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CSS is super cool

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1. Class selectors, 2. BEM naming conventions, 3. Listing css properties, 4. the impact of nesting

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Performant selectors

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.selector {…}

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The difference between the best & worse case scenario targeting class selectors is surprisingly small

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Δ = 50ms

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“The focus should be on scalable CSS.” - Nicole Sullivan

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Specificity > Brevity

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vs. .profile-loading-indicator .loading

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.grid__col .grid__col--centered

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No content

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“Follow the rules of semantics—make classes descriptive and not reliable on appearance of the given element.” - &yeT StyleGuide

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listing properties

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our compiled CSS shows re-ordered CSS properties

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SO, we should base how we order them in our css files on what's easiest to search for, read, and debug.

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a. Display properties (or things that affect the box model of an element or object) B. Type (things that affect how fonts are displayed and positioned & their corresponding Visual Styles) c. Decorative properties (properties that are specific to decoration on structural [non-typographic elements) D. Animations and/or element transitions

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.block__element { box-sizing: border-box; display: block; height: $height; width: $width; margin: 0 auto; padding: 0; color: $color; font-family: $Open-Sans; font-size: 16px; /* px or rem preferred */ line-height: 1.5; /* integers preferred */ text-align: center; background: $bg-color url('images/bg.jpeg'); background-color: $bg-color; background-image: url('images/bg.jpeg'); background-position: center center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: cover; border: 1px solid $border-color; }

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"Would you write an email with no spaces?" - dan eden, animate.css

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nesting isn’t great

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nesting gives you unwavering control over the styling and positioning of an element

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it also allows you to be specific

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but it does these things at the cost of readable or legible code

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as well as modularization and/or reusability

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debugging deeply nested css can be a pain

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typically getting around deeply nested styles (quickly) requires overriding the css with new (nested) styles

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= a hot mess with too many page- specific styles

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hard to maintain

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hard to Debug

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not performant

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we should prioritize specificity and longevity

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.box-thing .box-thing-1 {…}

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CSS rules parse right to left.

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.box__thing {…} .box__thing--modifying-styles {…}

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"The descendant selector is the most expensive selector in CSS." - Dave Hyatt

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hell yeah, css!