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VáLTó (VLT) VáLTó (VLT) The Independent The Independent CryptoEcoSystem CryptoEcoSystem 1 1

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Digital sustainability Digital sustainability Harmony of Harmony of technology & nature technology & nature. . Decentralized bottom-up Decentralized bottom-up solutions for self- solutions for self- sufficiency. sufficiency. 2 2

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Who? Who? eapo eapo 3 3

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But But This isn’t my presentation! This isn’t my presentation! These are the messages of These are the messages of small local small local communities communities with with great visions great visions and and enthusiastic people enthusiastic people. . Buckle up! Buckle up! 4 4

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To celebrate! To celebrate! 1. sustainable resource-management sustainable resource-management e@VLT: $fair-share e@VLT: $fair-share 2. effective decision-making effective decision-making e@VLT: !decentralize e@VLT: !decentralize 3. easy-to-use communication easy-to-use communication e@VLT: #P2P_encrypt e@VLT: #P2P_encrypt Resilient Self-sufficiency Resilient Self-sufficiency 5 5 . . 1 1

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To celebrate! To celebrate! 1. sustainable resource-management sustainable resource-management e@VLT: $fair-share e@VLT: $fair-share 2. effective decision-making effective decision-making e@VLT: !decentralize e@VLT: !decentralize 3. easy-to-use communication easy-to-use communication e@VLT: #P2P_encrypt e@VLT: #P2P_encrypt Reslilient Sustainability Reslilient Sustainability 5 5 . . 2 2

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To celebrate! To celebrate! 1. sustainable resource-management sustainable resource-management e@VLT: $fair-share e@VLT: $fair-share 2. effective decision-making effective decision-making e@VLT: !decentralize e@VLT: !decentralize 3. easy-to-use communication easy-to-use communication e@VLT: #P2P_encrypt e@VLT: #P2P_encrypt Reslilient Sustainability Reslilient Sustainability 5 5 . . 4 4

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To celebrate! To celebrate! 1. sustainable resource-management sustainable resource-management e@VLT: $fair-share e@VLT: $fair-share 2. effective decision-making effective decision-making e@VLT: !decentralize e@VLT: !decentralize 3. easy-to-use communication easy-to-use communication e@VLT: #P2P_encrypt e@VLT: #P2P_encrypt Reslilient Sustainability Reslilient Sustainability 5 5 . . 6 6

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How! How! #JavaScript #TypeScript #JSON #NodeJS #d3JS #XMPP #Python #JavaScript #TypeScript #JSON #NodeJS #d3JS #XMPP #Python #Rust #HIVE# Holochain #NervosNetwork #IoP #DID #API #IPFS #Rust #HIVE# Holochain #NervosNetwork #IoP #DID #API #IPFS Collaboration on Collaboration on open-source open-source based on based on meritocratic values meritocratic values and and liquid–democratic liquid–democratic decision decision making making 6 6 . . 1 1

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Meritocracy Meritocracy  6 6 . . 3 3

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How do we make delegative democracy a reality? How do we make delegative democracy a reality?

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EU/Government Support? EU/Government Support? financing for local nucleus, financing for local nucleus, communities communities* * Flat rate Flat rate 6 6 . . 5 5

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There are There are small local communities small local communities with with great great visions visions and and enthusiastic people enthusiastic people! ! 6 6 . . 6 6

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+ + + + Sociocybernetics Sociocybernetics Tokenization Tokenization Crypto hashing Crypto hashing Interactive Interactive data collection data collection with with Incentives and secure Incentives and secure data data management management 7 7 . . 1 1

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Observation is the Key! Observation is the Key! 1. Observe Observe every act every act e@VLT: !automatize | $gamify e@VLT: !automatize | $gamify 2. Collect Collect Big data Big data e@VLT: #log.encrypt e@VLT: #log.encrypt 3. Look for Look for patterns patterns ( (data science data science) ) e@VLT: ! e@VLT: ! 7 7 . . 2 2

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CoNetRes CoNetRes | | Community Network Resource Community Network Resource Mapping Mapping toolkit toolkit provides a big picture provides a big picture of the of the supply, support, and aid capacity supply, support, and aid capacity and and needs needs of a community, to support of a community, to support effective and efficient effective and efficient collaboration collaboration inside inside and between communities. and between communities. 7 7 . . 3 3

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Next step: Next step: Have Have support support for for open-source open-source, , bottom-up bottom-up and and modular modular development development Timeline Timeline 1. hackathon hackathon of real challenges of real challenges 2. bounties bounties for merits for merits 3. seed fundings seed fundings of ethical projects of ethical projects 8 8

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The The Endless Divine Connection Endless Divine Connection between the between the Dimension of Mind and the Creator Dimension of Mind and the Creator itself itself O O – – of relics helping the of relics helping the Divine connection Divine connection: Home, Motherland. : Home, Motherland. K K – The vitality center of Earth, the Eden of the Carpathian Basin: center, frame, – The vitality center of Earth, the Eden of the Carpathian Basin: center, frame, circle. circle. S S – Embankment or rampart: connects the dimension of mind (Ego) and God. – Embankment or rampart: connects the dimension of mind (Ego) and God. Altar Altar   9 9

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Pillars Pillars Act Act Resources Resources & aids & aids Keep it local Keep it local Share the surpluss! Share the surpluss! Communication Communication & decision & decision making making Keep it local Keep it local Share the wisdom! Share the wisdom! 10 10 . . 2 2

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It’s not the ancestors that should be It’s not the ancestors that should be followed, but what the ancestors followed, but what the ancestors followed. followed.   Lajos Kassai - equestrian archer Lajos Kassai - equestrian archer 11 11

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„How to live „How to live close to nature close to nature and and be present in the digital world be present in the digital world at at the same time!? the same time!? How How IT IT can reinforce can reinforce traditional traditional values values, family, kinship, friendship, , family, kinship, friendship, memories of good times spent memories of good times spent together?” together?”   Gábor Kolumbán - Szekler nobleman Gábor Kolumbán - Szekler nobleman 12 12 . . 1 1

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Instead of Instead of begging for foreign begging for foreign money money we need to we need to mobilize local mobilize local reserves reserves, , economize economize, , and trust and trust should be one of the main values should be one of the main values again in communities again in communities   Gábor Kolumbán - Szekler nobleman Gábor Kolumbán - Szekler nobleman 12 12 . . 2 2

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Ethics Ethics Using Technology without Ethics Using Technology without Ethics will will ruin Nature ruin Nature 13 13 . . 1 1

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Earth Care Earth Care People Care People Care Fair Share Fair Share Rebuild natural capital Rebuild natural capital Look after self, kin and community Look after self, kin and community Set limits and redistribute surplus Set limits and redistribute surplus 13 13 . . 3 3

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Nature is Smart! Nature is Smart! Worth to trust in it. Worth to trust in it. 14 14

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Digital farms Digital farms did you asked the farmer, or the cow about did you asked the farmer, or the cow about the sensors you want to attach on them? the sensors you want to attach on them? the farmer signed the GDPR consent by free the farmer signed the GDPR consent by free will? will? what alternatives you will let them to use? what alternatives you will let them to use? 15 15

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Make it Clear! Make it Clear! 16 16

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High speed internet? High speed internet? Open-source Non- Open-source Non-GAFAM GAFAM small-tech small-tech solutions! solutions! 17 17 . . 2 2

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| |   AppManager AppManager 17 17 . . 3 3

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Health Health 17 17 . . 4 4

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Privacy Privacy 17 17 . . 5 5

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Intergenerational collaboration Intergenerational collaboration 17 17 . . 6 6

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– – – – 18 18

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Local currencies Local currencies 19 19 . . 1 1

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Social-agriculture Social-agriculture 19 19 . . 2 2

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Cooperatives and Social Cooperatives and Social Enterprises Enterprises 19 19 . . 3 3

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edemo/Lidehouse: Liquid Democratic edemo/Lidehouse: Liquid Democratic Condominium Management Tools Condominium Management Tools eapo sztrof’s (eapo) software portfolio | eapo sztrof’s (eapo) software portfolio | Devpost Devpost 20 20

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Migration Migration Problem Problem Most of the rural regions lack of human resources Most of the rural regions lack of human resources because of emigration because of emigration lack lack* * of local activities of local activities lack lack* * of advanced community life of advanced community life * Compared to city life * Compared to city life 21 21 . . 1 1

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Migration Migration Problem Problem Most of the rural regions lack of human resources Most of the rural regions lack of human resources because of emigration because of emigration lack lack* * of local activities of local activities lack lack* * of advanced community life of advanced community life * Compared to city life * Compared to city life 21 21 . . 2 2

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Fórika Endre (eapo) Fórika Endre (eapo) Information Technology Architect Information Technology Architect White Electric Wizard White Electric Wizard Holistic Medicine Man (healing leaders;natural Holistic Medicine Man (healing leaders;natural patterns) patterns)   ( ( / / ) )     +40 747 63 97 43 +40 747 63 97 43 Signal Signal Telegram Telegram e e  23 23