTIALS ◍ A user submits some credentials ◍ The credentials are checked against a database. ◍ If the credentials are valid, a session is created for the user on the server. The session can be stored in files, a cache store like Redis, a database, etc WHAT HAPPENS NEXT?

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TRADITIONAL AUTHENTICATION - VALID CREDENTIALS ◍ A Cookie with a Session ID is sent back to the browser. ◍ Subsequent HTTP requests to the server carries the cookie. And they are verified against the session every time.

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MODERN ARCHITECTURE FOR APPS ◍ Microservices everywhere ◍ Single Page Applications (SPA) everywhere ◍ Scalability needed

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Secure the Server Protect the Client

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JWT AUTHENTICATION ◍ A user submits some credentials ◍ The credentials are checked against a database. ◍ If the credentials are valid, a token is created, signed and returned to the client in response. ◍ Token is saved in local Storage or Cookies.

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JWT AUTHENTICATION CONTINUES ◍ Subsequent HTTP requests to the server carries the token as an Authorization Header.

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JWT AUTHENTICATION CONTINUES ◍ If the token is valid, the requested resource is returned else a 401 status code is returned.

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JWT AUTHENTICATION CONTINUES ◍ The Server receives the token,decodes it, and verifies it against a secret.

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Sample code to get and store tokens

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Common way to set session in React apps.

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Call the method in the view in React apps.

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Enter Next.js

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Next.js Apps ◍ Pages are server-rendered ◍ Can’t read localStorage on the Server

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Just Look at You. We’re Isomorphic!!!

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How do we approach auth in Next.js?

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Next.js: JWT Auth Approach Cookies

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Next.js: JWT Auth Approach ◍ Store your JWT in a Cookie ◍ Cookies are sent in HTTP headers with both requests and responses ◍ Cookies can be retrieved from the headers via req.headers.cookie. ◍ Validate a user against the decoded token from the cookie on the server and grant access if the token is valid else redirect to login.

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Step by Step ◍ User submits an email to a form with a text box ◍ Server validates if the email exists in the db. ◍ If it doesn’t, create a new account, a token and send an email to the user. ◍ In the users box, there’s a verify link with a token.

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Step by Step ◍ Verify registration ◍ User clicks on the link, token is verified, and then the user is logged in. ◍ User submits an email, clicks login. It sends a POST request to the server. ◍ A token is generated, and then a security code is sent together with a link to the users inbox. ◍ User clicks on the verify link. The token is verified on the server and sets a cookie on server and client.

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Step by Step ◍ The Cookie keeps you logged in. ◍ Once the cookie gets deleted, you get logged out.

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Next.js: JWT Auth Approach For the Demo: Two HOCs - First(Default Page)

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Next.js: JWT Auth Approach For the Demo: Second HOCs (Secure Page)

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/sign-in /sign-off Next.js: JWT Auth Approach

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Next.js: JWT Auth Approach /secret

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Thanks to Luis for this demo

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Resources ◍ ◍ ◍ Firebase Authentication ◌ 4ca7a964c53677/examples/with-firebase-authentication ◍ Next.js / Passport / Express Authentication ◌ ◌

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